To Sir, With Love/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

To Sir, With Love/tsw
Hayden Montag.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: Innsmouth Academy
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Hayden Montag
Type: Action
Reward: 172,990 xp Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.4]]

A wraith from Montag's past has come back to do more than just haunt him. The headmaster knows that in the realm of the Peacock King, blood calls for blood. However, Carter and Ms. Usher aren't willing to let him pay the ultimate price.


Initial Cutscene

Montag: A wraith? That's...improbable.
Montag: They cannot manifest far from their wretched corpse.
Montag: Only the Yazidi knew how to-
Montag: Ohhh...the Yazidi.
Montag: As a bookish child, I accidentally intoned a death-curse that claimed my mother, our neighbours, and a passing couple in the street,
Montag: though it spared their small russet dog.
Montag: I was young, and needed the knowledge.
Montag: Carter, this is why I saw something of myself in you.
Montag: A great and terrible power, to be shaped with the care I never had.
Carter: That's...not really encouraging, sir.
Montag: I assure you that your magic has almost certainly not caused any immediately fatal injuries.
Montag: This loose end has become a hangman's noose.
Montag: Exorcising the wraith calls for a ritual sacrifice.
Montag: My...ritual sacrifice.
Carter: No way.
Usher: No bloody way.
Montag: In fact, it is the only way.
Montag: In the realm of the Peacock King, blood calls for blood.
Montag: Such is the price of foolish magic.
Montag: Hmm... I should like that for my epitaph.
Usher: This isn't going to happen, H.J.
Usher: Obviously I defer to your massive brain on most matters of the occult.
Usher: But the only object lesson happening today is you learning about compromise.
Montag: That sounds...painful.
Carter: Less painful than making a pentacle from your entrails.
Montag: You remembered the very book of curses. Truly a model student.

Tier 1

When taking a blood sample from Hayden Montag.

Montag: Well, this is awkward. Now we are acquainted.

Tier 6

Upon giving the slide to Hayden Montag.

Montag: I feel obliged to thank you. It's an...odd feeling, slightly nauseating.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: It may be possible to exorcise the wraith without giving it the headmaster's life. However, there's no way to get around the fact that his blood will be needed.
    • Collect a syringe from the first aid kit.
    • Collect a sample of Hayden Montag's blood.
  • Tier 2: Montag has never been one for compromise. The crisis has made him more macabre than ever, more determined to pay for his mistakes. Carry out your own research and ease the headmaster's burden.
    • Research wraiths in the library.
    • Acquire an occult spectrometer.
    • Acquire a mirror from the supply closet.
  • Tier 3: Wraiths are able to pass through mirrors. Use the occult spectrometer to track down the wraith somewhere on the Innsmouth Academy grounds. Then use the knowledge you have to summon and defeat it.
    • Use the occult spectrometer to locate the wraith.
    • Spray Montag's blood around the area.
    • Place the mirror to the ground.
    • Defeath the wraith and then smash the mirror.
  • Tier 4: Mal'un, the Accursed has disappeared. Use the spectrometer to find him again.
    • Use the spectrometer to locate the wraith.
    • Force Mal'un, the Accursed to flee into mirrors and then destroy them.
  • Tier 5: Soon there will be nowhere for the accursed to flee.
    • Use the spectrometer to locate where the wraith has gone.
    • Defeat Mal'u, the Accursed and trap him in the projector.
    • Turn off the projector and take the slide with the wraith in it.
  • Tier 6: The wraith is now trapped inside the slide. There's only one man who will know best what to do with it.
    • Give the slide to Hayden Montag.



Dragon.png Dragon

You have saved the headmaster from a great act of cowardice. He knows very well that he needn't die to exorcise the wraith. His inner demons, however, are another matter. The man's ship is sinking and he is determined to go down with it. Or rather, it seems, to go down before it. This torment from his past was to be the straw that broke his back. He saw an opportunity to jump into the freezing water before it was even necessary.

It will not be that easy.

