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< Mainframe
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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Region: New York
Zone: New York
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Automatic assignment
Type: Story
Faction: Illuminati
Reward: No Data
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Mission Introduction Text.


Dialogue Scene Name

Character Name: Dialogue

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Tier Objective Text
    • List objectives


  • ###,### Experience total
    • ###,### per Tier for tiers 1 thru #
    • ###,### for completion of tier #
  • ###,### Pax Romana upon completion of tier #
  • # Sequins of ? upon completion of tier #
  • Item Name QL# item type, upon completion of tier #




There are 6 tiers to this mission.

Mission: Mainframe : (Automatically assigned after completing Black Sun, Red Sand)

Tier 1/6

  • Report to Kirsten Geary (cut scene)
  • Leave her office

Tier 2/6

  • Receive phone call, go to Senator Cicero (in the Illuminati Communications room downstairs) (cut scene)
  • When the cut scene is over, pick up the Orochi uniform from the nearby crate. Read the infiltration notes. Note that you will not be able to use any abilities while in the Orochi building

Tier 3/6

  • Go to the subway which takes you to the Orochi building (solo instance)

Tier 4/6

  • Enter the building. (You will automatically put on the uniform when you pass through the yellow field.)
    • Note: Your uniform will let you pass normal employees but guards or drones will recognize you as an intruder. Getting caught will cause you to be stunned and dumped back outside the building.
  • Go up to the second floor
    • The server room is directly across from the stairwell but you can't enter it yet. Go down the left hallway. Avoid the wandering drone.
    • Enter the last room on the left. Look in empty cubicles for an employee id card. Avoid the wandering guard.
    • Leave and go back to the central room then go down the right hallway.
    • Make your way to the last room on the left. (The door to the hall is locked so you will have to go through the adjacent room.) There is a computer on a desk with a card scanner attached. Use the card scanner then use the computer. This will change the security level on the id you found. Avoid the wandering guard.
    • Go back to the central room and use your upgraded id card to enter the server room.
    • Access the computer in this room to locate the files for the Prometheus Initiative (on the third floor). Also note the entry for the security turrets.
  • Go up to the third floor.
    • Again, the server room is directly across from you but you can't enter it. Enter the Plethron wing. Avoid the wandering drones.
    • Enter the first room on the left. You will see several scientists examining some incubator tanks. Examine the laptop and flush the third tank. This will set off alarms.
    • Leave the lab and enter the office at the end of the hallway. Pick up the Pletheron director's key card from the big desk.
    • Go back to the central room and enter the Anansi wing. Go to the office at the end of the hall and get the Anansi director's keycard.
    • Go back to the central room and use both scanners to enter the server room.
    • Access the computer in this room to download the Prometheus Initiative files. When you do, alarms go off and the number of wandering drones increases. (Laser barriers also deploy over the balconies to prevent you from simply jumping back down to the ground floor.)
  • Return to the second floor.
    • You will have to duck into the side hallways to avoid the drones.
    • Go back to the second floor server room and use the computer there to scramble the turrets on the first floor.
  • Return to the first floor.
    • Leave the building. You will automatically return to New York

Tier 5/6

  • Return to the Communications room and meet with Senator Cicero (cut scene)

Tier 6/6

  • Return to Kirsten Geary's office (cut scene)
    • Kirsten Geary explains why she "took a bullet" for you and gives you your next assignment. Transylvania, aka "Vampire Country"
  • Complete the mission by travelling through Agartha to the Besieged Farmlands in Transylvania.

Other Information

Corresponding missions for other factions: Virgula Divina (Templar), End Game (Dragon).





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