Youth Outreach/tsw

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NOTE: This mission assumes you are pretty familiar with the southern half of Kaidan. If you wish to do this mission without a walk through you'll need to either know the area well, come across the areas mentioned accidentally, or use the guide below

Youth Outreach/tsw
Jake Hama.png
Region: Tokyo
Zone: Kaidan
Start Location: Kaidan Station
Start Coords: (932,561)
Given by: Jake Hama
Type: Story
Requires: Update 1.10
Follow the White Rabbit
Reward: 299,200 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.10

You meet a rather shabby detective in a rabbit suit. He was hired to find Naonomi Tanaka and seems to think there is a connection between her and the rabbit killer. The Fear Nothing Foundation ties into it all.



Jake Hama is speaking in Japanese the entire time

Jake Hama: (Jumping out from around the corner) Hah!
Jake Hama: I was expecting somebody else.
Jake Hama: You haven't seen someone in a rabbit suit around here have you?
Jake Hama: Not me.
Jake Hama: Obviously. This was a trap for the real rabbit killer.
Jake Hama: Jake Hama - private investigator. Some people call me the "love hotel detective".
Jake Hama: Kaoru and I have a good thing going,
Jake Hama: she directs the paranoid wives to me and I take compromising photographs and sell them to whoever bids highest-
Jake Hama: husband or wife.
Jake Hama: Simpler times. Now I've moved into missing persons.
Jake Hama: I know what you're thinking - a lot of people are missing in the city these days. True, true.
Jake Hama: But I've figured it out. The rabbit is looking for her, so she must still be alive.
Jake Hama: It has become a battle of wits, Jake Hama vs the rabbit headed killer!
Jake Hama: The rabbit is respected. The rabbit is feared.
Jake Hama: And the rabbit gets answers. And so I thought to myself,
Jake Hama: "Jake, be the better rabbit."
Jake Hama: I sneaked into the love hotel and borrowed this suit from the furry room.
Jake Hama: It is only a matter of time until I find Naonomi Tanaka.
Jake Hama: What makes a girl like that join a cult anyway? Those no-hopers in the Orochi projects?
Jake Hama: Sure. Fear Nothing was all over that place, scooping the kids of shachiku.
Jake Hama: Cultists and conspiracies - is there anything more pathetic?
Jake Hama: Let me know if you find anything out about the girl.
Jake Hama: (walking over behind the dumpster) How do you piss in this thing?

Tier 1

As you approach Jung
Jung: To answer your question, no. There is no one else here with me.
Jung: Actually, I'm younger than that: 4.79 years old. My name is Jung.
Jung: I already know yours.
Jung: Verbal queries are a sloppy redundancy. Thoughts are quicker.
Jung: We can skip the questions and go straight to the ...
Jung: You were staring at my head.
Jung: I know what you're thinking about my head.
Jung: You shouldn't have such thoughts.
Jung: Stop. Thinking. About. My. Head!
Jung holds out his hand and does something that apparently causes pain in your head
Jung: My apologies. Manners.
Jung: You want to know about the Fear Nothing Foundation.
Jung: This school, and others like it, are part of an Orochi initiative,
Jung: to use youth programs to study and develop certain ultra-natural talents in children.
Jung: I am one of their more promising products.
Jung: Fear Nothing hung around, collecting the dregs and dropouts of these programs.
Jung: After the bomb, one of them came for me. A mean man.
Jung: His head was like a snow globe full of eels.
Jung: He threatened me. So I very politely asked him to please forget how to breathe.
Jung: He complied.
Jung: Fear Nothing is an adjunct of the Morninglight. Did you know that?
Jung: Morninglight, Fear Nothing, Orochi - they are all intertwined.
Jung: There is a Fear Nothing recruitment centre downtown.
Jung: But you've already been there.
Jung: There is a more secret place for the gifted children. It's hidden somewhere beneath the suburbs.
Jung: It's called "The Clubhouse."
Jung: I took that name from the mean man's head.
Jung: They left clues in the cyphers of their literature so that the more canny students could find it.
Jung: The other children used to bully me so very fiercely. It's all about dominance and hierarchy on the playground.
Jung: They were philistines and troglodytes, all.
Jung: Now I have dominion of the playground. The swings, the slide, the seesaw - all mine.
Jung: Just me.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Chasing the White Rabbit has led you to the Orochi Housing Projects. How does the Fear Nothing Foundation connect to this place.
    • Search the Orochi Projects for information about Fear Nothing
    • Find Fear Nothing literature in the Orochi Projects
  • Tier 2: Jung mentioned a connection between the Fear Nothing, the Morninglight, and the Orochi Group. He spoke of special school programs to train children with supernatural potential, and a hidden Fear Nothing base, called the Clubhouse, where the brightest children meet. Clues to its location are hidden throughout the Orochi Projects. You found a Fear Nothing poster, but what does it mean?
    • Find the location the poster alludes to
    • Search for clues
  • Tier 3: Amid the swans, beneath the dock, you found graffiti. Where is it pointing you?
    • Find the location the graffiti alludes to
    • Search for clues
  • Tier 4: In the graveyard, you found a clue on a tombstone. Where is it pointing you?
    • Find the location the tombstone alludes to
    • Search for clues
  • Tier 5: In the train yard, you found a patch of graffiti. Where is it pointing you? What do all the clues add up to?
    • Find the location the graffiti alludes to
    • Gain entry to the Clubhouse




