Nightmare in the Dream Palace/tsw

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Nightmare in the Dream Palace/tsw
Region: Kaidan
Zone: Kaidan
Start Coords: 681,640
End location: 681,640
Given by: Kaoru
Type: Story
Requires: Update 1.10
[[One Kill Ahead]]
Reward: 598,420 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.10

Despite the disaster in Kaidan, the love hotel, known as the Dream Palace, remains open. Your intel points to this improbable place. .


Tier 1

Kaoru: Hello. You are most welcome. Outside, the city shudders,
Kaoru: but the Love Hotel remains open and ready to embrace you.
Kaoru: We can accommodate any inclination, ease any trouble or tension.
Kaoru: There are no problems here, only solutions.
Kaoru: It is not easy to remain open in the city's current...
Kaoru: ...condition. But we carry on.
Kaoru: Calamity shall not interrupt your pleasure or peace. Not here.
Kaoru: We accept clients of all persuasions and needs.
Kaoru: Our clients have differing, even violently opposed purposes, but we welcome them all.
Kaoru: It is important to remember that our hospitality should not be misconstrued as allegiance,
Kaoru: but merely courteous professionalism. It is good business.
Kaoru: However you are not here because our beds are soft...
Kaoru: ...but because our sails are purple.
Kaoru: We offer you no danger here. You seek the Morninglight.
Kaoru: My employers did business with them, but that business is concluded.
Kaoru: They are not our friends. In fact, the only reason my employers have not accepted the very generous contracts taken out on the Morninglight
Kaoru: is because there is already too much competition in that venture. And the year has already proven lucrative.
Kaoru: My instructions are to wrap up affairs in the city and continue maintaining the hotel as a respectable business.
Kaoru: My employers told me you would visit.
Kaoru: My employers have instructed me to show you every courtesy.
Kaoru: You wish to know more about the one called John.
Kaoru: Take this key. Go to the AV Suite, and you will find out just who John is.
John: Hiya, Chuck. What are you doing here?
John: Nothing in here for you, Chuck. Just Christmas under the black light.
John: [You have better things to do, Chuck](line possibly cut since release)
John: Leave, Chuck. I can make you leave.
John: I said go!
John: Che showed me the room, didn't he?
John: The room. The room. The red-red bed. The room smells like carcinogens, and you take on the dreams of those who loved here.

