The 3rd Age/tsw

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Disambig gray.svgThis page is about the mission. For other uses, see The Third Age.

The 3rd Age/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Location: Nefertari's monument
Start Coords: 294, 900
End location: 609, 172
Given by: Nefertari
Type: Investigation
Reward: 899,700 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.1.0]]

The Sentinels are worried that the cultists are unearthing ancient secrets from the sands. Some secrets are too powerful to fall into the wrong hands..



Hemitneter: Waiting suits you well, Nefertari. So cool in the shade of your crown.
Nefertari: There will always be need for each of our aspects.
Nefertari: In time, you might appreciate this as an honour, not a prison.
Hemitneter: An honour for whom? The Egypt we knew is long gone.
Nefertari: So? Our civilisation was not the first nor the last in this land.
Nefertari: It is a land as old as the universe, and as prone to chaos.
Nefertari: Ask yourself why Aten chose to manifest itself in this place.
Nefertari: Akhenaten had many grand temples and solar lodges built for it in Amarna.
Nefertari: Yet the voices called him into the howling desert. Why is that?
Thutmose: Because the sand is thin.
Nefertari: And what lies beneath can easily spread its influence.
Nefertari: Entice men here, and leave their bones bleaching in primeval caves.
Hemitneter: That's how the Atenists seized power so quickly. They took up the arms that had been left behind-
Hemitneter: Hold on. You knew this all along?
Nefertari: Well, you didn't ask.
Hemitneter: I don't... I...
Hemitneter: Is this because I pushed her off the barque when we were children?
Thutmose: Oh no, don't drag me into this.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: If the cultists have been digging in the sand, evidence of what they may have found should be at their nearby camp.
    • Search the cultist camp for artifacts
    • Search the camp for a map of the cultists' excavations
  • Tier 2: The camp was a morbid sight, the corpses of dead cultists scattered among their tents. Whatever they were digging for, they were not prepared. Go to the excavation sites marked on the map and investigate.
    • Go to the first excavation site
    • Power up the custodian
    • Follow the custodian
    • Find what the custodian is pointing at
  • Tier 3: The custodians unearthed by the cultists are miniature versions of the custodians guarding Agartha. They must be very old, and they seem to be pointing to ancient artifacts hidden in the desert. Go to the remaining excavation sites and investigate further.
    • Investigate the second excavation site
    • Investigate the third excavation site
    • Investigate the fourth excavation site
    • Assemble the strange pieces
  • Tier 4: Each of the custodians pointed the way to hidden artifacts. Combining all the pieces yielded a strange and ancient looking key. Finding what the key is for and what secretes it hides could lead to interesting finds, and potentially be a piece in the puzzle to the origins of the City of the Sun God and Akhenaten's obsession with the place.
  • Find what the ancient key is for




The word "crisis" when written in Chinese is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. Your recent discovery has put us in crisis mode.

History is a circle that endlessly keeps repeating itself. That somebody was out there in the desert before Akhenaten only makes sense, just as it makes sense for us to be there now, after Akhenaten.

Hidden benearth the sands are remnants of what he was after and what we, in turn, should vie to acquire. At the very least keep away from others.


Nice! The good old "creepy hologram-man in sarcophagus"- card. Haven't seen that played in a while. In fact, I'm pretty sure they stopped printing that card well over fifteen thousand years ago.

Which means that shit hidden underneath the sand is old. Previous age of mankind old. No doubt riddled with dust and cobwebs. The Templars must be absolutely fucking loving it out there!

While I generally find history about as fascinating as daytime TV, old doesn't necessarily equal bad, and stuff from previous ages of mankind can be immensely valuable. It made Akhenaten nuts, but with a little luck and some commitment from you it can only make us more powerful, and in turn grant me a convenient meeting upstairs.




There's a great many things I could say about this latest adventure of yours, but I will - as is my wont - shoot for pith.

What you have seen today are remnants of an earlier age, a civilisation preceding our own and even that of the ancient Egyptians. And as the echoes of history ring through the abandoned streets of the City of the Sun God, we must be careful not to let them drown out the sound of what's at stake here.

I think we can safely assume we have found the reason Akhenaten came to this place to begin with, why he developed such an obsession with what he found here. And it is imperative none of this ends up in the wrong hands.

We absolutely have to lead the way on this, or the consequences could be dire.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Search the cultist camp for artifacts
  • Search the camp for a map of the cultists' excavations
    • You'll find it at (427,879), inside the tent that the body is next to
    • Note: You will need this map throughout the mission

Tier 2/4

  • Go to the first excavation site
  • Power up the custodian
  • Follow the custodian
  • Find what the custodian is pointing at
    • Custodian points up.
    • Climb up the dinosaur bones, and you will find a "Strange metal piece" on top

Tier 3/4

  • Investigate the second excavation site
  • Investigate the third excavation site
    • The clockwork custodian is at (35,617), guarded by 5 Prostrates.
    • It is almost under the temple - down the stairs and in a cave
    • Follow custodian to (99,636) and he points at a web
    • Destroy the web cocoon, and find a "Strange metal piece" inside
  • Investigate the fourth excavation site
    • This clockwork guardian is located at (105,392)
    • Follow custodian to (65,385) and he points at a dead Orochi Group guard
    • Follow the bloody footprints around to Locked Orochi transport container at (14,374)
    • Use the container - it is locked.
    • Use the laptop on top of the container
    • The password hint is Horse Feathers
Clue 1:
Horse Feathers is a movie
Reading through the "notable scenes" for the movie Horse Feathers, you'll see that one of them starts with a password being "Swordfish". "Swordfish" is the password to the computer. The computer will give you the password to the container - 1053.
  • Assemble the strange pieces
Clue 1:
"Y" for assembly
Clue 2:
There is nothing telling you what pattern to put the pieces into the assembly window, but if you move them around you should be able to see what they're trying make"
Put the 4 "strange metal pieces" into a square so that the icons of each piece look like they're forming a wheel. if you have it in the right shape you should be able to make a "Strange Metal Cogwheel.

Tier 4/4

  • Find what the ancient key is for
Clue 1:
You've already been to the 4 sites marked on the map
Clue 2:
Now you need to figure out where the picture that was with the map goes to. This is a "familiarity check" - if you've run around the zone a lot you've probably seen it. If not, you'll probably have to run around quite a bit until you find it.
The picture is the entrance to the Halls of Lost Records, at (376,255). Go inside (you may want a light source of some type) and go back to Nefertari's Chamber where there is a "Strange Door", at (609,172). Open it and there is a sarcophagus inside. use the Sarcophagus.

Other Information

Related Achievements

  • This mission is required for the Unleashed achievement



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