Carter Unleashed/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Carter Unleashed
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: Innsmouth Academy
Start Coords: 307,371
Given by: No Data
Type: Action
Requires: The Rec Center Cannot Hold
Reward: 129,730 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.1.0]]

Carter is frustrated by having to sit idle while the school is falling apart around her. She wants to get out there and use her considerable abilities, but she's afraid of the consequences.


Dialogue Scene Name

Carter Hey, can I talk to you? Chosen one to, you know, chosen on. About a big problem.
Carter Obviously not as big a problem as all the other bog problems you guys are dealing with outside those walls.
Carter But still. Help?
Carter Okay. So, the Practical Alchemy class keeps racks of replacement familiars hung up in the basement. At least a dozen for every student. It's called Practical Alchemy for a reason.
Carter It's not as gross as it sounds... Okay, it's pretty much as gross as it sounds.
Carter Now they're waking up. A whole army of creepy dolls, right under our feet.
Carter Miss Usher and Mr Montag want me on the bench for this game, and I know it's to keep their star player from getting injured mid-season but it feels more like being in the penalty box.
Carter I want to step up to bat. I mean, I want to help out. I can use my powers. The really freaky ones.
Carter You know they warded the school from the inside because of me?
Carter I'm tired of being scared of it, being made sick by it.
Carter Maybe that's how my powers want to be used. For me to just say the words and tear it all down.
Carter Look, if I set it off, I kinda need someone to make sure I can stop again. Like a chaperone.
Carter It's not quite the Halloween prom, but... well, that's where this all started.
Carter Worst. Prom night. Ever.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Carter's powers could help deal with the hordes of uncontrolled familiars, if she had someone to watch over her. First, find out how to contain her powers and protect yourself.
    • Read Montag's notebook
    • Get an anima manipulator
    • Get a portable ward generator
    • Acquire anima sources from familiars (7)
    • Assemble a charged ward generator
  • Tier 2: Escort Carter to the source of the familiars
    • Meet Carter in the basement
    • Escort Carter to the source of the familiars
    • Go through the maintenance door
    • Find a way to open the maintenance door
    • Escort Carter to the source of the familiars
  • Tier 3: The familiars are driven out from the source in the basement; a terrifying flesh abomination. Destroy the abomination.
    • Destroy the flesh abomination





Carter features in many of our models. She is a pure harbinger of chaos, her gift is raw but undeniable, and she was always going to play a part.

It was not luck that put the two of you together, neither was it a coincidence. It was the natural consequence of all the preceding events. We knew this was going to happen. And it did.

No need to update a working model.


Damn, that girl can play! I'm getting super excited just thinking about how much ass she's going to kick once we get all that fire and lightning under control.

And I'm not going to downplay your part in all this. It's not like she could have done this without you. Learning from the best can only accelerate her education, and the sooner we can get her out of the classroom and onto the battlefield, the better.


PS. Oh, I hope you took the opportunity to give her the hard sell. We wouldn't want her to do anything stupid, like, say, go to London after she graduates.


The girl shows some rudimentary promise, there’s no denying that. Unfortunately for her she’s a product of the Illuminati’s flawed education system and as such will need constant supervision less she spontaneously combusts – and the entire world around her.

Fortunately for her she had you to guide and temper her powers, making sure their application was focused in the appropriate direction.

While we should not make a habit of cleaning up the Illuminati’s messes, I most certainly approve of the cleaning up of this particular mess. Additionally, one can only hope that your sophisticated tutelage has had a positive influence on the girl.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

  • Read Montag's notebook
  • Get an anima manipulator
  • Get a portable ward generator (Headmaster's Office)
  • Acquire anima sources from 7 familiars
  • Assemble a charged ward generator (Use Assembly (Y) combine the Portable Ward Generator with Anima Charges, use the Anima Manipulator as the tool)

Tier 2/3

  • Meet Carter in the basement (at 291,388) (Innsmouth Academy Basement Solo Instance)
  • Escort Carter to the source of the familiars
  • Go through the maintenance door
  • Find a way to open the maintenance door (control panel at 110,152)
  • Escort Carter to the source of the familiars

Tier 3/3

  • Destroy the flesh abomination (Use ward generator when Carter warns "things are about to get ugly". This is about the moment you are swamped with familiars.)

Other Information

Related Achievements

  • This mission is required for the Unleashed achievement




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