The Faculty/tsw

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The Faculty/tsw
Interred faculty records.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Hayden Montag
Type: Action
Reward: 179,000 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

The situation at the academy is dire. Past faculty members are rampaging the grounds as spectres, and the headmaster recognises that they might reactivate an old War Golem. If that were to happen, it would be a most catastrophic situation. It's imperative to stop the spectres before they get that far.


Initial Cutscene

Usher: At least the war golem's still in the formaldehyde.
Montag: Hah! It's funny that you should mention that.
Usher: Funny-comical or funny-peculiar?
Montag: I don't really understand the phrase. I was auditioning it for future personable conversation.
Usher: Mixed success, then.
Montag: We've all seen the reanimated corpses of the recently deceased staff.
Montag: Felt pathos for those once-great minds, leaking from vacant orbits.
Carter: Uh, I think I'm gonna be sick!
Montag: I've also witnessed professors of older vintage, making their agonizing way through the halls.
Montag: Historically, many faculty members were...convinced to donate their mortal remains to the Academy ahead of their untimely deaths.
Montag: For the betterment of knowledge.
Montag: I believe their knowledge is now being perverted by some vandalous hand.
Montag: One that plays them like fleshy puppets, to access areas most forbidden.
Montag: We possess an Illuminati war golem, from the sixteen hundreds. Purely for reference purposes.
Montag: The school records of its last activation make for a gruesome, albeit entertaining, reading.
Montag: Such an activation would require...
Montag: A full faculty meeting.
Usher: So, this could get worse? Before it gets better?
Montag: Oh, no. I shouldn't think it would get better.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The faculty spectres have the power and knowledge to reanimate a dormant War Golem. They must be stopped. Find the record of interred faculty members in the Bursar's Office.
    • Obtain faculty records
  • Tier 2: The records show that the faculty members with the privileged knowledge all taught different subjects. Check the different classrooms and eliminate any spectres if necessary.
    • Go to Arcane Geometry room
    • Eliminate Professor Kraekenbuehl's spectre
    • Go to the Defensive Magic room
    • Eliminate Professor Renteaub's spectre
    • Go to the Parapsychology room
    • Eliminate Professor Amriel's spectre
    • Go to the Occult History room
    • Eliminate Professor Gallard's spectre
    • Go to the Summoning Lab
    • Eliminate Professor Jones's spectre
  • Tier 3: With the late professors taken care of, the next step is to ensure the War Golem wasn't activated. Check the container where it was kept in suspended animation.
    • Go to the Alchemy Lab
    • Check the War Golem container
  • Tier 4: It seems you were too late - the container is empty and all that remains is a trail of formaldehyde leading away. The golem must be found!
    • Track the War Golem by following the formaldehyde stains
    • Get to the roof
  • Tier 5: The golem has been brought to the academy rooftop, where it has been activated. It's a bad situation gone worse. Kill the thing before it can do too much damage!
    • Kill the War Golem




You walk through the wreckage scattered by a disturbing force. You draw closer to it. Let your footfalls become an executioner's tread, for the change this being wreaks is self-centered. The mark of petty vengeance.

Learn from it. Consider how those fettered scholars, once released, could not turn upon their own institution. Still bound by ritual. Consider how the flesh engine, built only for great violence, could not comprehend its own escape.

The perfect instrument of change is not compromised by looking within itself, or beyond itself. The perfect instrument is a mind in constant motion.


Cool, a war golem. You just tore out a little page of vivisection history.

It's one less show-and-tell for the kids, assuming school isn't out forever anyway, but no big whoop. Those things were a product of their time, a time when stitching together cannibal giants was a show of pioneer spirit. Automation and the necessity for a good return on investment put that to bed. Now targeted assassination is so much less...squishy.

Fun fact: when mechanical separation was introduced, we did run trials on restarting flesh golem manufacture. It didn't work out.



In the secret world, death is more of a temporary shelving of great minds than a loss. Before modernization, our own order kept necromantic libraries – carefully filed and tastefully curated, naturally.

Some information is better left to the grave, such as the re-animation of war golems. They are an unfortunate reminder of the more sordid days of Templar-Illuminati conflict. It was a time when both sides resorted to means that would make Frankenstein himself blanch.

Not to belittle your efforts, but this golem was a positively manageable affair compared to the mess at Roanoke. But I digress. Fine work.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Obtain faculty records (2nd floor, opposite side from Headmaster's Office) (296, 401)

Tier 2/5

  • Go to Arcane Geometry room (2nd floor - (280, 355))
  • Eliminate Professor Kraekenbuehl's spectre
  • Go to the Defensive Magic room (2nd floor - (285, 342)
  • Eliminate Professor Renteaub's spectre
  • Go to the Parapsychology room (2nd floor - (271, 335))
  • Eliminate Professor Amriel's spectre
  • Go to the Occult History room (2nd floor)
  • Eliminate Professor Gallard's spectre
  • Go to the Summoning Lab (2nd floor (260, 394))
  • Eliminate Professor Jones's spectre

Tier 3/5

  • Go to the Alchemy Lab (2nd floor)
  • Check the War Golem container (Note: May need to kill mobs)

Tier 4/5

  • Track the War Golem by following the formaldehyde stains (upstairs above Headmaster's office)
  • Get to the roof

Tier 5/5

  • Kill the War Golem (will spawn 2 Academy Wraiths during fight)

Other Information

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