Journey's End (Mission)/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Journey's End (Mission)/tsw
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Bed & Breakfast
Start Coords: 682,396
Given by: Suicide note
Type: Item
Reward: 20,160 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

A note is pinned to the door. It reads: "I lost my husband of only a week to the fog. He followed the calls and walked into the sea like so many others. Why I was spared, I don't know, but living without him now that I just found him is punishment worse than death. I will go after him to the pier, to save him or to join him.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The author of the note seems to have been mysteriously protected from the fog. Investigate how.
    • Go to the end of the pier
    • Examine the hanging corpse
  • Tier 2: As you touched the hanging corpse, a pendant glowed from her neck and a vicious spectre appeared.
    • Kill the Deranged Spectre
  • Tier 3: The wailing spectre left the glowing pendant behind. it was probably what protected her from the fog, and also the reason her soul wouldn't leave this earth. Take the pendant and lay the poor woman to rest.
    • Take the pendant




That woman was not supposed to outlive the fog, and in a way she didn't. It's not irony, it's the way of things.

A pendant like that will create all kinds of havoc in the wrong hands. Luckily, not it's in the right hands. It might still create havoc, but at least it's havoc we can control, and that's the kind of havoc we like. That's chaos.

We hope you see from this little episode how a small, seemingly insignificant event can morph into a significant one.


It's cute how you went out of your way to learn this insignificant woman's fate. Piece of advice: a bleeding heart can only weigh you down.

Luckily it wasn't a total waste, that pendant of hers might be worth it. I'll have the nerds take a look at it and find out how it protected the owner from the fog. Who knows? We might just come out of this with something.

Fun fact: Queen Cleopatra was wearing a similar trinket when she offed herself. Not saying that two makes a pattern, but I think you can see where I'm going with this...



One cannot but lament that woman's misfortune. Having in her possession a pendant that protected her from the fog, only to lose her newly wed husband to those very same horrors.

One might even call irony.

We can't help the woman now, but we can study the protection granted by the pendant. And we shall. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Such pieces of arcane warding are of utmost interest.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

  • Go to the end of the pier
    • The concreat pier at the end of Journey's End on map, up the stairs
    • Go to the water tower at the end, at (688, 179)
  • Examine the hanging corpse
    • Use the corpse

Tier 2/3

Tier 3/3

  • Take the pendant
    • This can be very hard to see, and it is timed
    • Look for the white [ ] brackets on the ground where you killed the Deranged Spectre at, they will probably be mostly buried in the ground


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