Digging Deeper (Mission)/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Digging Deeper (Mission)/tsw
Henry Hawthorne.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Kingsmouth Congregational Church
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Henry Hawthorne
Type: Investigation
Reward: 270,000 Experience Experience
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.2]]
Illuminati Tunnels.png

Disambig gray.svgThis page is about the Mission. For other uses, see Digging Deeper.

When the Illuminati founded Kingsmouth, they didn't only raise a town. They dug deep into the ground as well, carving secret passageways that echo to this day. Find the tunnels beneath Kingsmouth and discover where they lead.


Initial Cutscene

Henry Hawthorne: Ah! There's a glint in your eyes that I recognise from the bathroom mirror!
Henry Hawthorne: You've walked Kingsmouth's secret trails. Yes? What was it like?
Henry Hawthorne: Was it illuminating? Were you enlightened?
Henry Hawthorne: If it weren't for circumstances and my duty to the Lord, I would join you, document your expedition!
Henry Hawthorne: Although...
Henry Hawthorne: Those are not the only paths. Some run deeper, more hidden.
Henry Hawthorne: Tap your foot on any paving stone down Main Street, and you might hear the echo of Illuminati history.
Henry Hawthorne: Oh yes, Solomon Priest and Isaac Fletcher put this soil to work when they raised Kingsmouth, above and below.
Henry Hawthorne: Why, the whole of Solomon County is positively riddled with tunnels!
Henry Hawthorne: But I wouldn't expect most people to notice.
Henry Hawthorne: They're too enclosed by their simple lives to comprehend the sect world around them. Below them.
Henry Hawthorne: You can't stop now. I know that feeling intimately. The desire to keep digging.
Henry Hawthorne: That glint won't fade, the restlessness in your heart won't slow. The voices won't fall silent.
Henry Hawthorne: Dig further. Dig deeper.
Henry Hawthorne: Always deeper.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Henry Hawthorne says you can hear the hollowed out tunnels when walking down Main Street. Track down these echos of the Illuminati.
    • Find the entrance to the Illuminati tunnels
    • Find a way to open the trap door
    • Enter the Tunnels
  • Tier 2: The Illuminati have always been fond of labyrinths. Navigate the twists and turns of these passageways and find whatever secrets the ancient founders may have been hiding.
    • Explore the Tunnels
  • Tier 3: A secret chamber lies on the other side of the northern door.
    • Explore the Tomb
    • Unlock the Southern Door
  • Tier 4: An empty coffin and a dead man's partial confession have led you this far. Prove that you are an enlightened seeker. Find Solomon Priest's new resting place and uncover the confessor's secret.
    • Explore the Southern Tunnels
  • Tier 5: You are an enlightened seeker. Follow the mystery of Solomon Priest's death to its conclusion.
    • Explore the tomb of Solomon Priest
  • Tier 6: Illuminati history is filled with its fair share of poisoned men. Tunnels such as these cut throughout the new world, filled with secrets the Illuminati do not share - not even with their own - and skeletons they'd rather forget.
    • Return to Kingsmouth




The tunnels beneath Kingsmouth offer a small-scale glimpse of the kinds of labyrinths the Illuminati have chiseled throughout the world. The New World, especially. The one in New York is considered to be their crowning achievement.

The logic and purpose of all of them remains essentially the same: to twist and conceal the truth.

The Illuminait have elevated the acts of burial and forgetting to an art form. Kingsmouth's secret arteries conceal the body of a murdered founder. Very few among them know what's tucked in the bowls of New York, very few would want to know - what lies, what cries, what presidents.


What are you, internal affairs? Allow me to satisfy any future curiosity you may have about the contents of our closets: they are full of dead guys.

Try to understand: in the early days of Solomon Island we were re-establishing and modernizing. Success called for stability and corporate order. If that meant burying certain acts of jealousy, so be it.

Of course, some historical facts are more sensitive than others. Do your best to forget any mention of a "third" in all this. Digging into that little tidbit would likely get the attention of the magicians.

Fun fact: Magicians do more than magic.



In the early days of Kingsmouth, Solomon Priest managed to become a very significant figure within Illuminati circles. A kind of rallying person, a bridge between the old and new. If we had had proof of this betrayal back then, it might have served to destabilise and divide their ranks. Today, treachery like this has become rather par for their course.

We will of course use this information during the mud slinging portion of the next Council meeting. However, knowing the Illuminati, they are as likely to take pride in Fletcher's deception as to be embarrassed by it.

R. Sonnac


There are 6 tiers to this mission.

NOTE: There is a book you find in here at some point. Unlike most images/items you find - the contents of the book are NOT saved in your Mission Journal. You'll need to write it down yourself if you want to refer back to it later.

