The Black House (Mission)/tsw

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Disambig gray.svgThis page is about the mission named "The Black House". For other uses of "The Black House", see The Black House.

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The Black House (Mission)/tsw
The Black House.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: The Black House (Location)
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: John Wolf
Type: Sabotage
Reward: 172,980 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

The burnt-out shell of the Black House sits like an accusation among Solomon Island's picket fences and townhouses. Its owner gone but not forgotten, a witch's curse is said to linger in the property, preying on trespassers.


Dialogue Scene Name

John Wolf:

I don't spook easy.
I've spent nights in houses so filled with spirits, I had to perform exorcisms to take a dump.
But that burn house up there? The Black House?
That place hot me breaking out in goosebumps.
Not spooked, not that, but... affected. In a bad way. It's a cold place.
Funny thing with that house, it wasn't haunted before the locals made it so.
They were so afraid of witchcraft, they never gave a single thought to what witchcraft does and doesn't do.
After the house burnt down, they got far worse than magic to contend with.
Anyone walked within a hundred yards could feel it, like nails on a blackboard.
You look for evil in people, sooner or later you'll find it.
Even when it wasn't there in the first place.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Wolf spoke about the fate of the Black House and the woman who was burned alive inside it. Something haunts this gutted house that locals have shunned for decades. Find a way inside and put its spirit to rest.
    • Find a way to enter the Black House
  • Tier 2: The back porch granted safe entry. It's time to look around for more information about the woman who once lived here. Carefully search the house for clues.
    • Search for clues on the ground floor
    • Search for clues upstairs
    • Search for clues in the basement
  • Tier 3: According to the last will of Carrie Killian, she asked that her ashes be scattered into the sea. Honour her wishes by doing so. Her unquiet grave should be on the property.
    • Find Carrie Killian's grave
    • Recover Carrie Killian's ashes
  • Tier 4: Carrie's ashes are in your possession. Bring them to the river and give her spirit some peace.
    • Go to the banks of the Miskatonic
    • Scatter the ashes into the water




What is a ghost but resistance to change? They are the result of a lifetime spent dutifully piling weights upon the soul. An imprint so heavy that not even death can be a moving on.

You have freed Killian from the chains of routine, delivered her from mortal concerns into absolute harmony. Unbound, she is no one. Beyond rumour, beyond shadow, beyond even the reach of the Dragon. Perfect silence.

Enshrine this moment. In playing your part, you will commit a hundred, a thousand more acts such as this one.


What is this, you're doing door-to-door exorcisms now? We have to talk misalignment of expectations if you want to sew up every ectoplasmic bleeding heart you meet.

We have defense budget funded technology to deal with ghosts, it's like fumigation. Or sandblasting. Still, your takeaway from the sad affair of Carrie Killian - cute high school yearbook photo, unmarried, no next of kin - is the importance of corporate support.

She had a power we could have used, protected. She should have grown up the 80s in a Manhattan penthouse. But she flew solo, and died alone on this rock. QED.



I can’t pretend to know what awaits her, though I trust it is kinder than that burnt estate. You have done all concerned a service. Holding the threshold against forces that never belonged on Earth is work enough, let alone factoring in those which are too, too human.

Consider there are billions of people. The simple math of the violent and unfair end produces thousands of lost souls, lingering. Mercifully, many have slim powers over reality, or are less antisocial in their mourning.

But all wait for a fairer rendering of justice than they received in life.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Find a way to enter the Black House (go around to back porch)

Tier 2/4

  • Search for clues on the ground floor
  • Search for clues upstairs
  • Search for clues in the basement (false clue in main room, real clue in small closet) (453, 765)

Tier 3/4

  • Find Carrie Killian's grave (behind house at small cemetary)
  • Recover Carrie Killian's ashes (Trapped) (have to activate each tombstone in star pattern to unlock. 6 tombstones, 5 are used. From top #1, and going clockwise, the unlock cycle is 4,6,2,5,1. 3 is not used.)
  • Note: Once trap is removed, can click the ash urn to get ashes.

Tier 4/4

  • Go to the banks of the Miskatonic (safest route is to enter river at bridge and run to spot on map)
  • Note: Stand in river, and double-click urn in inventory.

Other Information

  • Completing this mission within 2 minutes (from the time you first enter the house) awards the 'Fleeting Visit' Achievement. This is best handled as a group, as the initial click on the urn results in a delay which might prove troublesome.




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