They Were Beautiful Once/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

They Were Beautiful Once/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Location: Moutnefert's monument
Start Coords: 122, 454
End location: [[Temple of Heropsis]]
Given by: Moutnefert
Type: Action
Reward: 390,000 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Atenists are digging in the ancient gardens, Moutnefert's pride and joy. This once beautiful place of peace and renewal is now filled with black disease and insanity. What lies below the infected ground cannot be good, and the cultists must be stopped.



Moutnefert: Is it true that in Roma there is an ancient city beneath the modern one?
Moutnefert: And that in New York, there are buildings that pierce the clouds?
Moutnefert: Oh, I wish I could see that with my own eyes.
Moutnefert: In another life, I too was a traveller.
Moutnefert: I went out as far as the sea, the one called the Mediterranean.
Moutnefert: I was small then, and it seemed so big,
Moutnefert: bigger even than the desert.
Moutnefert: Now our father brings photographs.
Nefertari the younger: And postcards! Greece, Athens 1974 is my favourite.
Moutnefert: I still travel, through our father, though I never leave this place.
Moutnefert: Those lonely avenues, where the sun's rays burn and the wind stings.
Nefertari: The novelty expires after the first few thousand years.
Moutnefert: Sister, you know I share in your sad song.
Moutnefert: The gardens I grew here were watered by our tears.
Nefertari the younger: Is that true?
Moutnefert: Everything is true, little one.
Moutnefert: The gardens were beautiful once, like a postcard.
Moutnefert: Until the seal was broken. Then the animals fled,
Moutnefert: and the palm trees bowed under their own foul fruit.
Nefertari: It's Akhenaten's doing. His sickness remains, festering.
Nefertari: Our efforts have come to naught.
Moutnefert: All the waters of the Nile could not wash away the black disease.
Moutnefert: All the waters of the sea. It comes from beneath,
Moutnefert: and within my gardens those who worship Aten dig down to it.
Moutnefert: I fear what they might uncover.
Nefertari the younger: Me too.
Moutnefert: Can you tell us about the towers of New York?
Moutnefert: Are they really taller than the pyramids?

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The ancient gardens are crawling with Atenists excavators, blindly digging for an evil so dark it could blot out the sun. They must be stopped.
    • Clear the nearby ruins of Atenists (0/6)
    • Keep heading towards the gardens
  • Tier 2: The gardens are a sad sight. Everything is withered and covered with Filth. The Atenists have set up a modern excavation operation here, using automated diggers. Shutting them down would slow the cultist effort.
    • Overcharge pneumatic diggers (0/5)
  • Tier 3: If the cultists have put this much effort into digging up the gardens, they may have found something dangerous. head further into the gardens and investigate.
    • Continue deeper into the garden
    • Examine the overcharged artifact
    • Investigate the unstable artifact
    • Investigate the magnetic artifact
    • Investigate the shimmering artifact
    • Find out what else the cultists have dug up
    • Kill Gaur Unearthed
    • Kill Hemoneth Unearthed
    • Kill Khazz Unearthed
    • Kill Lok Unearthed
  • Tier 4: A temple lies at the western edge of the gardens. if the cultists found something highly dangerous in the sand, this is where they would keep it.
    • Investigate the temple
    • Kill Heropsis




Moutnefert is imbued with the spirit of Satis, the goddess of the Nile. Unfortunately, there has been no cleansing. The goddess weeps, but there are no tears.

The Atenists claw at the ground as they do all things: hysterically, driven by a belief in the end of all consequences. The things they unearth - artifacts, beasts, the blood of the black sun - are all part of a single discovery for them. They all course with the rising voice of Aten.

Heed the words of the sentinels; they are your mouthpiece as you are their limbs.



For now these sentinels appear to be all talk and no action. Seeing as how you're the opposite - I love that about you - I'd say you complement each other well.

Moutnefert is imbued with the spirit of Satis, the goddess of the Nile. As you can tell, it's all rock and no water out there. Let's assume these Atenist excavation projects have everything to do with that.

The deeper the Atenists dig, the more powerful the demons and the tech they uncover. Also, the more adamant they become that an apocalyptic god is coming. Let's be wary of that connection.



Moutnefert is imbued with the spirits of Satis, the goddess of the Nile. As you have observed, her capacity to cleanse the area severely undermined by these uncertified excavations.

Alas, there is far less good than evil in the great gardens these days.

The artifacts you're coming across are spectacular. They represent an era of technology that is at once more ancient and more advanced than our own. If it weren't for the circumstances - Atenists seemingly getting closer to Akhenaten and the black sun - I would be more thrilled by the discovery.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • 0/6 Clear the nearby ruins of Atenists
    • Head over to The First Temple, marked on your map
    • Kill Atenists. There will be a few you come across before getting to the area marked
  • Keep heading towards the gardens
    • Keep going to the new area marked on the map. There will be more Atenists along the way, and also Foreman Jabari
    • Mission will update after you cross the bridge, at about (247,500)

Tier 2/4

  • 0/5 Overcharge the pneumatic diggers
    • Beware, when they overcharge, they will eventually explode. You can use this against mobs caught in the blast, but be careful not to be caught.
    • There will be multiple Excavators and Dredges in the area you'll have to fight or avoid

Tier 3/4

Tier 4/4

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