Dust to Dust/tsw

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Dust to Dust/tsw
Henry Hawthorne.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Kingsmouth Congregational Church
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Henry Hawthorne
Type: Action
Reward: 134,400 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Henry Hawthorne alludes cryptically to a part of Kingsmouth’s past rising to haunt them yet again. Someone is digging where they shouldn’t, and they have to be stopped.


Initial Cutscene

Henry Hawthorne: Kingsmouth is not a town without it's blight, it's fallow seasons. In times past, these lands have borne bad fruit. The demons are plucking forgotten apples that should have been left to rot on the boughs of Kingsmouth's tree, planted in unsanctified soil. By apples, I mean bodies. The tree represents, uh, graves, and the unsanctified soil means, well, unsactified soil. Unmarked graves – mass graves. They operated with rationale, our Illuminated ancestors. I'm sure of it! I mean, who am I to question these men of action? Those men of God. Even if they did stumble in their faith? Well ..that can happen to all of us. We forget to say grace. We lie, we cheat, we fornicate, we do worse. We have more immediate concerns than being ministers of past sins. What they are digging up is something that should remain buried. Hidden from inquisitive eyes and wagging tongues. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Henry Hawthorne talks about unmarked graves, graves that hide Kingsmouth’s past sins. And they are being tampered with.
  • Tier 2: At the site of a mass grave, corpses were being dug up by draug. The corpses were charred and crazed as if they had left this earth burning and screaming. The draug are tabing their army of undead and should be stopped. Search for more mass graves.
  • Locate a second mass grave
  • Kill Blue Ridge Forgotten and Blue Ridge Watchmen(0/5)
  • Tier 3: The draug are digging up the dead and bringing them back to life. The corpses at the second site looked like miners from a couple of centuries ago. Find out if there are more such sites.
  • Tier 4: The third site was riddled with more dead miners brought back to life by the draug, but these looked like they were from more recent times. Look for more unmarked graves.
  • Tier 5: The fourth grave had draug digging out zombies covered in occult marks wielding powerful magic. Unlike the other zombies they did not succumb to the draug. Investigate further.
    • Locate a fifth mass grave
    • Kill Cultists (0/6)
    • Kill Reanimated Warriors (0/3)




Darknesses converge.

The one that came from the sea is eager to meet those that breed in the soil. They attract each other.

Kingsmouth is rich with occult energy. The witches. The miners. The cultists. All were haunted and all met violent ends.

The draug can sense these historical wounds. They peel back the skin and expand their forces.

We cannot change Kingsmouth's past. But we must strive to learn from it, and to keep the draug away.


I knew you'd dig into Kingsmouth's past eventually. I didn't expect the draug to be digging with you.

Keep in mind that Kingsmouth's not on trial here. Mix occult roots with small-town pettiness and witch-hunts become inevitable. Burning one's neighbors is just the local sport. The history of haunted miners and offshoot cults is equally sad, and equally darkened by the occult air.

Our focus remains the draug. They're becoming more adept at digging up the past and turning it against us.

We've buried a lot of bones in Kingsmouth. You need to keep them buried.



“They that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth” (Isaiah 38:18)

All of Kingsmouth’s a pit.

These awakened remains – the witches, the miners, the cultists who buried each other living and dead – are evidence of Kingsmouth’s history of fervour and violence.

Not all were evil: the witches, merely housewives; the miners, slaves to a paycheck; the cultists, weak-willed wanderers. What unites them all is Kingsmouth’s particular breed of restlessness, one that is being dug up and wielded by the draug.

The question is, to what purpose?

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Locate an unmarked mass grave
    • It is near coords (183, 544), marked on your map
  • Kill 5 Charred Remains and Witch-Trial Victims
    • They both count, you only need 5 total, not 5 of each

Tier 2/5

Tier 3/5

  • Locate a third mass grave
    • Located near (43, 507)
  • Kill 5 Suffocated Miners
    • Look for the yellow hardhats

Tier 4/5

  • Locate a fourth mass grave
  • Kill 5 Reawakened Cultists
    • They have a pretty large aggro range, and tend to attack 2 or 3 at a time, so can be more of a challenge than previous graves

Tier 5/5

Other Information

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