Evolution of the Species/tsw

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Evolution of the Species/tsw
Harrison Blake.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Coords: 380,980
Given by: Harrison Blake
Type: Action
Reward: 163,704 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

The draug are adapting to the conditions around them, learning how to use advanced technology for their own primitive purposes. This situation's not good for anyone.


Initial Cutscene

Ann Radcliffe: Hi. Hey! Hello.
Ann Radcliffe: I know you. I mean, not you you.
Ann Radcliffe: The collective you, whatever the collective is for superher-
Harrison Blake: (Talking on the phone) I'm starting to think they're doing this on purpose
Harrison Blake: (To Ann) Lost satellite signal again. Word is, we're not going to see any...
Harrison Blake: (Noticing you) Another one of our friendly neighborhood spider-men?
Harrison Blake: (To You) Welcome to the party.
Harrison Blake: Dig in.
Harrison Blake: There's enough cake for everyone.
Ann Radcliffe: It's not sarcasm. He isn't capable of sarcasm.
Harrison Blake: She's right.
Harrison Blake: I'm Blake.
Harrison Blake: This is my associate, Ms Radcliffe.
Harrison Blake: We represent an...
Harrison Blake: independent think-tank, working with the CDC.
Harrison Blake: Troubleshooting agency, for particular kinds of trouble.
Harrison Blake: Like Mount Vernon, Iowa, last summer.
Harrison Blake: You didn't hear about what happened there.
Harrison Blake: That's my point.
Harrison Blake: We're a long-term goal oriented organisation.
Harrison Blake: Our role here is to maintain a scientific overview of the situation,
Harrison Blake: (looking at Ann) not to intervene...
Harrison Blake: (back to you) and that's what we've been doing.
Harrison Blake: Not intervening.
Harrison Blake: Maintaining a scientific overview of the situation.
Harrison Blake: Despite the setbacks that someone with a ...
Harrison Blake: a high-risk skill set might be better aligned to deal with.
Ann Radcliffe: He means you...
Ann Radcliffe: And I'm, um, I'm sure I didn't need to say that bit.
Ann Radcliffe: Those things,
Ann Radcliffe: those monsters,
Ann Radcliffe: they're tearing up our perimeter.
Ann Radcliffe: I mean, actually tearing it up and carrying it off.
Ann Radcliffe: This has the potential to be bad on SO many levels.
Harrison Blake: On multiple levels.
Ann Radcliffe: A flight of superheros? A fray?
Harrison Blake: We're done here.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Ann and Harrison have placed defence barricades around their position, but the draug are attacking them, ripping the technology from the barriers and stealing away with it. Defend the defensive barricades.
    • Get to the defence perimeter
    • Defend the perimeter
  • Tier 2: What's left of the perimeter is secure, but the draug have gotten away with bits and pieces. Venture out on the beach to locate the stolen pieces of defence technology.
    • Find bits of the barricades stolen by draug
    • Destroy the stolen pieces of technology (0/5)
  • Tier 3: The stolen pieces were gathered around clusters of draug pods, protecting the clusters. With the defensive measures neutralized, the clusters are vulnerable. Look for a way to destroy the clusters.
    • Collect an empty gas can
    • Collect a hose
    • Collect a funnel
  • Tier 4: Use the materials gathered to set a fire to an unprotected pod cluster.
    • Siphon gas from an abandoned car
    • Burn a pod cluster
    • Kill the Folr Warmonger




Until now, our great advantage over the draug has been their discomfort on land. However, they are adapting quickly.

The draug are not only taking land-based technology from the Orochi Group, but tactics as well. We must now interrogate the sophistication of these tactics: the Orochi Group are blocking access to New Colony Span Bridge; the draug, to large varieties of pod clusters. One is tempted to conclude that these things are then of utmost importance.

But one must not take for granted the power of misdirection. In their place, it is certainly what we would do.


I'm less than thrilled. The draug are taking material and tactical inspiration from the Orochi Group. If only they had mimicked the Templars, or even the Dragon, we would have an exploitable level of incompetence to work with.

For now, the draug capacity to appropriate Orochi defense tactics is crude, but think of the implications: a race of draug that learns to harness the power of red tape. Terrifying.

Unsurprisingly, they're protecting the larger varieties of pod clusters. Well in control of the shoreline, they've moved into phase two of their breeding operation.



The capacity of the draug to appropriate human technology and technique is alarming.

Their defence system is crude, but one shudders at the implications of the draug taking inspiration from Orochi. Soon they shall be camouflaging their objectives behind a network of puppet subsidiaries.

On a positive note, it is revelatory to see what the draug have barricaded. These giant pod clusters represent a significant advance in draug ambition and confidence. Until now, their shoreline activities were limited to breeding minor varieties of the species. We shall now be remembering that time as the good old days.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Get to the defence perimeter
    • Some high-tech looking barricades just off the side of the road, across from the helicopter
  • Defend the perimeter
    • There will be 3 waves, with 2 Draug per wave (Folr Impaler or Unknown)
    • The Draug will first attack the barricades instead of you. You have to kill the draug before they can destroy a barricade.

Tier 2/4

  • Find bits of the barricades stolen by draug
    • They're located around the pod clusters, there is one batch near (446, 948)
  • Destroy the stolen pieces of technology (0/5)
    • They can be targeted and attacked just like a monster

Tier 3/4

The "collect a xxx" can be done in any order. The order presented here is the shortest route to get all 3.

  • Collect a hose
    • There are some near (464, 896)
  • Collect an empty gas can
    • There are some near (534, 854)
  • Collect a funnel
    • At the pumpkin stand on the roadside, near (421, 840)

Tier 4/4

  • Siphon gas from an abandoned car
    • Use the gas lid on the truck near pumpkin stand at (422, 836)
  • Burn a pod cluster
    • Any pod cluster on beach will do.
    • Look for the white [ ] brackets, and use that to burn the pod cluster. The brackets are typically half-buried, and so are often hard to see.
    • Be prepared for a fight when you use it
  • Kill the Folr Warmonger
    • He'll pop out of the pod cluster when you set it on fire

Other Information

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