This line between our friends and our enemies is often blurred. Sometimes the best and worst you can do for either is to make them live another day.


Illuminati.png Illuminati

Ugh, I remember seeing this in HJ's file. No one's past is perfect, but still, this causes a bit of a PR nightmare. Guess who gets to smooth it over with the peacock king?

This is why I get the big bucks.


Templars.png Templar

I suspect you've done a great deal to inspire next year's syllabus. Wraiths and Yadizi Death Curses 101, complete with slides. Assuming, of course, that next year has a syllabus. Or that there is even a next year at all.

My, the headmaster's gloom and doom is infectious. I admit, my faith in the education system is at an all-time low. Slides and projectors in the classroom indeed! Students don't require visual aids, they require discipline. What next, I wonder, texts on Anasi tablets? Atrocious.

Nonetheless, I have faith in you. And you, by all accounts, still have faith in the world. Hold on to it with all you have.

R. Sonnac


There are 6 tiers to this mission. NOTE: Each time Mal'un, the Accursed flees into a mirro - there is no timer shown, but you only have a limited amount of time to destroy the mirror before you are no longer able to target it, and must use the Occult spectrometer again to summon him from that mirror again and start over at that spot.

Tier 1/6

  • Get a syringe from the First Aid kit
    • On the floor, next to Carter's desk.
    • Collect a sample of Hayden Montag's blood.
  • Click on Hayden Montag, you will receive Montag's blood in your inventory

Tier 2/6

  • Research wraiths in the library.
  • Acquire an Occult spectrometer
    • Marked on your map at (240,400)
    • It's on a desk in the "Magical Theory" classroom, on the first floor
  • Acquire a Mirror from the supply closet
    • Marked on your map, at (280,400)
    • On top of a box in the "Supply Closet" on the first floor

Tier 3/6

  • Use the occult spectrometer to locate the wraith
    • Use the Occult spectrometer from your inventory
    • Blue circles will shoot from it in the direction you're supposed to go, you will probably have to use it a few times because it does not continuously signal
    • When you get to the right area (at {{Coords|335|435|Savage Coast|Wraith]]) you will see the ground pulse
  • Use Montag's blood around the area
  • Place the mirror on the ground
    • Use the Mirror from your inventory.
  • Defeat the wraith and then smash the mirror.
    • Mal'un, the Accursed will appear.
    • Kill him, and he will flee to the mirror, shrink down, and then disappear into it
    • Target the Mirror and attack it to destroy it

Tier 4/6

  • Use the occult spectrometer to locate the wraith.
    • Again, use it from your inventory
    • It will lead you to the "Demonology" room in the main building, at (293,338)
    • Click on the mirror in this room, and Mal'un, the Accursed will appear again
    • As you kill him again, he will flee back into the mirror in this room. Again, target it and destroy it
  • Force Mal'un, the Accursed to flee into mirrors and then destroy them
    • You will have to defeat the wraith three times before this tier is finished.
    • 1st is in the "Cryptozoology" room
    • 2nd is in the "Familiar Lab" room
    • 3rd is in the "Summoning Theory" room

Tier 5/6

  • Use the spectrometer to locate where the wraith has gone
    • Use the Occult spectrometer from your inventory again. It will lead you to the "Media Lab"
    • Mal'un, the Accursed will apear again when you enter this room. This time, he will be slightly stronger this time
    • Defeat Mal'un, the Accursed and trap him in the projector
    • Make sure you destroy the mirror in the room before you kill Mal'un, the Accursed
    • Kill him
  • Turn off the projector and take the slide with the wraith in it.
    • Timed: 0:20 seconds
    • The projector is on a chair in the middle of the room
    • If you don't destroy the mirror first, or you don't use the projector fast enough, you'll have to kill him again

Tier 6/6

  • Give the slide to Hayden Montag.
    • Back in the office where you got the mission from

Other Information

Related Achievements


  • Yazidi are people who live around Iraq, and have their own religion - Yazdânism



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