There's Something About Ellis Hill/tsw

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There's Something About Ellis Hill/tsw
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Kingsmouth Municipal Airport
Start Coords: 941,740
Given by: Beaten body
Type: Item
Reward: 25,852 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

A dead maintenance worker near the generator room at the airport cluthes on the interesting pieve of information about Ellis Hill; information that questions the real identity of the man. The situation could warrant some investigation.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The note in the dead man's hand reads: "The guy who turned up today claiming to be Ellis Hill is not who he says he is. I served with the real Ellis Hill in Iraq, and this ain't him. What's he doing with Ellis' name tags and identification - even social security number? I wonder what happened to the real Ellis Hill?"
    • Search for clues near Ellis Hill
  • Tier 2: A recently used shovel lies near the man claiming to be Ellis Hill, and fresh dirt tracks lead away. Somebody's recently been digging in mud.
    • Follow the dirt tracks
  • Tier 3: The tracks stop by a pick-up truck outside Ellis' place. The car's GPS device might offer clues as to where it went last.
    • Inspect the GPS device
  • Tier 4: The last location on the GPS was the bike track, close to the skate park.
    • Search for suspicious activity at the bike track




Ellis Hill is not Ellis Hill. He is a man who appreciates the art of misdirection. he goes as far as to kill for it. In concealing himself, he reveals his character - clever, mysterious, false.

He is not a Templar; they do not understand deception. He is not Illuminati; Kingsmouth is not a town they need to infiltrate.

We believe he is Phoenician, a secret sea merchant. They are adequate creators of chaos on the sea, though limited by their material obsession.


So who's the new airport mechanic? The Templars don't really do roleplaying. As for the Dragon, it all seems too coherent for them. They're more likely to pose as a ceiling fan.

Smart money's on the Phoenicians. It would explain signals fake Ellis transmits out to sea, and his familiarity with the draug.

Carthage is always in it for the money. We could probably buy intel about the fog and other sea-related nightmares, but we'd rather you figure things out on your own.

It saves us haggling over the price and removing the inevitable knife in your back.



Ellis Hill was a widowed aviation mechanic. He played baseball in college. That appears to have been the highlight of his life.

We know far less about the man pretending to be Ellis Hill. We know he is a murderer who likes to get his hands dirty. He has demonstrated only cursory knowledge of aviation, though is adept at sending encrypted signals out to sea.

Were I a betting man, I would say it smells Phoenician. They are rudderless racketeers – and likely here to smuggle more than just lobster off the island.

R. Sonnac


Tier 1/4

  • Search for clues near Ellis Hill
    • In his hangar, at 903, 698
    • Look for shovel

Tier 2/4

  • Follow the dirt tracks
    • To the truck outside hangar

Tier 3/4

  • Inspect the GPS device
    • Inside truck, look at map it shows

Tier 4/4

  • Search for suspicious activity at the bike track
    • There is a covered over body, the real Ellis Hill, at 376, 741
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