Fear Nothing. The Morninglight. Orochi. Their angles align. Jake Hama does not pretend at incompetence. He is the real thing. We could diregard him, going forward, but he is the Fool in its most base aspect. By his very irrelevance, he will trip the larger equations in ways more relevant figures would not be allowed. We'll be seeing him again.


So Masao Tanaka hired a drunk, out-of-his-depth detective to find his daughter. Daddy must really care. Or Daddy wants her found...but doesn’t want the mystery pierced any further than that. The man’s molecules are held together by the super-duper tenuous glue of denial. You are going to poke some holes in the mystery though. All you have to do to impress me is be more competent than an alcoholic in a used furry suit. I’ll have marketing make that into a motivational poster.


We have seen this repulsive pattern before, have we not? Children with supernatural potential whisked away by nefarious programs. That was Orochi. Now we see a more subtle version of this, operating in public. Your new contact, this psychic boy, may be right in connecting Fear Nothing to the Morninglight to the Orochi Group. Jung was it? I take it he is an admirer of the works of Carl Gustav Jung. An advanced child indeed. Ever forward. Enter this Clubhouse. I do not want to konw what blasphemies go on down there, but I fear that I must know.
R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission

Tier 1/5

  • Search the Orochi Projects for information about Fear Nothing
Jung at (810,180). Run up close to him until a cut-scene plays.
  • Find Fear Nothing literature in the Orochi Projects
Just outside the entrance to the playground is a Fear Nothing Foundation poster, at (800,150).

Tier 2/5

  • Find the location the poster alludes to
Clue 1:
The poster mentions "Calm waters"
Take a swim down at the docks at (763,59)
  • Search for clues
Swim under the dock and click on the graffiti under it

Tier 3/5

  • Find the location the graffiti alludes to
Clue 1:
"Don't fear the dead"
There is an entry to a cemetery at (756,177)
  • Search for clues
Clue 1:
13 / 9 / 1965
The grave you want is at (743,161), use the yellow-outlined plaque on the grave

Tier 4/5

  • Find the location the tombstone alludes to
Clue 1:
Subway walls
Near the Anima Well outside the CDC camp, at (945,330), there are some subway tunnels
  • Search for clues
In the southern tunnel, about halfway down the left wall is some graffiti

Tier 5/5

  • Find the location the graffiti alludes to
Clue 1:
"Don't get your feet wet"
Clue 2:
But you will be near the water
There is a symbol of the Fear Nothing Foundation at the base of the brick wall at (679,268)
  • Gain entry to the Clubhouse
    • Once you start to enter the code, you have 20 seconds to complete it
    • If you do the code wrong, there is no penalty other than having to wait 3 seconds for it to reset
Clue 1:
"The sun is the key"
Clue 2:
You'll click them in order they are highlighted on the posters you found. Note that in Tier 3 there was not a poster, you you use the stone not lit for the 3rd stone. So, click them in this order:
  1. Top Left
  2. Top Right
  3. Bottom Right
  4. Bottom Left



  • shachiku - Japanese slang that refers to someone who works way too hard for too little pay and yet is still loyal to their employer.



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