Shooting Filth in a Barrel/tsw

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Shooting Filth in a Barrel/tsw
Shooting Filth in a Barrel.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Coords: 703,126
Given by: Field
Type: Item
Reward: 64,860 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Barrels filled with a thick, oily substance lie close to a dark well. The contents seem to cause erratic effects on all life and un-life on the island and they warrant investigation.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: ''The barrels have been filled with the vile substance boiling in the dark well and lined along the paths and bluff, almost as in a deliberate attempt to affect everyone and everything that passes them.
    • Go to the top of the bluff
    • Destroy barrels 0/4
  • Tier 2: The positioning of the barrels seems intentional, effectively spreading their deconstructive substance. The risk to survivors should be eliminated.
    • Go to the lighthouse
    • Destroy a barrel
    • Destroy the filth infected workers




Gathering this volatile substance in barrels and placing them out along the path travelled by the innocent is a dangerous practice. it alters the intended chain of events.

your destruction of the barrels is a step towards reinstating the natural order. You are true to the will of the Dragon.

Only those who understand the nature of chaos, of cause and effect, of construction through destruction, should be allowed to blow on the dice when they are in motion, and we should try to find out who is walking on our grass.



Well, if there's one thing we know about these people with the barrels it's that they can't be too bright. Placing buckets of poison on the side of the road is a tactic about as sophisticated as "Hey, your shoelaces are untied."

Using this black substance to do a little spring cleaning, on the other hand, doesn't necessarily qualify as a terrible idea. We'll have to learn more about it, have the magicians do some field tests, but we should certainly look into it.

Good thing you destroyed the prototypes, primitive as they were. We don't want anyone beating us to it if it pans out.



Someone is harvesting this black substance, containing it in common oil barrels and placing them along the thoroughfare? I dare say I’m not at all impressed.

I refuse to believe that whoever’s doing it knows anything more than we do about the potential effects and ramifications, and we know next to nothing.

Having these barrels placed out like landmines in such a fashion was not doing anyone any favours and I’m pleased you disposed of them, even if you shouldn't make a habit of carrying other people’s trash.

R. Sonnac


There are 2 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

  • Go to the top of the bluff
  • Destroy 4 barrels
  • Note: Any mobs around destroyed barrels will be transformed into Zombie Goliaths. Be careful)

Tier 2/2

  • Go to the lighthouse
  • Destroy a barrel
  • Destroy the filth infected workers
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