For a Fistful of Zombies/tsw

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For a Fistful of Zombies/tsw
Jack Boone.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Jack's campsite
Start Coords: 62, 135
End location: 194, 307
Given by: Jack Boone
Type: Action
Reward: 50,000 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Jack Boone has a zombie problem. He shoots them, but they keep coming back. Finding out more about the zombies, what makes them tick, could go a long way towards solving that problem.


Dialogue Scene Name

Jack Boone: This forest crawls. Gets my fingers itching for two matters.
Jack Boone: One...
Jack Boone: The other, to figure out a way to keep 'em down.
Jack Boone: It ain't right the way the dead walk the earth. They deserve their six feet, same as everyone else.
Jack Boone: Now I'm sworn to keeping guard here and you've got places to be.
Jack Boone: Nothing's stopping you from culling the herd as you go
Jack Boone: Hell, figure out what makes them tick and how to make that ticking stop
Jack Boone: and I'll buy you a beer at the Apocalypse
Jack Boone: So go on, kid, saddle up!
Jack Boone: The end of the world waits for no man.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Jack’s Camp is literally surrounded by zombies. Help him keep their numbers down.
  • Tier 2: Find out how zombies react to loud noises. Jump on abandoned cars on the road to Kingsmouth to trigger their alarms, and gauge the zombies’ reactions.
  • Tier 3: Zombies are attracted to loud noises. Now find out if zombies are affected by fire. Ignite gas cans found on the road and draw zombies into the fire.
  • Tier 4: The fire affected the zombies but it didn’t stop them completely. Next, investigate their feeding habits.
  • Tier 5: The zombie infection appears to be widespread. Go into Kingsmouth Town and look for survivors.




Your report about the habits of the dead is interesting. It appears they can be lured like dogs, but unlike dogs, they show no signs of learning the lessons of the whip.

Use this to your advantage. If a tactic is effective, be merciless.

Their biology is curious: no heartbeat, no flow of blood, and no evidence of brain activity. So how will you know when the dead are really dead?

You will simply know.


Good job. Your findings fit with what we know about the reanimated dead: they're a total bitch, but you should have no trouble outwitting them tactically.

We're familiar with two types: the recent dead are quicker; the long buried show less spunk, but pose a more significant numbers problem.

The big breed - the corpse gorger - that's not an aberration we've seen before. Either that was the captain of the football team, or we're dealing with some form of mutation.



Good work on the report. The information regarding the reanimated dead is useful, though not particularly surprising.

Jack Boone - now there's a familiar name. He pops up in reports everywhere. The man travels far and wide, and always seems to be on-site before our agents. His factional allegiances are unknown, though he does not appear to be associated with either the Illuminati or the Dragon.

It would pay to keep an eye on him.

R. Sonnac


Jack is located very close to the Agartha portal into Kingsmouth (approximately [62, 135])

Tier 1/5: (6,250xp awarded at completion of tier)

  • Kill 6 zombies around Jack's camp (any 6)

Tier 2/5: (6,250xp awarded at completion of tier)

  • Jump on cars to trigger alarms
    • Only cards with blinking red "alarm system" lights in their dashboard will alarm
  • Kill 6 zombies that respond to alarms

Tier 3/5: (6,250xp awarded at completion of tier)

  • Ignite gas cans and draw zombies into fire
    • There is a count-down to can ignition, once you click it. If you do not get away from the can in time, you will be caught in the explosion as well
  • Kill 6 zombies that have been ignited on fire.

Tier 4/5: (6,250xp awarded at completion of tier)

  • Examine Half-Eaten Corpses
    • The corpses can be found on either side of the road, normally with a group of zombies huddled around them
  • Kill the Corpse Gorger

Tier 5/5: (25,000xp award at report of mission success)

  • Look for survivors in Kingmouth Town (go to Sheriff's Office)
    • Just continue down the road.

Other Information

  • You may want to pick up the mission Bullets for Andy on the way into Kingsmouth.

Related Achievements




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