Cat's particulars

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Cat's particulars
Unlocks the Cat's particulars makeup option. Visit Ockham's Razor barbershop in London to view and apply unlocked makeup options.
Cannot be used if you already unlocked this makeup.


This item allows you to select the makeup option "Cat's particulars" while using the Ockham's Razor barbershop, in London

This makeup gives you three lines across either cheek, to look like cat whiskers, and three dots under the nose where the whiskers would begin. The bottom of the your nose is also colored - either black or pink depending on which option you choose.



  • There is only one version of this, however it unlocks both the black and pink version of the makeup:
    • Black: The bottom of the nose is colored black
    • Pink: The bottom of the nose is colored pink


Female, Black Female, Pink
Cat's particulars, female, black.png Cat's particulars, female, pink.png
Male, Black Male, Pink
Unknown.png Unknown.png

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