The Research of Tyler Freeborn/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

The Research of Tyler Freeborn/tsw
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Blue Mountain
Start Coords: 148, 818
Given by: SD card
Type: Action
Requires: The Search for Tyler Freeborn
Reward: 398, 940 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.5]]

Amongst the wreckage was another of Tyler's Freeborn videos, this one investigating the strange dog-like creatures on the island. Search the location where the video was shot to find out more about Tyler Freeborn and what he knew.


Tier 1

Tyler Freeborn: (Whispering to the camera as he films a creature) Are you seeing this? I've been observing them for days now. They're... They're fascinating!
Tyler Freeborn: I mean, I always knew they were real. All the stories, the pictures, the research. The legends and lore.
Tyler Freeborn: My grandfather's stories. All of it real. I never had any doubts about it.
Tyler Freeborn: But to see one of them in the wild... To film it!
Tyler Freeborn: That's something else. It's what I've worked for, what I've sacrificed everything for.
Tyler Freeborn: This is literally the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
Tyler Freeborn: Of course, the rest of it is not so great. But...still.
Tyler Freeborn: I need to follow it, see where it hides, where it lives.
Tyler Freeborn: Where it came from.
Tyler Freeborn: I'll need to switch this off, but I'll document my findings somehow.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Tyler Freeborn, a local resident, was researching the fog and other supernatural phenomena on Solomon Island. The Orochi attempted to steal his research, but were foiled in their attempt by an encounter with the draug. Pick up the trail and uncover what Freeborn was investigating.
    • Find the location where the video was shot
    • Follow the tracks that lead from the area
    • Defeat the Guardian
  • Tier 2: The guardians seem to be hunting in the arena where Tyler Freeborn shot this video. Follow the trail of the guardian to find out what is attracting them to this area.
    • Follow the trail of the Guardian
    • Examine the holding cell at the construction site
  • Tier 3: Following the guardians led right into the middle of an Orochi ambush on the guardian pack. Survive the chaos.
    • Survive the battle
  • Tier 4: The Orochi ambush was an attempt to capture a guardian for further experimentation. However, the ambush went south and the Orochi leader was dragged off by the monstrous pack. Follow the trail to find out more.
    • Follow the pack to find the Orochi Assault Leader
    • Enter the cave
    • Defeat the Alpha Guardian
    • Search the cave for the Orochi Assault Leader
    • Examine the Orochi tablet
    • Use the tablet to find more information


"The Secret World" "Secret World Legends"
398,940 Experience total 2,775 SWL Token XP.png Experience
20,000 PaxRomana.png Pax Romana 600 SWL Token Anima Shard.png Anima Shard
??? Sequins 1 Weapon Reward Bag.jpg Weapon Reward Bag(s)
Green Signet reward bag 2 Talisman Reward Bag.jpg Talisman Reward Bag(s)
1 Glyph Reward Bag.jpg Glyph Reward Bag(s)

TSWicon.png TSW XP per tier:

  • 66,490 XP per tier for tiers 1 thru 3
  • 199,470 XP for Tier 4



Tyler Freeborn was never able to integrate into the Wabanaki community. He never became a popular New York environmentalist either. He was neither. A lapsed member of his tribe. An imperfect hipster. He belonged nowhere.

And so he found solace in truth.

Tyler Freeborn was much more than a blogger and conspiracy theorist. He was a catalyst. It required someone exactly like him - a local outsider looking in - to uncover the source of the fog. To uncover its true consequences.

Tyler means nothing if no one follows him. Follow him to the end.


The official word on Tyler Freeborn – and any research he may have inspired – is that it’s all wild theories and speculation. That’s the official word.

The unofficial word is need-to-know. I.e. I need to know.

I give Orochi credit for being so balls-out in their Filth-research, but it seems pretty incomplete. I need facts. I need results. I need Tyler Freeborn.



Time to reassess what we know about the infection on Solomon Island. We have a black substance that causes various kinds of mutation. Let’s call it Filth.

The Filth is a liquid-like terror leaking up from the ground. It comes into contact with living entities and does horrible things to them – primarily of a violent, twisted, tentacular, and/or dream-like nature.

The going theory – a hopeful one – is that limiting physical contact will likewise limit exposure. Orochi research seems far less hopeful: it postulates a distinct second strain, a product of the mist, which is airborne.

If this is the case, it may mean that everyone on Solomon Island is already infected.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Find the location where the video was shot
    • Go to 680, 907.
  • Follow the tracks that lead from the area
    • They lead you to 832, 904.
  • Defeat the Guardian

Tier 2/4

  • Follow the trail of the Guardian
    • It leads to the Subject Three holding cell at 515, 895
  • Examine the holding cell at the construction site

Tier 3/4

  • Survive the battle

Tier 4/4

  • Follow the pack to find the Orochi Assault Leaser
    • It leads you to a cave entrance at 307, 934
  • Enter the cave
  • Defeat the Alpha Guardian
  • Search the cave for the Orochi Assault Leader
    • He is located at 269, 239.
  • Examine the Orochi tablet
  • Use the tablet to find more information
    • Select option 1 "Open cases", then option 2 "Tyler Freeborn".

Other Information

Orochi Field Operations Computer, Open Cases

1) Private Cash

We got the private "transferred" from the military. Officially they need to make a stink about it, but he's one of ours now. Tests confirm that Cash is in peak physical condition and that his blood type conforms to the project needs. Commence subject three testing immediately and keep this file open until finished.

2) Tyler Freeborn

The Freeborn kid is right, there is a distinct difference between mutations caused by the Mist and the mutations caused by the Filth. Are we dealing with a collision between two separate occult entities here? One which was buried on the island all along, and something else which came from the sea? Two distinct entities, two distinct lines of mutation.

Freeborn has dropped off the map and we've not been able to track his movements anymore. We have decrypted the video that the military recovered for us and we have sent a second team to recover any further recordings from the Freeborn residence. Your mission is to recover Filth samples from the "local" wildlife. There are a pack roaming the area to the north.

3) Subject Three

Subject Three is live and ready for final testing. We've been cross-infecting strains with various bloodtypes and the current combination is 83% likely to lure the guardian hound species. Once we have one contained, we expect significant strides in Project Filth. The focus now is on ensuring we can subdue the hound once it comes for the bait.



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