Tier 2

John: I was so afraid the first day I stood in front of Fear Nothing. Their pamphlets flapped around town like bats.
John: Dead mother. Icy father. Nothing warm to hold.
John: Social skills like vestigial limbs. Never picked in sports. Will they hate me? Someone please pick me...
John: First thing I remember, the big, bright Bingo Cola machine. Free. All we could drink. My teeth screamed. Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Make your voices happy!
John: Ever boil a can of cola? Ever see what tries to crawl out of the saucepan?
John: Naonomi, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I thought I would do anything for you.
John: Naonomi introduced me to Che. Che, the harbinger of trouble. Che, the demon hippie.
John: Didn't like him at first. Che had flown in to see the Morninglight operation in Kaidan. I was told to show him around town, show him a good time.
John: But that's not why you visited, was it, Che? I know that now. You were here to mold me. I was your clay dinosaur. Hear me roar.
John: Everywhere you went you made trouble. Remember, Che? You were dehydrated trouble concentrate: just add liquor.
John: You got into a fight at the diner, Che. I thought that giant of a cook was going to rip our heads off.
John: The things that came out of your mouth. Remember, Che? The things you said to strangers. I was so embarrassed, but I hid it.
John: Again and again, Che. You got into a fight at the Pachinko Parlour. Those Yakuza humiliated us, made us dance.
John: You even got us kicked out of the bathhouse. I said I was embarrassed, but really...I was starting to like it.
John: All that trouble. I liked this new me. That's when we became friends. Eh, Che?
John: I took you to the Love Hotel. But really, you took me. You were the guide, not me. I know that now, Che.
John: Kaoru was so kind. Such a soothing voice. Made everything all right. That voice carried us to the room. The room. The red-red heart in the dark.
John: Remember the spiders, Che? Some exotic species. You kept them in vials. Bio-syringes. The girls squealed. I worried you were having a heart attack. "Beats the fuck out of Viagra!" you screamed.
John: There was a moment, Che, when the universe slowed. You were on the bed with two women.
John: "Top of the world, ma!" you yelled, flexing in the mirror. Hamburger slapping brick. I was on the floor.
John: The wallpaper patterns...moved...I saw sleepy mouths swallowing planets. I knew, right then, I was where I needed to be.
John: Was I crying? Why was I crying?
John: So much time in that room, Che. I left a different person. The room. The red-red bed.
John: Oh, Che. Best bud. You even tried to get into a fight with Ricky Pagan. But he said he would only do battle in a dance-off. Weird night.
John: Barely a goodbye. Never saw you again. Things got serious after you left, Che.
John: I was so nervous the day I spoke with Philip Marquard. He told me I had to carry the Grand Message. Then...told me not to disappoint Lilith.
John: He whispered in my ear. Names. So many names. All the bad things those names could do.
John: I don't remember everything Marquard whispered. I threw up in the bathroom after. Lilith...
John: Couldn't sleep. Scared of the bomb. Scared of disappointing everyone. Lilith lurked under my eyelids.
John: She is as big as the sky!
John: Her stare is death!
John: She is illimitable! She is ruin!
John: I rehearsed the plan in my head, repeated all the metro stations like a song. I was supposed to go to Orochi Tower.
John: But I got scared. I felt Her eyes on me. Lilith. Lilith-Lilith-Lilith-Lilith-Lilith-Lilith-Lilith!
John: [The bloody manger. The nightmare womb.] (Line possibly cut since first release)
John: Lilith knew. She didn't want me there. Had Marquard lied to me?
John: She's going to get me!
John: I drank the liquid dreams of the Sleepers. I became many me's. Stretching plural.
John: I am Ground Zero. I can look through any set of filthy eyes.
John: Don't like it much, moving in meatspace in meattime. Like mucking through a bog. I prefer tech.
John: Hiya, Chuck. I know you're watching. A quarter in the slot for a peek. Dirty voyeur-voyeur-voyeur.
John: Enjoy the show? Guess it's my turn. Eh, Chuck? Don't struggle. Fair is fair.
John: What's a little mutual violation between friends? Hush now, Chuck. I'm just going to stare into your slot.

In player's old apartment. As a Filthy bee flies in the sleeping player's mouth, John revises the original radio announcement:

John: "...further developments in Tokyo, where the military is maintaining a heavily guarded perimeter around the site of last month's terrorist attack. The Japanese government has stated that a totally benevolent cult has released the Blackworm Jism into the Tokyo subway, ushering in the Dreaming Ones who will tear down the wet tissue walls of our sanity. Although the area has been evacuated, there have been eyewitness reports of the military systematically killing off civilians. Authorities have denied everything, plucked out their own jellied eyes and begun feasting on the corpses of the innocent."

As player's recent life plays on the apartment TV

John: It's the late-late-late show. Starring you, Chuck. I'll just fast-forward to the good bits...
John: Look! Danny Dufresne, Sheriff Bannerman, Reverend Hawthorne, Madame Rogêt, Norma Creed, Carter, and all the rest.
John: Wanna know which ones die, Chuck? Wanna know which ones cry out your name?

As Che appears onscreen

John: know him too?
John: Ah, Beaumont. Now show me what happened with him.

(If player dies fighting Beaumont or the others: John: Is that how you recall it, Chuck?)

Freddy Beaumont: What is that smell? You reek of primitive magics. You are soaked in it!
Freddy Beaumont: You arrogant child!
Freddy Beaumont: Do you know who I am? What I am?
John: Do you know Beaumont's real name? I'll tell ya, Chuck. Gouge out your eyes with mistletoe, and I'll whisper the name in your sockets.
John: That was entertaining... What else?
John: Aten! Aten! Aten! Oh...sorry. (replacing line A dapper mummy mafia makes for great TV. Eh, Chuck?)
John: Show me Akhenaten.
Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh: I reap all mortal seeds!
Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh: O darkness, o horned beasts of night.
Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh: Out of the belly of the sun!
Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh: Bow to the end of days!
Akhenaten, the Black Pharaoh: Light of all that is said, shadow of hidden things.
John: You're dead right now, Chuck. You just haven't accepted it. Your life is an out-of-date VHS loop.
(replacing line Did you really defeat the Black Pharaoh, Chuck? Does that even seem likely? Maybe you didn't. Maybe you're dead. I make sense as a purgatory, don't I, Chuck? )
John: Werewolves, vampires, and communist goblins? Is this even likely, Chuck?
John: Maybe you're just some slob who got stung in the throat by a bee, while sleeping, and slipped into a coma.
John: Wake up, Chuck! Your family is waiting. Your bills are waiting.
John: I like Mara. Pretty.
Her Majesty, Mara: You will suffer.
Her Majesty, Mara: Destroy them, my children!
Her Majesty, Mara: Don't ever ask children to do a queen's work...
John: So...Dracula was a good guy. What a twist.
John: Oh! I like this part. Ouch! Can't believe you've lived this long, Chuck.

