Enemy of My Enemy/tsw

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Enemy of My Enemy/tsw
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Blue Mountain
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Sarge
Type: Action
Reward: 213,380 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Karen Olson and Sarge don't agree on using outsiders in their operations on Solomon Island, magical abilities or not. Regardless, they need someone who can communicate with the sasquatch - a situation the government is spectacularly unequipped to handle.


Initial Cutscene

Sarge: ??

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Those who are connected to Gaia stand a better chance of contacting the sasquatch, ho are also among the Earth's favourites. Study the tactical map to find out where they are located.
    • Study the tactical map
    • Locate the Sasquatch Glade
  • Tier 2: The sasquatch seem wary, but not hostile. Try making contact with their leader and establish some sort of communication with them.
    • Make contact with the Sasquatch Chief
    • Search the area that the Sasquatch Chief indicated
  • Tier 3: Large cocoons hang from the entrance of a dark, foreboding cave - a sure sign of trouble ahead. Get ready for a fight and enter the cave.
    • Enter the cave
    • Explore the Ak'ab Abyss
    • Free 7 victims and Kill 7 Nubilous Brood Feeders
  • Tier 4: The captured sasquatch are returning to safety, but the ak'ab threat is far from over. The cave is a festering burrow. Everywhere, cocoons are pulsing with dark life. The large one by the entrance could hatch any minute and must be dealt with.
    • Destroy the giant ak'ab cocoon near the cave entrance
    • Kill the Nubilous Brood Queen
  • Tier 5: Now that the new ak'ab queen is dead, the imminent threat to the sasquatch is over, or at least delayed.
    • Return to the Sasquatch Chief




We have little use for government, and so has everyone else. They just think otherwise.

We are, however, pleased that you managed to shroud the official agencies with the illusion of cooperation. That will keep them away from our true agenda.

Your admirable negotiation of the insects in the sasquatch's favour has served that purpose well.


The DHS shouldn't even be out there. The only thing they're equipped for is getting in our way. But Karen knows this, and she's a good little soldier for banging her head against the wall. Can't be easy trying to drag Sarge into the 20th century.

Tell her we'll do lattes next time she's in town. That should cheer her up.

Protecting the furries does not fall under the umbrella of things I care about - God, you'd think Darwin was mandatory reading by now - but I can always leverage your actions with the DHS. And I'll have Karen pay for the lattes, so I guess it's not a total loss. But do try to stay on message.



The soldier might have a point, however crude his presentation. If helping the sasquatch stand their ground against the insects allows us bit more freedom to go about our business, then it warrants some merit. Some.

Navigating the internal squabbles of governmental agencies is a practice we’ve long abandoned. We have to assume we’re right, and they’re wrong. At least most of the time.

Even if appearing to cooperate might seem beneficial, I encourage you not to yield too much ground. Our agents will always trump theirs. It’s also a matter of appearances.

R. Sonnac


Tier 1/5

  • Study the tactical map
    • Located in the military camp at (439, 226) beside laptop computer
  • Locate the Sasquatch Glade
    • Located at (701, 105), marked on your map
    • When you first enter the glade, the guard sasquatch will growl at you, but they will not actually attack and you can pass them

Tier 2/5

  • Make contact with the Sasquatch Chief
    • He's in the center of the marked area, at the base of the tree, (740, 104). Just click on him.
  • Search the area that the Sasquatch Chief indicated
    • He points to the south. There is a small cave there, marked on your map, (774, 21)
    • Use one of the yellow-highlighted Ak'ab Cacoon

Tier 3/5

Tier 4/5

Tier 5/5

  • Return to the Sasquatch Chief

Other Information

Related Achievements


Once you've killed the Nubilous Brood Queen the various Sasquatch outside guarding the glade will no longer growl threateningly at you when you pass by them.

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