The Benevolent Conspiracies/tsw

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The Benevolent Conspiracies/tsw
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Blue Mountain
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Sarge
Type: Action
Reward: 299,690 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0
Tactical Map.jpg

Sarge has marked several top priority targets in the area, and sent out black ops teams to eliminate them. One of the teams has not reported back, which means their mission has likely failed.


Initial Cutscene

Sarge: ??

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: A black ops team was deployed near the ruins of an old asylum to exterminate a high priority target. Since then, there has been no contact. Learn more about their mission.
    • Examine the tactical map
    • Examine the laptop
    • Search for the black ops team near the asylum
  • Tier 2: The black ops team is dead. No survivors can be found, but their top-grade military equipment is untouched Colect it from their backpacks and complete the mission the team set out to do.
    • Recover the Thumper from a backpack
    • Recover the resonance mines from a backpack
    • Recover the CHECMATE beacon from a backpack
  • Tier 3: With the top-secret equipment in hand, move deeper into the old asylum grounds. Use the Thumper to lure out ak'ab that have burrowed underground.
    • Move deeper into the asylum grounds
    • Kill 9 Penumbral Brood Scouts lured by the Thumper
  • Tier 4: Some ak'ab are perched on top of the walls of the old asylum ruins. Use the resonance mines to shake them off. Kill them swiftly once they land on the ground.
    • Make your way inside the asylum ruins
    • Place a resonance mine on the east wall
    • Place a resonance mine on the north wall
    • Place a resonance mine on the south wall
    • Go to the center of the asylum
    • Trigger the mines and defeat the Umbral Swarm
  • Tier 5: Immediately behind the asylum ruins, there is a strange mound and a hole in the ground. Investigate it and destroy whatever might come out of it.
    • Explore the mound behind the asylum
    • Kill the Penumbral Brood Matriarch




A wall is only as strong as the brick that holds it up. We have always known this and for you to experience it in practice can only be a good thing.

You created chaos in the insects' ranks by eliminating the brick that holds their wall up. That is why the Dragon is in perpetual motion like a wave, and not static like a wall. A wave cannot be dismantled.

Your creative use of the material left by the fallen soldiers showed us that your mind is in continuous motion as well. Good.


And that is why monarchy went out of style and why our way is better than the medieval system they have over at Temple Hall. If your entire organization is dependent on what kind of day your leader is having you're setting yourself up for a huge helping of fail.

Well played appropriating the dead soldiers' equipment and eventually taking advantage of the crickets' lack of organizational sense. That kind of initiative only proves you're able to roll with the punches. High five.

PS. Tell Sarge to go fuck himself. No, seriously. I nearly wore out a pair of kneepads trying to smooth over that shit he pulled in Khartoum.


This only reinforces the impression we already have of the Pentagon. Their training does not match their funding, and their equipment is better applied in capable hands. Ours.

The officer was right about one thing, though. Taking out the matriarch did put a big dent in the crickets’ organization and advance. That information is very much nice to have.

Your ability to adapt and take advantage of all information and material, no matter the source, is pleasing.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission

Tier 1/5

  • Examine the tactical map
    • It's on a crate next to Karen Olsen in the camp, at (439, 226)
  • Examine the laptop
    • On the same crate as the map.
    • Check on "Squad Status" and "Covert Operations"
  • Search for the black ops team near the asylum
    • Go to the marked area on the map; once you see one of the dead soldiers (coordinates in tier 2), the quest will advance

Tier 2/5

Note: The three "Recover the item" steps in tier are all given at the same time and can be done in any order. The order listed below should give you the list amount of criss-crossing through the yard.

  • Recover the Thumper from a backpack
    • Along the wall to the left as you came into the asylum grounds, at (310, 272)
    • An Ak'ab will spawn and attack as you approach the body with the backpack
  • Recover the CHECMATE beacon from a backpack
    • Along the eastern wall of the asylum grounds, at (355, 298)
  • Recover the resonance mines from a backpack
    • To the left of the road going through the asylum grounds, at (324, 297)

Tier 3/5

  • Move deeper into the asylum grounds
    • Follow the road through the grounds into the marked area
  • Try the Thumper
    • Use the Military thumper from your inventory
    • If there are other players nearby doing this step of the quest, the thumpers must be spaced a certain distance from each other. If it doesn't let you use the thumper, move a little further away from the other player.
  • Kill 9 Penumbral Brood Scouts lured by the Thumper
    • Use use of the Military thumper will summon 3 of the Penumbral Brood Scouts, one after another. After the 3rd one has spawned, the thumper will disappear and must be used again to summon the next three.
    • You may also need to beware of, or clear out, any nearby Ak'ab Cocoon to give you room to fight without destroying a cocoon and spawning an additional Ak'ab in the middle of a fight.
    • Also note, the Penumbral Brood Scouts spawn on a set timer from the placement of a thumper, and if they are not killed fast enough the 2nd and 3rd will appear while still fighting the previous one.

Tier 4/5

  • Make your way inside the asylum ruins
    • Follow the road inside the asylum further
    • You'll have to kill some Ak'ab in the courtyard before getting into the asylum ruins proper
  • Place a resonance mine on the north wall
    • This will be white [ ] brackets on the wall just to the left as you step in
  • Place a resonance mine on the east wall
  • Place a resonance mine on the south wall
  • Go to the centre of the asylum
  • Trigger the mines and defeat the Umbral Swarm

Tier 5/5

  • Explore the mound behind the asylum
    • Youll have to kill a few Ak'ab to get there, but head to the tree atop the hill behind the asylum
  • Kill the Penumbral Brood Matriarch
    • You'll have to use the CHECMATE beacon from your inventory on her, she is immune to all damage until you do.

Other Information

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