Virgula Divina/tsw

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Virgula Divina/tsw
Virgula Divina.jpg
Region: No Data
Zone: No Data
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Richard Sonnac
Type: Story
Faction: Templars
Reward: 269,00 Experience Experience
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

The insane Pharaoh has been overthrown again, and his accursed sanctuary may soon join him in the crumbling space beyond eterinity. You should report your triumph, and your betrayal by Orochi, to Temple Hall. The corporation's involvement here and on Solomon Island cannot be a coincidence.


Tier 1

Richard Sonnac: Come in, come in, I do live for these little tete-a-tetes.
Richard Sonnac: Don't fret over the betrayal.
Richard Sonnac: If you absolutely must punish yourself, I think we have a wardrobe of hair shirts in here somewhere.
Richard Sonnac: In that desert, you proved two long-held Templar beliefs.
Richard Sonnac: One, we can trust no one outside of the establishment.
Richard Sonnac: Two, the stain of unfinished business never truly fades.
Richard Sonnac: Attempting to contain darkness is to bet on a losing game.
Richard Sonnac: If there is a homicidal genie trapped in a bottle,
Richard Sonnac: the only question is if, not when, it will be uncorked.
Richard Sonnac: Oh, and by whom.
Richard Sonnac: This Orochi Group, this... (sighs) this corporation.
Richard Sonnac: In polite language, they pose a "delicate diplomatic situation."
Richard Sonnac: Nothing like the Illuminati, where we can strike a balance between forced civility and open resentment.
Richard Sonnac: That builds character.
Richard Sonnac: No, the Orochi Group have...
Richard Sonnac: lobbying power inside the secret world, inside the Council.
Richard Sonnac: Their media empire could compromise everything we have worked for with one broadsheet cover, or 60-minute special.
Richard Sonnac: (sighs) Our hands are bound.
Richard Sonnac: We can react to a situation in Egypt or New England, but we must wait for fools to rush in first.
Richard Sonnac: A role that Orochi seems keen to oblige.
Richard Sonnac: So I couldn't possibly ask you to rummage around in their affairs.
Richard Sonnac: Well. You look parched.
Richard Sonnac: Perhaps you should stop by the Horned God for a drink.

Tier 2

Zamira Vata: (To Konrad Engel) There is no way that was a fair fight. I'm telling you, it was bloody rigged.
Konrad Engel: I may have little faith left in humanity, but I do have faith in the Council's rigid attention to rules.
Konrad Engel: There is no chance in hell the game was rigged.
Konrad Engel: You owe me a pint of lager.
Zamira Vata: Rigged! Look, I lost the wager, all right? I won't argue about that. But it was still rigged.
Zamira Vata: (To the bartender) Luella! Two more pints, please!
Zamira Vata: (Noticing you trying to flag the bartender as well) I remember you.
Konrad Engel: Ach, another one? Where do you find them, in a catalogue?
Zamira Vata: Passed out on the street, yeah? The Fallen King should carry a warning sign.
Zamira Vata: Well, look at you, all grown up and back from the front lines.
Zamira Vata: Make that three pints, Luella love.
Konrad Engel: Cheers, mate.
Zamira Vata: So, what's Egypt like these days?
Konrad Engel: I hear "Biblical" is the word. More importantly, how is Amparo Osorio?
Konrad Engel: We used to work together on the Council. Lovely girl...
Konrad Engel: stunning breasts.
Zamira Vata: For fuck's sake, Konrad. Who cares about breasts at a time like this?
Zamira Vata: I want to know what the Orochis think they're up to.
Konrad Engel: In my experience, where the Orochi Group is concerned, the question is never if they are up to something, but rather what they are up to.
Zamira Vata: What do you mean?
Konrad Engel: Na, on the Council, we dealt with Orochi on a daily basis.
Konrad Engel: Their operations were often in conflict with ours, requiring diplomatic attention.
Konrad Engel: Of all their subsidiaries, Valí in particular caused us many headaches.
Zamira Vata: Valí? Remind me.
Konrad Engel: Officially...genetics, bioengineering.
Konrad Engel: Unofficially, they are heavily invested in occult research.
Konrad Engel: There were persistent rumours of experiments on human subjects,
Konrad Engel: that they were...creating their own army of secret world soldiers.
Konrad Engel: I was silly enough to ask questions, hm?
Konrad Engel: And here I am, stripped of office and diplomatic status.
Zamira Vata: Oh yeah, I thought that was 'cause of inappropriate behaviour?
Konrad Engel: Mm...ja, that didn't help at the tribunal,
Konrad Engel: but the Templars were never particularly bothered about political correctness.
Konrad Engel: However, you were never supposed to speak of the Orochi Group.
Konrad Engel: That was verboten.
Konrad Engel: Em, there is an office right here in London. In the very shadows of Temple Hall.
Zamira Vata: You serious? I never heard about that.
Konrad Engel: Precisely.
Konrad Engel: I find it very hard to believe that I know this, however, and our overlords at Temple Hall do not.
Konrad Engel: But that is all I'm going to say on the subject.
Konrad Engel: Now I will drink this beer and discuss the latest results from the secret war with Miss Vata, as is my wont.

