The Breakfast Cult/tsw

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The Breakfast Cult/tsw
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Hayden Montag
Type: Action
Reward: 172,980 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Most of the ancient wards that protect Innsmouth Academy have been disabled. Familiars are running free and predators are entering - and leaving - the academy grounds. The wards feed on anima and must be reactivated in order to control the chaos and protect the island.


Dialogue Scene Name

Hayden Montag: Did you come for the libaray amnesty? Regrettably, our alumni schedule for the semester has been... heavily impacted by the massacre. Slaughter is a crutch, an unfortunate crutch.
Hayden Montag: I presided as Innsmouth's headmaster over a run of good form for fifteen years.
Hayden Montag: Naturally there have been the usual accidents, maimings, well within accountable risks.
Hayden Montag: As I would tell parents before I was retired from the reparation committee: "You cannot vivisect a ghoul without breaking a few legs."
Annabel Usher: Ah, he's paraphrasing. Work with me here, H.J. Moving right along.
Hayden Montag: The wards of this school, hundreds of years old, are violated. It is unthinkable, but we... handle the unthinkable everyday.
Hayden Montag: Now things are slipping through. Both ways. I'm not sure which is worse for the general health of the island.
Hayden Montag: A thorough investigation will follow, as soon as we have appointed new staff and dissolved their predecessors' corpses.
Hayden Montag: Yes, the immediate concern is that the wards must hold. The devices are hungry, rapacious, for anima.
Annabel Usher: Great, we'll have a sacrifcial donation drive. Or a bake sale.
Hayden Montag: Delightful.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The wards in and around the academy must be reactivated. Pick up the anima manipulator from the nearby desk and examine the functioning wads at the office door. Then test to make sure the familiars are being kept out.
    • Take the anima manipulator from the desk
    • Inspect the wards by the office door
    • Lure familiars close to confirm the wards work
  • Tier 2: The wards at the office work. Time to restore the rest. The wards can be temporarily powered with anima shards. Use the manipulator to assemble the shards from the anima contained within the familiars. Be sure to test them to make sure they are activated!
    • Acquire 5 anima charges from familiars
    • Assemble an anima shard using the anima manipulator
    • Use an anima shard to restore the east gate wards
    • Lure familiars close to confirm the wards work
    • Use an anima shard to restore the west gate wards
    • Lure familiars close to confirm the wards work
  • Tier 3: The wards by the gates are secured. Next, you should restore the wards by the three entrances to the main academy building. Charge the manipulator if necessary. (Seven active anima charges are required to use the anima manipulator)
    • Restore the drained wards by the northern academy entrance
    • Restore the drained wards by the southern academy entrance
    • Restore the drained wards by the eastern academy entrance
  • Tier 4: Many of the wards have been restored, however the effects are only temporary. The main ward in the library still needs time to recharge. Be careful - activatins this ward may enrage nearby familiars.
    • Activate the ward in the library
    • Defend the library while the ward recharges




Wards, real and imagined, form the careful cages of the fearful life.

They are not without power. See how they have boxed societies in, marked out territories - or graveyards. Wards against death, against the past, deny that the past is cyclic. The blueprints of Innsmouth Academy were inked in blood. Time passes, blood comes again. After you have gone from here, blood will wait its next turn. The Illuminati are their own ruin.

A ward is a reminder. that behind walls, such thin walls, chaos is an open mouth in a silent scream, forever.


I love HJ, we interfaced on a videoconference meet-and-greet once. Dude has his ruthlessness ducks in a row, you could take some notes.

Anyway, the school campus we kind of inherited from the bad old days. Back when they expected black magic to do a bleeding-edge containment grid's job. You can find this stuff all over the country, our forefathers just throwing up wards like gang signs. Sometimes it holds, sometimes some guy laying cables gets his face melted and it's DEFCON time.

Because of you, these ones hold, at least until the military clusterbombs the place. Good job!



Ah, the new class. My predecessors were loath to use “class” and “Innsmouth Academy” in the same sentence. Still, Innsmouth has done much to distance itself from a lurid past.

It is unfortunate that the past has a habit of catching up, in the most damaging ways. Warding magics are the good intentions of the secret world. The crossing of fingers and hoping for the best. You have done well to delay the effect – for the good of the school and all concerned – but the cause will remain.

For now, I excuse you of the responsibility.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Take the anima manipulator from the desk (by Annabel)
  • Inspect the wards by the office door
  • Lure familiars close to confirm the wards work

Tier 2/4

  • Acquire 5 anima charges from familiars
  • Note: It is best to acquire 25 anima charges. You will need it for the 5 anima shards needed to complete the mission.
  • Assemble an anima shard using the anima manipulator (Y - crafting window - anima charge in materials - W.A.N.D. in tool - Assemble)
  • Use an anima shard to restore the east gate wards
  • Lure familiars close to confirm the wards work
  • Use an anima shard to restore the west gate wards
  • Lure familiars close to confirm the wards work

Tier 3/4

  • Restore the drained wards by the northern academy entrance
  • Restore the drained wards by the southern academy entrance
  • Restore the drained wards by the eastern academy entrance

Tier 4/4

  • Activate the ward in the library
  • Defend the library while the ward recharges

Other Information

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