As replay of issues 5-7 continues:

John: Interesting... You're all windows and no doors, Chuck.
John: No worries. I've got a brick and a million curiosities. Oh...spoilers.

As Lilith appears onscreen

John: She's going to get me!
John: No... Chuck, you met... you met, Her?
John: Lilith...Lilith... She walks like a centipede on 17 names.
John: Oh god. Oh lord. Oh Outer Ones. The things Marquard whispered in my ear...
John: Dangerous. Even her memory is dangerous. Her memory could kill. Hide, Chuck! Hide!
John: She did all that to you? And you still came to Kaidan? Knowing she was here? That's brave, Chuck. Sans night light.
John: Let me show you something, Chuck... She's in there! The Tower was already locked. I made sure no one undid it.
John: No one in. No one out. Made sure no one ever opened it. Could never let her out. Never-never-never-never-never-never.
John: But now... I can be brave too. Like you, Chuck. I'll find a way to open the gate. When I do, I'll let you know.

As player wakes in the real-world AV room

John: Be seeing you, Chuck.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Kaoru seems most accommodating. She says that you will find answers to John's identity in the AV Suite..
    • Enter the AV Suite
    • Investigate the AV Suite
    • Leave the AV Suite
  • Tier 2: What does the room of a love hotel have to do with the entity known as John? Best investigate.
    • Explore the Dreamscape


  • 598,420 Experience total
    • half upon completion of Tier 1
  • 30,000 Pax Romana
  • 18 Black Bullion
  • Heavily Corrupted Biohazard Container
  • AEGIS Capacitor (upon first completion)
  • Epic 10.1 Occult talisman (upon first completion)



The tower is a the [sic] middle finger tempting the wrath of the sky gods. All calculations meet there. When our window opens, we must be swift.


Your report makes for interesting reading. John and Che - Fear and Loathing in Kaidan. Even more interesting is who runs the Dream Palace. Even more scary, is a bodiless thing like John being that afraid of Lilith. We - shit. Have to go. The talking heads are buzzing me. Be ready. Fuck.


Lilith. The tower. Let us take a silent moment to prepare for what is to come.

R. Sonnac


There are 2 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

  • Take the key from Kaoru
  • Enter room 302
  • Inspect items in the room until John pulls you into his dreamscape.
  • Push away the walls of the room until it collapses (push away at the wall behind the bed for a quick-grab lore piece)

Tier 2/2

  • Deal with stacking inebriation debuff walking to the teahouse
    • avoid Akashi's big attack for part of an achievement
  • Stagger to Pachinko Parlor
    • dodge Yakuza bullets for part of an achievement
  • Stagger to the bathhouse
    • defeat ## demons for the final part of the achievement
  • Stagger to the Love Hotel for John's defining moment
  • Stagger to Ginpachi Park for a dance-off with Ricky Pagan
  • Observe John's mounting panic about Lilith
    • Dodge attacks of three giant Liliths as John huddles in his bedroom.
  • Thread a maze of commuters to see John detonate the filth bomb
  • Watch a replay of your recent life on the TV of your old apartment
    • Re-fight your final Solomon Island battle with Freddy Beaumont (Cybernetic AEGIS)
    • Re-fight your final Black Pyramid battle with Akhenaten (Demonic AEGIS)
    • Re-fight your final Dracula's Castle battle with Mara (Psychic AEGIS)
  • Seeing you were brave enough to come to Tokyo after being maimed by Lilith, John promises to help you access Orochi Tower.

Other Information

  • Before Issue 11 came out, upon first completion of this mission players were automatically given segue mission, The Signal which (after Issue 11's release) would morph, upon arrival at Kaidan (415,335), into the opening cutscene of Assault on Orochi Tower.




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