Tier 4

Callie James: Váli? Who's asking?
John Galahad: Alarums and excursions! Oh.
Callie James: Yeah, I know them. When Gran had me hospitalised.
Callie James: Institutionalised.
Callie James: Amity House smelled like dead fridges. Ozone. No plants, no windows. No mirrors.
Callie James: So many pills, all the colours of a fake rainbow.
Callie James: They told me they would make the voices stop, make my episodes stop.
Callie James: And they were right. I never heard Gaia's voice all the time I was in there.
Callie James: But it was all fun and games when the restraints came off. They would hook me up to a machine, tape my finger to a button.
Callie James: Show me photos, survey maps, symbols. I tried everything.
Callie James: Pressing it all the time, or not at all. When I was really doped up, I'd tap out the beat to love songs.
Callie James: One day they just threw me out into the greasy rain.
Callie James: Didn't care who I told, they knew no one would believe me.
Callie James: God, I couldn't believe it. Even the bad guys didn't want me.
Callie James: I was the wrong kind of freak.
John Galahad: There, there, there.
Callie James: This isn't because I"m upset....
Callie James: I'm angry!

Tier 5

Richard Sonnac: Never say we don't keep you on your toes.
Richard Sonnac: An opportunity has opened for us in Romania.
Richard Sonnac: Transylvania, to be exact, so you can guess the thrust of it.
Richard Sonnac: Once the stomping grounds of the Wallachian prince Vlad Dracula.
Richard Sonnac: His knightly order was loosely, very loosely, affiliated with ours.
Richard Sonnac: Certainly he had the right ideas.
Richard Sonnac: His methods however, were as extreme as the stories suggest.
Richard Sonnac: I hazard that the man was demented in the end.
Richard Sonnac: Whatever that end was, the creatures that bear his myth,
Richard Sonnac: the vampires, outlived him, and have been throttling the life from the country ever since.
Richard Sonnac: Now an army of the beasts have gathered in the Carpathian foothills.
Richard Sonnac: An army unafraid of sun, of discovery, of the fact that their medieval reenactment is five hundred years out of date.
Richard Sonnac: WE have been sanctioned by the Council to destroy them.
Richard Sonnac: Actually, I'm getting ahead of myself. We expect to be be sanctioned. By the time it's over with.
Richard Sonnac: Um, one more detail.
Richard Sonnac: The Orochi Group has a project in the mountains, from which we understand
Richard Sonnac: there has been a distress call.
Richard Sonnac: I think it would be an act of chivalry to give it our full attention, don't you?
Richard Sonnac: Happy hunting.
Richard Sonnac: And pass my warmest regards on to Carmen.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Sonnac is concerned by Orochi's involvement, but the Templars cannot directly act. Indirectly, he suggests you visit the Horned God pub for a well-needed drink.
    • Talk to Sonnac
    • Go to the Horned God
  • Tier 2: The disgraced Templars diplomat Konrad Engel informed you that Orochi has an institution here in London, under the very noses of the Templars. Find a way inside it, and learn its purpose.
    • Find the front for the Váli institution
    • Search the construction area for a way to bend the bars
    • Pry open the barred window
  • Tier 3: Something terrible has happened in this place: the air is heavy with the stink of dying machines and the coppery scent of blood. The answers you seek may still lie in the wreckage.
    • Investigate Amity House
    • Find the first clue to unlock the door
    • Find the second clue to unlock the door
    • Find the third clue to unlock the door
    • Leave the playroom
    • Find out why Váli was observing the playroom
    • Search the office level for further data
    • Find Dr. Conrad's password to access the floorplans
    • Enter the hidden laboratory
    • Defeat the entity
    • Search for information on the other girls
  • Tier 4: According to the records, one of the Amity House's subjects was Callie James. She remained in Ealdwic after being discharged.
    • Talk to Callie James
  • Tier 5: Orochi was experimenting on the girls to trigger their ability to divine something - to find something. At one of these experiments was a success. Where will the trail lead you next?
    • Return to Richard Sonnac
  • Tier 6 Travel to Transylvania through Agartha.
    • Travel through Agartha to the Besieged Farmlands in Transylvania


