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The Madness of Men
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Amparo Osorio
Type: Action
Reward: 254,800 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

There is something going on at the temple north of Al-Merayah. Meteors are falling from the sky and the very ground is on fire. Find out what's going on and if something can be done.


Dialogue Scene Name

Amparo Osorio: It's like the plagues of Egypt.
Amparo Osorio: First, the water turns to blood, figuratively, if not quite literally,
Amparo Osorio: then there's hail and thunder, locust swarms, flies and disease, and then darkness.
Amparo Osorio: And now? The very fires of heaven rain upon us.
Amparo Osorio: It's almost...
Amparo Osorio: beautiful.
Amparo Osorio: But only from up here. There's no beauty to be found down there.
Amparo Osorio: Only death and war.
Amparo Osorio: This land has been cursed by history, and the madness of men.
Amparo Osorio: Of course, I don't have the manpower to investigate, let alone do anything about it.
Amparo Osorio: All that's left for me is to write another report to the Council, pleading for them to come see for themselves.
Amparo Osorio: To witness how the skies and ground have opened up, unleashing the wrath of God upon us all.
Amparo Osorio: No: not the wrath of God.
Amparo Osorio: There's nothing Biblical about these plagues.
Amparo Osorio: This is all in the hands of humans.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Amparo can but watch as the fire rains over the temple. She doesn't have the manpower to investigate and the Council are ignoring her many reports
    • Investigate the rifts in the ground
    • 0/4 Thin the population of Pilgrims of Flame
    • 0/12 Thin the population of Flame Spirits around the rifts
  • Tier 2: The valley behind the temple is filled with Flame Spirits and Lava Golems tossing fiery boulders over the mountains.
    • Find the source of the meteors
    • 0/2 Thin the population of Lava Golems
  • Tier 3: [quest task desc is empty]
    • Investigate the portal




The fire pits and hellrifts are but scars stemming from a deeper wound. For the golems trapped in rock the moment is glorious. They celebrate their liberation with fire.

The Earth has opened up. The sun will rise from below and swallow all those who search for it in the sky. It is too late for the Council of venice. They will be the first to fall.

The time will come to seal these pits and save the Earth from itself, but not yet. To understand what you are saving, first you must see it suffer.


The madness of men, or the ineptitude of bloated administrative bodies? Egypt is sinking into Hell and the Council of Venice is doing nothing about it. Actually, they're doing less than that. They're getting it wrong out there.

These phenomena have nothing to do with the fires of Heaven. The fissures in the ground are getting worse and that's causing all kinds of pissed off golems to come up through the cracks.

If you feel you have to report this to the Council, scrawl it on a napkin. They love it when we do that.



"Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone" (Psalm 11:6). Reports of the sky opening up are grossly exaggerated. To the stupefied onlooker it would seem like a rain of fire - a sun god's wrath indeed! - but Aten rises, after all. He doesn't fall.

Something is causing severe fissures in the ground. As a result all manner of sleeping beast rises up through the cracks. The golems, for one, appear none too happy to have been roused.

We shall inform the Council of where the earth's wounds are deepest. They do love a good report.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

  • Investigate the rifts in the ground
    • Head to around 614,583
  • Thin the population of 4 Pilgrim of Flame
  • Thin the population of 12 Flame Spirits around the rifts
    • Flame Spirits are Yellow named creatures, meaning they will not attack first but will wait until attacked

Tier 2/3

  • Find the source of the meteors
    • Around Eastern Scar at 485,863
  • Thin the population of 2 Lava Golems

Tier 3/3

  • Investigate the portal
    • Walk up to it, in the area indicated on the map
    • You will be attacked by three individual Flame Spirits. These spirits are aggressive from the start and do not wait to be attacked first.
    • You will get credit for this step once the 3rd Flame Spirit appears
  • Kill the Pyrotic Invader

Other Information

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