Demolition Man/tsw

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Demolition Man/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Location: Marya Encampment
Start Coords: 900,310
End location: [[The Slur]]
Given by: Nassir
Type: Action
Requires: Live Free, Die Hard
Reward: 234,090 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

The Marya are ready to begin their assault on the cultists at the pumping station.

A Marya commando unit is standing by at a nearby compound, ready to storm the enemy. Beyond neutralising the forces at the pumping station, the source of the Filth in the riverbed must be located and plugged up as well.



  • Nassir:
Hello, my friend! The mission was a great success!
  • Shani:
There is much left to do. We are not yet victorious.
  • Nassir:
Shani is always worried, it is her job. She is our leader, she is responsible. Me?
I'm young, I still believe in victory. I may look like I'm not serious...
My sister was eaten by a beast from the mountains.
My mother was taken by cultists when I was eleven.
My father died trying to save her.
I am very serious.
But if we can no longer have fun, if we cannot take joy in life, they have won. Come, boss! Dance!
  • Shani:
Say what you will about our Nassir, he's the best at what he does.
The sands of battle are always shifting. Your assistance is of great value.
But we have fought this war for a long, long time. And you, you have many things to do, many places to be. This is only one of them.
  • Nassir:
But they are here now, boss, and they will help us fulfill our destiny
  • Shani:
The pumps only distribute the poison. We can destroy that, but the source of the corruption comes from deep in the mountains.
  • Nassir:
Then we will destroy the mountain! Nothing is impossible for the young warriors. Yeah!

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: While the Marya were preparing to assault the forces at the pumping station, the cultists got wind of their plans and mounted a counteroffensive. The perimeter outside the Marya camp must be defended against the onslaught.
    • Proceed towards the riverbed
    • Defend the Marya barricades
    • Find reinforcements to get the barricades up again
  • Tier 2: The cultists won't coming unless those reinforcement trucks are destroyed.
    • Destroy the reinforcement trucks (0/2)
  • Tier 3: The cultists are storming out from the pumping station!
    • Get to the Marya compound
    • Use the mortar on the roof to destroy vehicles near the pumping station
    • Defend the compound from counterattack
  • Tier 4: With the forces at the pumping station largely diminished, it's time to find the source of the Filth. The Marya said it was coming from a mountain source further up the riverbed.
    • Find the source of the Filth
    • Thin the population of Defilers (0/5)
    • Thin the population of Polluters (0/10)
  • Tier 5: One large Filth spring remains at the back of the cavern. Block it up using the explosives.
    • Pick up explosives
    • Block up the third darkwell
    • Block up the second darkwell
    • Block up the first darkwell
    • Block up the final darkwell
    • Destroy the Reborn Monstrosity




Can you hear it? The beating pulse of the Filth. It echoes in the Dragon's dreams and makes the body listless.

That is why we cherish the clang and clatter of your recent destruction. It has obstructed the Filth and ravaged our enemies. More importantly, it has drowned our the quickening pulse, if only momentarily.

Tonight, the Dragon dreams.

Take pride in the clamour of your accomplishments. While the Templars and Illuminati council their agents to make less noise (they fear the echoes of action), we council you to be brave and boisterous.


Keep in mind that anyone is expendable. I.e. anyone who can't find low-profile means to establish long-lasting solutions.

See where I'm going with this?

You're getting results, but you're also drawing attention. Try to keep fireworks to a minimum.

Fun fact: intermittent rivers are common in the area. Nonetheless, the extent and duration of the current dry spell may be related to the Filth. The white coats theorize that the Filth is creating severe ground fissures. In time, this will a) dry up the region, b) cause earthquakes and c) lead to the valley collapsing in on itself.



You obstructed the Filth and sabotaged a key Atenist staging post. In so doing, you blew up approximately the equivalent of Hackney. To be honest, I don't much care for Hackney.

Nonetheless, I'm going to be finicky. Though drowning out three-thousand years worth of whispers may warrant a smidgen of clamour, we prefer to approach matters rather more subtly than Nassir.

These explosions of yours were heard far outside the valley and it has drawn some undesired attention. You are doing some good work out there. Just try to ensure that fewer people know about it.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Proceed towards the riverbed
    • Barricades, marked on you map, at (810,270)
  • Defend the Marya barricades

Tier 2/5

  • Destroy 2 reinforcement trucks
    • Click on the trucks, they should have red-outlines. Some abilities will work, some won't
    • Born Again Atenist will likely attack you if you hit a truck near them

Tier 3/5

  • Get to the Marya compound
  • Use the mortar on the roof to destroy vehicles near the pumping station
    • You can drop mortar rounds on friend/ally positions without damaging friendlies
    • The last wave will have the Exorting Ringleader

Tier 4/5

  • Thin the population of 5 Defilers
  • Thin the population of 10 Polluters
  • Find the source of the Filth
    • Cave entrance, located at (910,219)

Tier 5/5

  • Pick up explosives from the
    • There is a Crate of explosives just outside the cave, use that to "get the explosive"
    • They do not appear in your inventory or need to be "used", you will use the following steps
    • NOTE: Standing in the water (filth) in the cave will give you one stack of Filth Exposure for every few seconds you're in it
  • Block up the first darkwell
    • Look for the white bracket symbols on the right-hand wall, near the first Defiler
    • NOTE: After you use the bracket, back up - the explosion will do damage to you if you're too close
  • Block up the second darkwell
    • Another white bracket on the right wall, just after the crate with the Orochi Instruments and the Filthy Science mission
  • Block up the third darkwell
  • Block up the final darkwell
    • On the right-hand wall, just before the end of the cave
  • Destroy the Reborn Monstrosity
    • It will toss destructible Webs at you (By casting Cast Web). Destroy them to be able to move again.

Other Information

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