Pulse Grenade

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Pulse Grenade is a consumable item that provides you with a GTAoE attack, which deals damage to monsters with AEGIS shields. Stacks up to 10.

It is one of the three types of Anti-AEGIS Explosive.


Pulse Grenade icon.png
Pulse Grenade

Binds when Picked Up Unique
Deals up to 250 damage to Cybernetic AEGIS shields. Applies a 2 minute cooldown to all Anti-AEGIS Explosives.


The rare version of this item drops from bosses spawned by using Shipping container keys in Kaidan:


Pulse Grenade icon, purple.png
Pulse Grenade

Binds when Picked Up Unique
Deals up to 400 damage to Cybernetic AEGIS shields. Applies a 2 minute cooldown to all Anti-AEGIS Explosives.

Requires 1750 or more Achievement Points to purchase.


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