  • 269,000 Experience total
    • 53,980 XP per tier for tiers 1 thru 5
    • There is no XP awarded for Tier 6




There are 6 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/6

  • Talk to Sonnac
    • Back in London at Templar Headquarters
  • Go to Horned God
    • Marked on your map
    • As you approach the bar, you'll go into a cutscene with two of the NPCs seated there, Konrad Engel and Zamira Vata

Tier 2/6

  • Find the front for the Váli institution
    • Rather than heading directly to the area marked on the map, head towards the bank.
    • At (164,371) there are some stairs heading down, follow that passage until the objective updates
  • Search the construction area for a way to bend the bars
    • Go back down the passage and up the stairs and then head to the indicated area
    • There is a crowbar at (199,385) on the street level.
  • Pry open the barred window

Tier 3/6

  • Investigate Amity House
    • Use the broken window to enter the room.
  • Find the first clue to unlock the door
    • Interact with the photo at 379, 305. Notice that the girl in the top left corner has been erased.
  • Find the second clue to unlock the door
    • Leftmost bookcase, middle shelf, leftmost book. It is signed by Jenna.
    • If you guess wrong, a doll in the corner will shake it's head no, and draw part of the hangman game character. After five wrong guesses a face will appear in the TV screen and then you will burst in flames and die.
      • You are resurrected in the entry room of the house and will have to use the window again to reenter the room
  • Find the third clue to unlock the door
    • Interact with the photo again and another girl will appear when the doll in the dollhouse is asleep. Note the code associated with Jenna (3433).
  • Leave the playroom
    • Type the code 3433 on the keypad next to the door.
  • Find out why Váli was observing the playroom
    • Follow the corridor until you get to some stairs. Go up the stairs into a big room. Go into the center, lower, part of the main room.
    • Use the clipboard at 379, 307 - under the dead body over the railing.
  • Search the office level for further data
    • Go up the ramp opposite of the one you came down. Go left off the ramp and then the last room on the right will be the office area
    • Go straight through the reception area into the hallway. Then take the door on the left and the door on the right will be Dr. Conrad's office.
    • Interact with Dr. Conrad's computer (at 364, 363).
  • Find Dr. Conrad's password to access the floorplans
    • His desk is covered with pictures of his dog and his password hint is "My best friend"
    • Go back in the room where you found the notebook, and activate the camera control panel at 393, 307, underneath the screens on the wall.
    • Watch the camera 4 (lower right corner) to see the name of the dog, Eugene.
    • Use the password, Eugene, on Conrad's computer to unlock the building map.
  • Enter the hidden laboratory
    • Go back out to the hallway and go to the end of it, at 370, 366, the wall at the end will open.
  • Defeat the entity
    • As you go in the back room, there will be a cutscene
    • As soon as the cutscene is over, grab the Surgical Saw from the table in the back-right corner of the room. It will show up in your inventory, but you will not need to "use it", merely to have it
    • The little girl will teleport around the room throwing deadly fireballs at you. 2 or 3 hits will probably be enough to kill you.
      • You can avoid them by hiding behind items in the room
      • Depending on where she appears at, hide behind either the fallen ceiling panel to the left of the entrance, or behind the flipped over tables in the back left corner
    • After 3 or 4 shots you'll see a circle in the middle of the room as she's preparing to shoot again, quickly get into the circle before she shoots and you will be shifted to another plane/dimension
    • When you are in the grey-ish dimension and a little girl is tied on the bed. Hit the interact key (default U) as soon as you see the straps, as the leeway is very low.
      • Having the surgical saw in your inventory seems to make the untying easier.
    • You have to untie all the straps on the girl in the grey world to end the fight.
  • Search for information on the other girls
    • Read the files found in one of the cabinets in the room, at 374, 379

Tier 4/6

Tier 5/6

Tier 6/6

Other Information

  • Corresponding missions for other factions: Mainframe (Illuminati), End Game (Dragon).
  • This mission takes the Templars from Egypt to Transylvania.


  • One of the files about the "other girls" from the Amity House has a picture of Carter



Note: The names for some of the workers from Váli office computers are approximate, their door plates were very hard to read in game.

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