Live Free, Die Hard/tsw

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Live Free, Die Hard/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Nassir
Type: Sabotage
Reward: 250,810 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data
Live Free, Die Hard - Map.jpg

The pumping station is polluting the area, spreading the Filth that's seeping into the riverbed. Help the Marya sabotage the station in an attempt to reduce the ramifications.



Shani: Nassir. Nassir!
Nassir: Boss!
Nassir: (Noticing you, he tosses a grenade (pin still in) to you) Hey, hey, hey, the cavalry! Play ball!
Nassir: Nice catch! You like to play ball? Come. Come! I show you.
Nassir: C4, good shit, Russia made. We manage to get shipment through, now it is my job to prep it, like Sly in "Demolishing Man."
Shani: I need you to start packing up, Nassir.
Nassir: She is, how you say, "tough cookie"? It is in her blood. Our blood.
Nassir: We are Marya, the young warriors, and we die hard, like Bruce Willis. Yippi-ki-yay, motherfucker!
Nassir: Our enemy, they use the water pumps to spread their black disease. They pump cancer into the water, into the soil, the food supply.
Nassir: Soon everybody will be like them, like the walking dead, with octopus fingers in their head. Very, very bad.
Nassir: But now we have something very, very good. We will disable the pumps, stop the pollution.
Nassir: BOOM! Just like Bollywood movie, with happy ending and musical number!
Nassir: (battle cry)

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The Marya are preparing an attack on the pumping station. They have mapped out the cultists' sentry points and the weaknesses of the base, but they need help with the attack.
    • Get charges from a crate of explosives
    • Examine the pumping station map
  • Tier 2: The cultists have set up several sentry points protecting their base at the pumping station. Neutralise the sentries and cripple their ability to warn the base of suprise attacks.
    • Neutralise the first sentry point
    • Neutralise the second sentry point
    • Neutralise the third sentry point
  • Tier 3: There are several tactical points at the pumping station where a well placed explosive charge could do some real damage. Look for a way to get past the perimeter and place the explosives without being detected.
    • Get to the pumping station
    • Set an explosive on the garage
    • Set an explosive on the primary pipe
    • Set an explosive on the secondary pipe
    • Set an explosive on the flow regulator
    • Set an explosive atop the facility
  • Tier 4: All the charges have been successfully place.
    • Stop the Inspector before he notices the charges
    • Cross the bridge to get to a safe distance




The pumping station was a key method of distributing the Filth in the region. It was causing our enemies to swell. Because of its importance, many of the cultists were bound to it. Now, thanks to you, they will experience the bliss of being lost.

The weak are all bound to something: the sun worshippers to the currents of the black river; the Marya to their enemies and their past; Egypt to its ancient gods; the other factions to each other.

But you are not bound, for you are free to follow the path of the Dragon.

Continue to follow it.


The Marya need to learn to manage resources. At the first signs of Filth, you secure key facilities and distribution channels. You don't strut your ideals. Someone has to be pragmatic out there. Clearly that means us.

The pumping station was a key action area, but we need to go after the source.

Continue to use the Marya to gain information and take bullets, but don't get drawn into their illusions.

Fun fact: the riverbeds in the area connect to the Nile. Eventually, those waters connect to the Atlantic, which connects to our bottom line.


I applaud the Marya's sense of historical responsibility. I truly do. They heed the call of tradition in an age that does not encourage it. However, their sense of the big picture is limited. For them, tradition is local, entirely tied up in Anti-Atenism. For us, it is global in scope.

Where they see a pumping station, we see a chain unfurling.

Maintaining order will require a more sober touch than the Marya are capable of providing. Not to worry, there will be time for pints after all means of distributing the apocalypse are secure.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Get charges from a crate of explosives
  • Examine the pumping station map
    • On a table in the tent across from Nassir

Tier 2/4

  • Neutralise the first sentry
  • Neutralise the second sentry
  • Neutralise the third sentry


  • It isn't marked so on the map, but instead of leaving the Marya Encampment by the way you came in, go out the back, through the Wadi of the Crescent
  • Also, be careful of stepping on landmines in the area
  • At each point, you can either kill the Spotter or use the Spotter's Radio to disable it
  • Try to watch the pattern of the Watchers patrols. If they see you, they will run off and return with 2 or 3 additional Born Again Atenists, which may be more than a solo player can handle

Tier 3/4

  • Get to the Pumping Station
  • Set an explosive on the garage
    • Located at (712,177)
  • Set an explosive on the primary pipe
    • Located at (707,207)
  • Set an explosive on the secondary pipe
    • Located at (739,182)
  • Set an explosive on the flow regulator
    • Located at (727,223)
  • Set an explosive atop the facility
    • Ladder up at (722,230)
    • Avoid the active smokestacks ... they will damage you
    • Plant explosive at 3rd smokestack
    • Cut-scene will play showing the Inspector below
  • Stop the Inspector before he notices the charges

Tier 4/4

  • Cross the bridge to get to a safe distance

Other Information

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