Rolls Downhill/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Rolls Downhill/tsw
Che Garcia Hansson.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Hippie Camp
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Che Garcia Hansson
Type: Action
Reward: 26,880 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

A carrier must make a speedy delivery of an important package, but many dangers lurk outside the safety of the camp.


Initial Cutscene

Che Garcia Hansson: Bring this to the rendez-vous point and get the hell back to Dodge. Don’t stop for red lights. Don’t stop for a smoke. Don’t stop for a piss.
Che Garcia Hansson: Comprende amigo?
Che Garcia Hansson: Wait, wait... what the fuck? Wait ! We’re not done amigo.
Che Garcia Hansson: Listen, don’t fuck this up. Focus. Focus ! Leave this circle and you gotta watch your back, plenty of creepy-crawlers out there and no voodoo to keep you safe.
Che Garcia Hansson: But this is what you signed up for, right? There’s more to the morninglight than clean living, handing out flyers on the subway and trying to get vertical with miss Dreadlocks from orientation week.
Che Garcia Hansson: We’re harbingers of change dude. We’re prophets of mutation. We’re disciple of doom ! But change won’t happen until we up and act.
Che Garcia Hansson: Sure Rome wasn’t built in a single day, but it sure as hell wasn’t built by deadbeat procrastinators lazying around on their asses smoking weed either.
Che Garcia Hansson: Just get it done. B’s on me twenty-four seven, dude. That’s how this things works. Shit rolls downhill.
Che Garcia Hansson: And the boss has made it pretty clear. This is important, and it’s gotta be taken care of. Now. Not later. Not when you feel like it.
Che Garcia Hansson: Tout de fucking suite. Comprende?
Che Garcia Hansson: Everybody’s gotta pull their fucking weight dude.
Che Garcia Hansson: Anybody else is just dead weight.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: A courier was sent with a package for a person only referred to as “B”. It seemed very important and even more urgent. He can’t have gotten far, following him would be easy.
    • Follow the courier
  • Tier 2: The wounded wendigo ran off with package. The trail of blood it left behind should lead straight to its location.
    • Follow the wendigo's blood trail
  • Tier 3: The injured wendigo protects the package and probably won’t give it up voluntarily. Prepare for a fight.
    • Kill the Sanguine Wendigo
    • Take the package
  • Tier 4: The package should be returned to the courier. Maybe he’ll shed some light on who this mysterious “B” is.
    • Return the package to the courier
  • Tier 5: The carrier’s injuries are too severe. Delivering the package for him could make Che trust you, which might lead to you to “B”. Place the package in the slot in the tunnel door.
    • Deliver the package at the door in the tunnel




The Morninglight is not respectable, but we are unaware of the extent. They are certainly not in Kingsmouth to save lost souls.

Continue to tread softly and infiltrate their midst.

They are a classically misguided top-down organisation. The sheep are mindless - used to distribute pamphlets and deliver packages. The head, Philip Marquard, is currently beyond our reach, but everything about him is crafted to be perfect: perfect family, perfect dog, perfect teeth. On the other side is Che Garcia Hansson: dead family, dumb dog, rotten teeth.

We are interested in what links these opposites, the one called "B."



Kudos for not arousing suspicion. Take the long view and seek to infiltrate the Morninglight: they're into more than flower-power. We're especially interested in the identity of "B."

Che Garcia Hansson - a commune lifer and survivor of MK-ULTRA. You can imagine how he feels about authority. He oozes hippie cred and is very good at bringing deadbeats into the fold. The fact he's been herding them to Kingsmouth to gofer packages is beyond troubling.

Fun fact: people born in Oregon are three times more likely to become cult-leaders, so the odds were stacked against Che all along.



One may have been tempted to peek inside the Morninglight package, but clearly you are seeing the long game. I dare say I'm rubbing off on you. We shall learn more about the Morninglight by infiltrating them than by ripping open their mail. That sort of tactic attracts unwelcome attention.

We're not sure of their angle yet, but spiritual good will isn't it. We have nothing incriminating on their "saviour" - Philip Marquard - but this local leader Che has a long list of infractions: theft, assault, smuggling.

However, our real interest is the one they call "B."

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Follow the courier
    • He is nearby, follow the way marker to him
    • When you get close, you will get a cutscene showing him being injured by a wendigo (near Blue Ridge Tunnel)

Tier 2/5

  • Follow the wendigo's blood trail
    • It leads up the path to (60, 798)

Tier 3/5

  • Kill the Sanguine Wendigo
    • It has a self-heal, so you'll need enough DPS to outpace it
  • Take the package
    • It can be difficult to see on ground, it is a small yellow book/box at approximately (64, 814)

Tier 4/5

  • Return the package to the courier
    • He's still back where you left him

Tier 5/5

  • Deliver the package at the door in the tunnel
    • Go into the tunnel next to the courier, the door is on your left
    • Use the door / delivery slot

Other Information

Related Achievements




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