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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Nicholas Winter
Type: Investigation
Requires: A Carnival of Souls
Reward: 691,920 Experience
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Nicholas Winter came here to sell his father's amusement park, but now he feels bound to the place. A mysterious third party is obessed with it too, and the race is on to unlock Nathaniel Winter's legacy and take control of the park's power.



Nicholas Winter: You. You're like a bad itch that can't be scratched.
Nicholas Winter: You know why I came up here? To sell it all off, the whole park. So that I wouldn't end up like my father. Stuck to this place.
Nicholas Winter: There's gravity here.
Nicholas Winter: I don't know who they are, but they have money, and ways to convince you that it would be in your best interest to sell.
Nicholas Winter: I didn't care. I didn't need to be blackmailed to sign a contract. What in the name of hell do I want an amusement park for? But now...
Nicholas Winter: Now I couldn't imagine selling. It's got its claws in me, like it had my father, and it won't let go. It owns me, feeds on me.
Nicholas Winter: There's no escaping gravity.
Nicholas Winter: Time I've invested in you, I figured you'd come up with something. But all you've give me is grief, and now they're coming for me. For whatever dark secrets this tomb holds.
Nicholas Winter: They're like you - special. Part of another world, a secret world. Convinced they run the place, that the rest of us are just... shadows.
Nicholas Winter: Even if I knew how to escape gravity, even if... even if I wanted to... something tells me I shouldn't.
Nicholas Winter: I don't know what'll happen to this place, and the world, if I do.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Nathaniel Winter was a heartless and calculating man. His obsession with the park was rooted in something concrete, as was his decision to leave the park to his son. Examine Nathaniel Winter's will, and uncover what Nicholas was meant to see.
    • Decipher Nathaniel Winter's Last Will and Testament
    • Go to the location hinted at in the will
  • Tier 2: The plans that reveal how the park functions are being sought by another party. For this reason, they have been divided and concealed. Deciphering them will require seeing the world as Nathaniel saw it.
    • Search the barn for the first part of the plans
    • Find the second part of the plans
  • Tier 3: The plans that reveal how the park functions are being sought by another party. For this reason, they have been divided and concealed. Deciphering them will require seeing the world as Nathaniel saw it.
    • Find the second part of the plans
  • Tier 4: The plans that reveal how the park functions are being sought by another party. For this reason, they have been divided and concealed. Deciphering them will require seeing the world as Nathaniel saw it.
    • Find the fourth part of the plans
  • Tier 5: Atlantic Island Park is a a giant anima capacitor, designed to accumulate monstrous amounts of occult energy and infuse it into a subject. Neither Nicholas nor the Phoenicians nor anyone else must be allowed to fulfill Nathaniel Winter's mechanical dream of power.
    • Find the final part of the plans
    • Complete the circuit diagram
    • Overload the circuit


  • 691,920 Experience total
    • 86,490 per Tier for tiers 1 thru
    • 345,960 for completion of tier 5, at report
  • 17,500 Pax Romana upon completion of tier 5, at report
  • 4 Sequin of Solomon Island upon completion of tier 5, at report



Nathaniel Winter believed he could obtain occult power in four easy steps: find the Architect who sails the Calypso Deep; outbid the Phoenicians for his anima capacitor design; use the design to build a park that harvests occult energy; infuse it into himself.

Countless deaths and dollars later, one must conclude that occult power requires much more than deep pockets and the screams of children.

It was an enlightening test. We learned how someone with near infinite means would go about constructing a capacitor. Perhaps more importantly, we learned how far a man would go to acquire what he could never have.

The Architect has been informed of the results.


Old moneybags was looking to harvest occult energy and infuse it into himself. The kind of power he was after would usually require years - even lifetimes - of secluded study. Oh, and a little something called talent. Winter thought he could bypass all that with cash. Lots of it.

I'm all for pay-to-win, but at some point you need to cut your losses. Occult powers are like strings on the President - you either wield them or you don't. The capacitor plans are a real nice-to-have. As for the amusement park - it's totally gauche and expendable.