Tier 1/6

  • Find the entrance to the Illuminati tunnels
Clue 1:
Henry Hawthorne mentioned the tunnels were below Main Street
Clue 2:
You are supposed to "hear" the hallowed out tunnels - look for "sound wave" type graphics coming from your feet
When you step on a sidewalk paving stone in front of the Kingsmouth Town Hall at coords (366,369) you get the sound
  • Find a way to open the trap door
Clue 1:
Clavis Aurea is Latin for "Golden Key"
Clue 2:
It's also the key to the city
The golden key is inside the Kingsmouth Town Hall, upstairs hanging on the wall, titled "The Key to Kingsmouth"

Tier 2/6

  • Explore the Tunnels
    • You can run around down here a fair but, but it doesn't advance until you open the door in the northwestern section.
Clue 1:
The plaque reads "Occulus, rara avis"
Clue 2:
It's more Latin. Occulus - Eye and Rara avis - rare bird
Use the Illuminati pyramid/eye symbol (Eye) and the Phoenix symbol (Rare Bird)

Tier 3/6

  • Explore the Tomb
    • Inside you'll find "Solomon Priest's Coffin"
    • Open the coffin
    • Take the Mason symbol
    • Read the note
    • If you use the lever - the door will close and lock you in. There is an exit up the stairs, that will take you to the graveyard behind the church. You'll have to run back down Main Street and re-enter.
  • Unlock the Southern Door
Clue 1:
This plaque reads "of Khufu, Grand Lodge"
Clue 2:
Khufu is the name of an Egyptian Pharoh
Clue 3:
The "Grand Lodge" refers to the Freemasons
Use the pyramid symbol (for Khufu) and then the mason symbol (for the Grand Lodge)

Tier 4/6

  • Explore the Southern Tunnels
    • In the first room you will find some letters on the floor, and an Old Note.
      • The note reads: To proceed, write as a Learned Man would. Look to Jerome's Work on the two score and first Pslam, the eigth part, the first Darkness.
      • Stepping on the letters in the incorrect order causes the room to fill with poisonous gas. This gas does 160 HP damage per second. It lasts for 10 seconds, and refreshes constantly as long as you're in the room.
Clue 1:
Christian bibles/Psalms are notated as Verse:Passage.
Clue 2:
"Two score and first" - 41
Clue 3:
"As a learned man" - in latin
Clue 4:
Psalm 41:8 in Latin reads abyssus *ad; abyssum invocat in voce cataractarum tuarum omnia excelsa tua et fluctus tui super me transierunt
Clue 5:
The first "darkness", is abyssus or Abyss.
From the Psalm, step on the letters to spell out "abyssus". NOTE: Once you've stepped on the "S" the first time, you'll have to jump up and land on it again to trigger it again for the second "S". Stepping on all the letters in the correct order opens the door to the next room.
  • In the second room, you will find some levers with musical duration notes on them, some pipes with letters on them, some sheet music, and a Lost Note.
  • The Lost Note says: Should thy desires be thwarted; weep not for thyself, but for Dolandi.
  • Playing a note incorrectly causes the room to fill with poison gas that does 160 HP/Second for 10 seconds, and constantly refreshes until you leave the room.
Clue 1:
Weeping and Dolandi refer to the song Flow My Tears by John Dowland who would sometimes sign his name as Jo. Dolandi de Lachrimae
Clue 2:
Looking at the sheet music, you see one section has been blanked out.
Clue 3:
Looking at the original sheet music for Flow My Tears, you can see the first and 3rd sections from the sheet music on the wall match the 1st and 3rd section on the original. So, the scratched out part in the game sheet music must match the second part in the original.
Clue 4:
The notes in the second section are:
  • 1/2 Beat - A
  • 1/2+ Beat - E
  • 1/4 Beat - E
  • 1/4 Beat - G
  • 1/4 Beat - G
Clue 5:
First, you have to set the beat:
  • 1/2+ Beat - Symbol with the open base and followed by a dot
  • 1/2 Beat - Symbol with open base
  • 1/4 Beat - Symbol with filled-in base
  • 1/8 Beat - Symbol with filled-in base and flag on top
  • See File:Doldani.png for images
Clue 6:
Then, use the pipe with the correct note letter
Considering the levers are marked from left to right 1/2/3/4: Press Lever 2 + Letter A. Press Lever 1 + Letter E. Press lever 3 + Letters E G G
  • In the 3rd room, you will see four status in the middle of the room.
  • You'll you've done the correct thing if lights come on over the statue
  • If you do it wrong, it causes the room to fill with poison gas that does 160 HP/Second for 10 seconds, and constantly refreshes until you leave the room.
Clue 1:
There is no clues in this room, you'll need to find them elsewhere
Clue 2:
You should have found a book in the northern tunnels
Clue 3:
The book reads: A man who seeks Enlightenment shall set himself in Motion: He shall show Appreciation for the Exertions of his Fellows, And make as a Church-Going Man does before Holy Symbols. He shall show great Disdain for the Trappings of Old Empire, And Avert his Gaze from schemes Coiled and Chaotic.
Solution 1:
Show Appreciation for Exertions of his Fellows - Stand in front of the discus throwing status and /clap
Solution 2:
Make as a Church-Going man before Holy Symbols - Stand in front of the winged angel status and /pray
Solution 3:
Show great Disdain for the Trappings of Old Empire - Stand in front of the soldier status and /spit
Solution 4:
Avert his Gaze from schemes Coiled and Chaotic - Stand in front of the snake soldier and /covereyes

Tier 5/6

  • Explore the tomb of Solomon Priest
    • Inside the room you will find a skeleton behind a coffin, there is a note. Read the note.

Tier 6/6

Other Information

Related Achievements


  • Clavis Aurea beyond being translated literally is also a phrase that can mean "The means of discovering hidden or mysterious meanings in texts, particularly applied in theology and alchemy."



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