Return of the Red Nights/tsw

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Return of the Red Nights/tsw
Sacrificed Villager.jpg
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Location: The Summits
Start Coords: 542,1071
Given by: Sacrificed Villager
Type: Lair
Reward: 333,340 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.2]]

This temple was built before Akhenaten's descent into utter madness. Its altars were meant for genuine sun-worship, not mindless sacrifice. However, the resurgent cultists make no distinction between the two. There is no-one they won't kill, and nothing they won't unleash.


Dialogue Scene Name

Character Name: Dialogue

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Tier Objective Text
    • List objectives


  • 333,340 Experience total
    • ###,### per Tier for tiers 1 thru #
    • ###,### for completion of tier #
  • ###,### Pax Romana upon completion of tier #
  • # Sequins of ? upon completion of tier #
  • Item Name QL# item type, upon completion of tier #





Those of us in the industry have a term for this type of situation: utterly vexing. The cultists are clearly only interested in Akhenaten's late (i.e. insane murderous) forms of Aten worship. I understand that in the early days he was relatively sane, if a little too passionate.

Nonetheless, I believe this entire cult business has less to do with Akhenaten and more to do with whatever infected him. Call it a voice. A touch. A blueprint from another realm.

Whatever we choose to name it, evidence of its power lingers.

R. Sonnac


There are x tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

  • Objective
    • Additional Information

Other Information






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