Fun fact: never a bad time to kill Phoenicians.


A giant anima capacitor, of course! Ingenious design, though conceptually misguided. One cannot harvest that amount of occult energy through mechanical means and expect to come out the better for it.

Nathaniel Winter fancied himself becoming the greatest magus in the world. Unfortunately, he lacked any innate talent for magic, and thought he could buy his way into wizardry. Well, it doesn’t work that way.

Phoenicians – they do fine at pilfering and scurrying back to sea, but a sustained presence on land doesn’t suit them at all. Unless they were planning to construct a water park, it was never going to be a good fit.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Decipher Nathaniel Winter's Last Will and Testament
Clue 1:
First, you have to pick it up. It's in the front seat of his car.
In order to see the hidden message, you have to first use Winter's Monocle (from the A Carnival of Souls mission) and then look at the Will while the monocle's buff is active.
  • Go to the location hinted at in the will
Clue 1:
The Henderson Farm
Go to a small barn on the old Henderson Farm located at (514,562)

Tier 2/5

  • Search the barn for the first part of the plans
    • Their on the floor of the barn
    • You will probably have to kill Blackchaff before being able to pick up the plans.
  • Find the second part of the plans
Clue 1:
You'll need to use the Winter's Monocle again
Clue 2:
While wearing the monocle, look at the part of the plans you found in the barn
Clue 3:
The plans show a map of the park, go to the area indicated on the plans
The plans lead you to the area outside of the bumper card ride. You should also see some markings on the ground if the monocles are active. The second set of plans are on the fence of the bumper card ride at (557, 520)

Tier 3/5

  • Find the third part of the plans
Clue 1:
The monocle isn't working for this one
Clue 2:
Follow the lines the monocle does reveal
Clue 3:
You should come across some glass shards
Clue 4:
In TSW you can use the Assembly window to combine the glass shards with the monocle. In SWL you can use the action bar for that
Clue 5:
Now the monocle will let you read see the red lines after you look at the plans from the previous tier
Clue 6:
Follow the lines until you find the plans
Pick up the red lens (557, 494) and use Assembly to combine it with Winter's Monocle. Then use the monocle to follow the red lines until you get to some stalls. The 3rd part of the plans will be nailed to the side of one of them (626,562)

Tier 4/5

  • Find the fourth part of the plans
Clue 1:
Again, the monocle won't work as it currently is
Clue 2:
While following the red line, you should have come across a blue lens
Clue 3:
Try various things you can do in the crafting window
Clue 4:
You'll need to remove the red lens before adding the blue one
Clue 5:
With the blue lens in, you can follow the blue lines once you look at the plans from the previous tier
Pick up the blue lens at (624, 573). Use disassemble in the Assembly window to remove the red lens from the monocle, and then add the blue lens to it. Follow the blue lines over towards the Rollercoaster, and the plans are on the far side of it at (657,413).

Tier 5/5

  • Find the final part of the plans
Clue 1:
Did you follow the blue trail all the way to the end first?
Clue 2:
You didn't find any more lenses along the way
Clue 3:
Red and Blue make Purple
Clue 4:
With both the red and the blue lenses in the monocle you can now follow the purple lines once you look at the plans from the previous tier.
Use disassemble in the Assembly window to remove the blue lens from the monocle. Then use assembly to put both red and blue in at the same time. Follow the purple lines to the middle of the park where there is a small hut inside a fence, at (613, 475).
  • Complete the circuit diagram
    • Use the symbol, and other symbols appear
  • Overload the circuit
The order is counter-clockwise, the colors in the reverse order you found this place:
  • 1st - AC Voltage Source (Purple)
  • 2nd - Resistor (Blue)
  • 3rd - Diode (Red)
  • 4th - Inductor (White/Yellow)

You may have to move around or move your camera around a bit to make sure you're clicking on the correct portion of the diagram

  • When you get it right, a cutscene will play

Other Information



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