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Disambig gray.svgThis page is about the mission given by Joe Madahando. For the monster summoned as part of The Ghost of Jack-o-Lantern, see The Ghost of Jack-o-Lantern (Super Jack).
Jack of the Lantern
Joe Madahando.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Blue Mountain
Start Location: Wabanaki Trailer Park
Start Coords: Needs coords
Given by: Joe Madahando
Type: Action
Reward: 239,760 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

For years, people have had superstitions about the old pumpkin patch near the trailer park. The Madahândo brothers have both seen strange flashes in the fog and heard unnerving laughter coming from something large and evil. Townsfolk think it's an Indian curse, but the brothers deny it and claim it has nothing to do with their people.


Initial Cutscene

Joe Madahando: Look, things have sure gone from bad, to bad with a side of fries.
Joe Madahando: Brother and me, we were checkin' out the casino site -
Frank Madahando: Say, you think the place being taken over by those things qualifies us for a tax break?
Joe Madahando: Wha- Tax break? When have we ever gotten any kind of break ith that money pit, brother?
Joe Madahando: "The Golden Wigwam."
Frank Madahando: That's right. Wigwam. But some genius drew up a design for a big giant teepee.
Joe Madahando: Oh! So now all of a sudden you're a cultural expert?
Joe Madahando: Last month you didn't even care about the difference between a tomahawk and a -
Joe Madahando: Like I said, we were checkin' out the casino site.
Joe Madahando: Another lost cause, our stock in trade.
Frank Madahando: Whatever. On the way back, we caught sight of something at the old pumpkin patch.
Frank Madahando: Flashing lights in the fog, you know, like, like kids playing with torches.
Joe Madahando: Well, it ain't kids.
Frank Madahando: And it ain't torches.
Frank Madahando: That place always gave me the creeps.
Frank Madahando: Townies love to shovel all the bad shit that ever happened in their lives on us.
Joe Madahando: "Wooo... Musta been an Injun curse!"
Frank Madahando: But they brought worse with 'em than all the legends turned Old Joe's hair white put together.
Joe Madahando: It's the crazy laughin' that gets to me.
Frank Madahando: You heard the laughin too? You said you heard nothing, you...you contrary son-of-a-bitch.
Joe Madahando: Hey! you wanna go-?

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Locate the pumpkin patch the brothers were talking about and see if there's anything to their story.
    • Find the old pumpkin patch
  • Tier 2: The pumpkin patch is surrounded by eerie wisps. Something seems to agitate them, and the flashes the brothers saw are probably these spirits. Find out what evil dwells there.
    • Search the pumpkin patch and clear it of evil
  • Tier 3: In the middle of the fight, Jack O'Lantern took off towards the northeast. Track him down and deal with him.
    • Find Jack O'Lantern's new hideout
    • Defeat Jack O'Lantern
  • Tier 4: Jack O'Lantern escaped again and left a couple of scarecrows in his wake! Follow his tracks towards the south.
    • Find Jack O'Lantern's new hideout
    • Defeat Jack O'Lantern
  • Tier 5: This time Jack O'Lantern fled to the north. Find his new hideout and finish him!
    • Find Jack O'Lantern's new hideout
    • Defeat Jack O'Lantern




What you have witnessed, again, is what happens when great talent and application is left in the hands of the inept. If Henderson had followed the path of the Dragon, none of this calamity would have ever happened, and his notable powers would have been put to use for the greater good.

Instead we saw a master of curse and chaos left to rot in the reckless palms of the Illuminati.

It's a sad affair, but one that has already run its course. Attempting to change that course after the fact is nothing short of futile. We must focus on changing events that are still in motion.



Handing in your time sheet on this thing is going to put up red flags with the accountants. Your "results-per-hour-spent" curve is taking a serious dive with this guy. Can I trust this is the last time I see this Jack-in-the-Box pop up in your reports?

Silver lining? At the very least you've seen what can be achieved with a strong focus and proper training.

Say what you will about Henderson, but the man did know his way around curses. And his ability to hold a grudge is an inspiration to us all.



While I applaud your inquisitive nature, I would be remiss not to question the wisdom of time spent in repetition.

If we were any closer to finding the true nature of Henderson's curse and the cause of its astonishing efficiency, this whole thing might have been a worthwhile endeavour.

Alas, it seems old Archibald took those secrets to his grave. Or they're hiding in an Illuminati archive somewhere.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Find the old pumkpin patch

Tier 2/5

  • Search the pumpkin patch and clear it of evil

Tier 3/5

  • Find Jack O'Lantern's new hideout
  • Defeat Jack O'Lantern
    • You'll have to clear out a few Blue Mountain Effigy to get into the middle of the patch where he appears
    • Again he will run off before being defeated this time he will spawn a Patchkeeper and Custodian upon doing so

Tier 4/5

Tier 5/5

  • Find Jack O'Lantern's new hideout
    • This time he doesn't automatically appear in the pumpkin patch, but as a pile of something next to the patch, that must be "used"
    • You probably want to clear out the Blue Mountain Effigy from the pumpkin patch first so they don't come alive during the fight
  • Defeat Jack O'Lantern

Other Information

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