Unto the Beach/tsw

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Unto the Beach/tsw
Mound of Red Seaweed.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Duma Beach
Start Coords: 885,863
Given by: Mound Of Red Seaweed
Type: Lair
Reward: 333,340 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.2]]

The vile red seaweed is slowly encroaching on Fletcher's strand, its fleshy coils stinking in the humid air, bringing savage and ancient draug with it. In turn, the draug and their zombie slaves cultivate the weed's monstrous colonies. Eliminate the defenders to slow its advance.

Journal Entries






I'm going to level with you. We don't know everything. Shocking, I know. But there are things in this world - sometimes it seems, out of this world - that we don't have a name for yet. That sobering fact is part of why we employ you.

Let's make something clear: just tbecasue I can't explain something, doesn't mean you're not expected to. There's obviously something peculiar about this stretch of beach. Something that goes beyond Kingsmouth.

The draug mother pods were drawn to this particular spot for a reason. I can't wait for you to tell me what it is.

Fun fact: we expect to know everything by 2017.


There is something very curious about this stretch of beach. Of course, there is something very curious about all of Kingsmouth, but that isn't what I mean. I mean especially curious. Tacos-at-the-Hatian-market level of curious.

The fleshy coils and draug mother pods were drawn to this area for a reason. I shall have to confer with Gladstone on the matter. In the meantime, take note of anything you may have chanced upon here, for I suspect it is part of a blueprint that extends far beyond Kingsmouth.

R. Sonnac


There are ??? tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/???

  •  ???
    •  ???

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