The Vision/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

The Vision/tsw
Madame Roget.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Raven's Knock
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Madame Roget
Type: Investigation
Requires: The Raven
Reward: 215,080 Experience Experience
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Madame Roget has a vision of your future. Follow the vision.


Initial Cutscene

Madame Roget: It was always about deception. The crystal ball, the Gyost clothing, the fake accent... Cheap props, to make the fortune cookies easier to swallow.
Madame Roget: My customers, they bought into it because they wanted to. If there's not free will, if it's all about fate, life is a whole lot simpler.
Madame Roget: We can just say, "Hey, it was meant to be," and get on with it.
Madame Roget: That's the key to fortune telling, that's why people fall for it. We're all prisoners of our search for a higher meaning.
Madame Roget: It's all about mutal deception. I never believed I was telling people anything they didn't already know.
Madame Roget: Until now.
Madame Roget: I have... waking dreams. Visions.
Madame Roget: I see auras. Auras! Yours, by the way, is bright enough to blind me.
Madame Roget: I see through the eyes of others. I can even see into the future - for real!
Madame Roget: The paths of fate, clear as day. It's almost like... like I've become who I've pretended to be all these years.
Madame Roget: Or maybe I'm just going crazy. I could be going crazy. I wouldn't blame myself if I was going...
Madame Roget: Oh great, here we go again.
Madame Roget: I'm having another vision. They come and go like headaches, I can't really control them. Quick, before it passes.
Madame Roget: I see your twin paths. One leads to salvation, the other to defeat. I see black tendrils rising to embrace you, voices whispering in your ear.
Madame Roget: Corruption from within and from without. Something rising from the bottomless deep to devour us all, to turn day into night.
Madame Roget: Sorry... I see something else.
Madame Roget: Our path intertwine, converge, and at the end of it... exodus.
Madame Roget: Inescapable, permanent, fated.
Madame Roget: On the tip of the pyramid, your path shall be revealed.
Madame Roget: That's as good as it's going to get. Make of it what you will. Sometimes I get more visions, like the aftershocks of an earthquake.
Madame Roget: If that happens, I'll let you know.
Madame Roget: You won't even have to pay my usual fee. Let's call it a freebie, sweetie.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The clue from Madame Roget's vision said: "On the tip of the pyramid, your path shall be revealed."
    • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
  • Tier 2: Message from Madame Roget: "Shadows, long shadows, from the old boughs of the fairy forest, the flickering lights of the foolish fire guiding your path. Come, come! they beckon."
    • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
  • Tier 3: Message from Madame Roget: "There’s bees, the incessant buzzing of bees, and flowers – flowers blooming out of season – to mark the path ahead."
    • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
  • Tier 4: Message from Madame Roget: "I see an angel, guarding hallowed ground, sword in hand to ward off evil and guide the way."
    • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
  • Tier 5: Message from Madame Roget: "The cold, dead eyes of the innocent stare at you from the gallows, their blank gaze a mirror to the past... and the future."
    • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
  • Tier 6: Madame Roget’s visions seem to have their source in great pain and suffering.
    • Find and destroy the source of the darkness




No vision is meaningless, no matter how vague or bleak. No riddle isn't worth solving, no matter how obscure. There will be an "Exodus" one day. It has been prophesied by visionaries more powerful - and trustworthy - than those in Kingsmouth.

When the final path is open, it will not be marked for fools to follow. Enlightenment is not a right. Our minds must be sharp; we must earn access to the truth.

But first, we should learn exactly what threatens us. Only then can we depart.


I get nightmare visions too. They involve powerpoints that lack results. I'm trying very hard to look on the bright side of things: a) improved sense of local geography; b) expanded knowledge of local lore; c) sharpened riddle-reading skills. Maybe you'll write a book one day.

In the meantime, we'll turn this into a pie chart and bury it in the "Exodus" pile. It won't be the first.

Fun fact: you're now fully qualified to give guided tours of Kingsmouth. Congratulations.



This appears to have been a wild-goose chase, I’m sorry to say. Granted, one restless soul sent back to the other side, but certainly not worth the time invested. This nonsense about “Exodus” is probably just the vivid imagination of a woman touched by flawed second sight – an anomaly, nothing more. We can file this one under “case closed.”

In your defense, no stone must be left unturned. Seek, and ye shall find, they say.

It holds true most of the time.

R. Sonnac


Note:This mission also assumes you have run around Kingsmouth a fair bit and paid attention to your surroundings while doing so. If you wish to solve this mission without any spoilers, make sure you've done a fair number of missions given by other people living in and around Kingsmouth first.

There are 6 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/6

  • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
Clue 1:
"On the tip of the pyramid, your path will be revealed"
Clue 2:
Check you map for a pyramid
Head to Pyramid Point. You must go to the very tip at (651, 130), and may have to walk around a bit to get it to register

Tier 2/6

  • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
    • "Shadows, long shadows, from the old boughs of the fairy forest, the flickering lights of the foolish fire guiding your path. 'Come, come!' they beckon."
Clue 1:
Lights guiding your path - Will-o-the-wisp
Head to the old tree in Wispwood, located at (246,122). Be careful of wisps - they have a very large aggro range

Tier 3/6

  • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
    • "There's bees, the incessant buzzing of bees, and flowers - flowers blooming out of season - to mark the path ahead."
Clue 1:
Bees and a path are the key words.
The bees and the path refer to Agartha, go to the Agartha portal, located at (27, 174). You'll need to be the left of the entrance to it (as you're facing it, running up to it), near the Anima Well, and again may have to wander around a bit for it to register the right spot

Tier 4/6

  • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
    • "I see an angel, guarding hallowed ground, sword in hand to ward off evil and guide the way."
Clue 1:
You're looking for hallowed ground, and an angel with a sword
Head to the statue in the cemetery behind the Kingsmouth Congregational Church at (268, 492)

Tier 5/6

  • Find the location from Madame Roget's vision
    • "The cold, dead eyes of the innocent stare at you from the gallows, their blank gaze a mirror to the past ... and the future."
Clue 1:
You need to find a place where criminals could have been hung
Clue 2:
It isn't a traditional gallows, or even a tree
There is a plaque on Langmore Bridge (both ends) that refers to it as Hangman's Bridge, head there. You'll want to come at it from the western/town side. Coming in from the eastern/airport side can sometimes cause problems with it registering you going to the right spot.

Tier 6/6

  • Find and destroy the source of the darkness

Other Information

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