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Binds when Picked Up Unique

These are the event bag obtained from the missions completed after killing the various Guardians of Gaia as part of the Anniversary Event and receiving a Gold contribution rating.

Note: These bags are received for Gold participation rating. For Bronze or Silver rating, the reward is called a Guardian of Gaia Spoils. See the Guardian of Gaia Spoils page for details on the loot tables in those bags.

Note: that there is also a Genizah from the Golden Weekend Event that has different loot tables. See Genizah of the Solar Metal for details on it.

Note: Two of the Anniversary Event bosses drop bags that are not Genizah's -- see them for details on their loot tables

The bags are named slightly different, depending on the Guardian you received it from. The bags are:

Bag Golem Zone
Genizah of the Living Clay Pitiqtu Nasiru Kingsmouth
Genizah of the Raging Torrent Anzanunzu Nasiru Savage Coast
Genizah of the Flowing Stone Abnu Nasiru Blue Mountain
Genizah of the Liquid Fire Isatis Nasiru Scorched Desert
Genizah of the Unforgiving Sand Basi Nasiru City of the Sun God
Genizah of the Elder Forest Halbu Nasiru Besieged Farmlands
Genizah of the Crawling Plague Erbu Nasiru The Shadowy Forest
Genizah of the Frozen Truth Kasu Nasiru Carpathian Fangs
Genizah of the Lunar Metal Kaspu Nasiru Fusang Projects


The contents of the bags are all similar, the only difference is the Pet and the Shard are dependent on the bag they came out of (see below).



The pets awarded from the bags depend on the bag/golem being opened:

Bag Golem Zone Pet
Genizah of the Living Clay Pitiqtu Nasiru Kingsmouth Shem of the Living Clay
Genizah of the Raging Torrent Anzanunzu Nasiru Savage Coast Shem of the Raging Torrent
Genizah of the Flowing Stone Abnu Nasiru Blue Mountain Shem of the Flowing Stone
Genizah of the Liquid Fire Isatis Nasiru Scorched Desert Shem of the Liquid Fire
Genizah of the Unforgiving Sand Basi Nasiru City of the Sun God Shem of the Unforgiving Sand
Genizah of the Elder Forest Halbu Nasiru Besieged Farmlands Genizah of the Elder Forest
Genizah of the Crawling Plague Erbu Nasiru The Shadowy Forest Shem of the Crawling Plague
Genizah of the Frozen Truth Kasu Nasiru Carpathian Fangs Shem of the Frozen Truth
Genizah of the Lunar Metal Kaspu Nasiru Fusang Projects Genizah


The pets awarded from the bags depend on the bag/golem being opened:

Bag Golem Zone Pet
Genizah of the Living Clay Pitiqtu Nasiru Kingsmouth Crazed Shard
Genizah of the Raging Torrent Anzanunzu Nasiru Savage Coast Roiling Shard
Genizah of the Flowing Stone Abnu Nasiru Blue Mountain Destructive Shard
Genizah of the Liquid Fire Isatis Nasiru Scorched Desert Agitated Shard
Genizah of the Unforgiving Sand Basi Nasiru City of the Sun God Furious Shard
Genizah of the Elder Forest Halbu Nasiru Besieged Farmlands Ruinous Shard
Genizah of the Crawling Plague Erbu Nasiru The Shadowy Forest Frenzied Shard
Genizah of the Frozen Truth Kasu Nasiru Carpathian Fangs Aberrant Shard
Genizah of the Lunar Metal Kaspu Nasiru Fusang Projects Frenetic Shard

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