Unknown Soldier/tsw

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Unknown Soldier/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Coords: (620,244)
End location: [[(587,417)]]
Given by: Dead Orochi
Type: Item
Reward: 109,200 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Blood and Filth make for a sombre shade of crimson. Whatever gutted the Orochi soldier may kill again...and spread the Filth further.


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Find out what happened to the Orochi soldier and stop the spread of murder and infection.
    • Follow the bloodtrail
    • Clear the cave of cultists (0/10)
  • Tier 2: The cultists have directed their mindless worship at a Filth-infested monstrosity, to whom they sacrifice any innocent lives they can find. Such lethal reverence should not be allowed to fester.
    • Defeat Theroxis




No models in our possession saw this coming. Cultists killing off Orochi agents with the help of a dark arachnid.

That was no usual spider, we can safely assume. Its emergence can only mean that something that should have been left alone has been stirred.

Gather as much information as you can about this. We will need as much data as possible to ensure the integrity of our updated models.


I won't let a few dead Orochi ruin my day. Just as long as you can promise me you had nothing to do with it? I can't emphasize enough how little use I have for an altercation with the Orochi.

That big eight-legged freak show you encountered really suggests the Orochi stumbled onto something they shouldn't have. I wouldn't give it too much thought except for the fact that it left the cultists alone. That suggests it's more than a mere beast.

Keep your eyes open, champ. I don't like the sound of any of this.



It is unlikely that the cultists would be bold enough to kill Orochi soldiers without outside backing.

Even more vexing is your report of the black spider, however. A troubling portent of things to come. I fear the Orochi dug too deep and unearthed something they shouldn't have.

Anything else you can discover would be of the utmost interest.

R. Sonnac


There are 2 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

  • Follow the bloodtrail
    • Down the path to the water and then head northwest
    • Mission will advance when you get close to the cliffs, at (631,329)
  • 0/10 Clear the cave of cultists

Tier 2/2

Other Information



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