Hell Hath No Vacancy/tsw

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Hell Hath No Vacancy/tsw
Daniel Bach.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: Overlook Motel
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: No Data
Type: Action
Reward: 137,850 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Mission Introduction Text.


Dialogue Scene Name

Daniel Bach: There's plenty of vacancies going, bud, it is the mother of all off-seasons.
Daniel Bach: If you don't mind sleeping rough - or the noisy neighbour in 13. Real hell-raisers, but what's a guy gonna do, call the cops?
Daniel Bach: You must be a riot at parties.
Daniel Bach: Anyway, this is nothing. Nothing! I've covered wars. Dirty wars. Where crazy runs the show, waving guns up in my face. That place between bad and worse, that's where I belong.
Daniel Bach: In the eye of the shitstorm, the misery and the carnage and time all slow right down, and I can call it how it truly is.
Daniel Bach: That's where I do my best work. That's where I'm king of the story, man.
Daniel Bach: Al demons and devils, not even bothering to wear our skin. Whooping like a laugh track in an abattoir, and why not?
Daniel Bach: I'm in on the joke. The best joke of all? We do this to ourselves. But they cannot fucking waiting to show us how it's done properly.
Daniel Bach: Wherever there's a critical mass of human tragedy, it's a big flashing "COME ON DOWN!" sign to them.
Daniel Bach: Yeah. The last one I saw went thataway. Happy hunting.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Tier Objective Text
    • List objectives


(68,930xp awarded at report) (34,460xp awarded)



To swear contract with demons is to embrace a false change. it is an easy power, a basic power, with only one outcome. Destruction without echo.

Understand that the Hell Dimensions are simply another form of stasis. The catastrophe that it brings cannot trigger transformation, other than the transformation into the Hell Dimensions. Where they are in play, the cycle halts on apocalypse. The wheel is seized.

And so, they are of no use to us. An enemy that cannot be subverted is the bases of enemies, and should be treated only by the blade.


Oh yeah, Hell. I forget not everyone is totally blasé about demons yet.

The smart kind can be useful consulting partners, we keep some on-site, have a few favourites back in Hollywood. But the ones you just ran pest-control on? Your basic infernal frat party, kegging on the reality divide.

Why here, Kirsten? I sense you're asking. A: don't do that first-name thing, I hate it, B: my records show the roach motel was built over an Illuminati social from the late 1800s. So again you're cleaning up after dead old guys. Get used to that story, I know I have.



The situation and response are self-evident, don’t you think?

Our aims are seldom thrown into starker relief than by eruptions of the Hell Dimensions. As you can see, there is no peaceful coexistence between our realities. Negotiation – which I am in no way condoning – comes to a similar dead end, emphasis dead. The very essence of these creatures leaches life and enflames material.

That said, the creatures seldom come prepared to establish a beachhead, as they had here. Add the fact that the rifts are yawning open once more, and we have a concerning development.

Be vigilant.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

Tier 2/3

Tier 3/3

  • Destabilize and close a minor rift
    • Destroy 3 stabilizers around rift
      • Every time you destroy a stabilizer, a swarm of 3 Bound Hellspawn come from the rift. You may want to defeat each swarm before destroying another stabilizer and summoning more.
    • Wait for a Living Siege to apear from the rift, then kill it
    • Click the rift - It can be difficult to find the "cogwheel" on the rift, and using the "U" key to "use" the rift may be easier

Other Information

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