Scrapyard Defence/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Scrapyard Defence/tsw
Scrapyard Edgar.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Edgar's Scrapyard
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Scrapyard Edgar
Type: Action
Reward: 103,400 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Edgar wants to keep the zombies and draug out of his scrapyard. Barricades help, but supporting a defence with corrosives and other homemade concotions will help even more.


Initial Cutscene

Scrapyard Edgar: Tango! Cash! Don't, boys! I said Down! Hush or you'll taste the stick! You know you will.
Scrapyard Edgar: Shut your pie holes, boys, we got ourselves visitors! Wooh-hoo, and this one's breathin'!
Scrapyard Edgar: Yeah, now that's more like it.
Scrapyard Edgar: They're mean sumbitches, sooner bite a chunk off your B-U-T as look at you.
Scrapyard Edgar: Watch as you don't make eye contact, particularly with Cash there. That's the one right there.
Scrapyard Edgar: He don't much care for that, and he's the friendly one.
Scrapyard Edgar: Hey! Tango! Leave that arm alone, it's infected. Fucking dumb motherfucker.
Scrapyard Edgar: Jay-sus Christ on a bicycle, fuckers got a taste for Frankies.
Scrapyard Edgar: Dogs been keepin' the yard clean, goddam Frankensteins get spooken by 'em.
Scrapyard Edgar: Those who don't get spooked, they get torn into tiny li'l pieces.
Scrapyard Edgar: Even I get sick of watching 'em go at it, and I've seen some sick shit in my life.
Scrapyard Edgar: But the boys, they can't get to all of 'em.
Scrapyard Edgar: Frankies and Smurfs keep popping up like, like, uh... like bunny-rabbits at Easter. Boom boom! You know what I mean?
Scrapyard Edgar: You a dog person? Cats are good for nuthin' except as yowlin' dishrags.
Scrapyard Edgar: You bein' a hero an' all, I'm guessin' it don't matter much.
Scrapyard Edgar: You ain't got a choice, you're here to fight Frankies and those mutant Smurfs, right?
Scrapyard Edgar: I even got some toys you can play with. Toys take go BOOM and SPLAT.
Scrapyard Edgar: Don't ask me where I get 'em, 'cause I won't tell you, and it ain't non of your business, you understand me?
Scrapyard Edgar: (Chuckles) Look at that serious face on you.
Scrapyard Edgar: So now maybe my boys can take a breather while I get some work done on the short-bus from hell right here.
Scrapyard Edgar: We got ourselves a deal, hero?
Scrapyard Edgar: Mind you keep the noise down, Tango and Cash are the sensitive types, you know... but I reckon they'll be happy to pick through the pieces after.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Edgar has homemade defences lying around that can be used to stop zombies and draug from entering the scrapyard. Find the supplies and strength the nearby barricades.
    • Pick up one of Edgar's toys
    • Place the defensive measures
    • Go to the assault starting point
  • Tier 2: The first defence was successful. The same tactics can be applied to the next barricade.
    • Locate the second set of barricades
    • Pick up one of Edgar's toys
    • Defend the barricades
  • Tier 3: Further attacks are likely. There are other barricades nearby that will need protection, and probably a few more if Edgar's homemade defences somewhere.
    • Locate the third set of barricades
    • Pick up one of Edgar's toys
    • Defend the barricades




The greatest defense is motion. However, on occasion we must dig in and secure a strategic position. Or perhaps simply give that impression.

The scrapyard is, like its owner, a locus of labour and mystery. Most likely it amounts to nothing, but places of safety are rare in Kingsmouth. As are projects concerned with communal transportation.

In times of death, anything that moves is significant. Either is is an enemy to be killed, or something worth defending.


I hope you're taking notes on perimeter defense: optimal distribution patterns, damage type ratios, horde management etc. We may need to apply these tactics in the future, to areas that are slightly more high-profile.

That isn't to say the scrapyard is worthless. It may prove an efficient source of materials. And that bus is all that's left of communal transport.

Good thing we've got Agartha.



It required the reallocation of resources, but I’ve finally deciphered what the man in the scrapyard was saying. Well, most of it. The Queen’s English has never been so mishandled.

I’m not certain if we’ve preserved anything of value – the bus perhaps? – or simply exercised our tactics. Regardless, defending a perimeter with the aid of various concoctions is a skill that must be mastered. The way things are headed, we may one day have to apply these lessons to preserving Temple Hall from the rabble in Darkside.

Heaven forbid.

R. Sonnac


NOTE: It is strongly recommended you pick up the mission Tango and Cash at the same time. The monsters that are objectives for that mission cannot be killed within it's time limit unless done as part of the assaults generated by this mission.

There are 3 tiers to this mission

Tier 1/3

  • Pick up one of Edgar's toys
    • They are barrels found just outside the gate near Edgar.
  • Place the defensive measures
    • Once you pick up the first barrel, you are now timed and have 2:00 minutes to place the rest of the barrels
    • Go to the eastern barricades near (626, 642)
    • Use the barrel out of your inventory to set it down
    • You want to set the barrels next to the barricades between shipping containers so that they will damage the monsters attacking the barricades.
  • Defend the barricades
    • There will be 3 waves of Zombies and Draug
    • Kill them before they can damage and destroy one of the barricades

Tier 2/3

  • Pick up one of Edgar's toys
    • They are more barrels found just outside the gate near Edgar.
  • Place the defensive measures
    • Once you pick up the first barrel, you are now timed and have 2:00 minutes to place the rest of the barrels
    • Go to the western barricades near (586, 651)
    • Use the barrel out of your inventory to set it down
    • You want to set the barrels next to the barricades between shipping containers so that they will damage the monsters attacking the barricades.
  • Defend the barricades
    • There will be 3 waves of Zombies and Draug
    • Kill them before they can damage and destroy one of the barricades

Tier 3/3

  • Locate the third set of barricades
    • These are on the northern side of the scrapyard near (575, 728)
    • It is easier (and safer) to get to them by running around the outside of the scrapyard rather than through it
  • Pick up one of Edgar's toys
    • More barrels, just inside the fence of the scrapyard
    • Again, you have 2 minutes to place the defences
  • Defend the barricades

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