The Traitor/tsw

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The Traitor
Shani missions.jpg
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: No Data
Type: Sabotage
Requires: The Siege of al-Merayah
Reward: 209,920 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

An unknown informant is on the loose in al-Merayah, sharing secrets with the Marya's enemies. Track down this informant.



  • Shani:
I will be forward with you.
There is a traitor in al-Merayah.
Here, seething in these very streets as we speak. This snake feeds information to the cultits.
I am to blame. I was too trusting, I should never have relied on anyone but Marya.
Forgive my anger. You have done good things for us.
One of Cairo's trade-princes is among us.
I think they scent opportunity for profit on the desert wind.
We arranged a bartering in secret, as much as I dislike secrets, but the Atenists knew. They knew!
Our snake was watching us, even then.
But perhaps it has shed some of its scales.
A trail that a patient hunter could follow.
Be wary, it could be anyone...
I can't understand.
Does our history means nothing?
Does their freedom mean nothing?
The trade-prince, I spoke to him of this.
He told me, if I truly want to understand humanity, I need only read the comments section on Youtube.
I hate the Internet.

Tier 3

  • Informant:
The Templars' zeal is of no consequence. We will show you the meaning of true faith.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Shani arranged a secret meeting with an unlikely ally in al-Merayah. Somehow the cultists knew about this meeting. They must have an informant in the village.
    • Go to the restaurant where Shani had her secret meeting
    • Find a way inside
    • Look for clues
  • Tier 2: You found a polaroid of Shani meeting with something called "the Kingdom" and a drop-off point for the photo. Go look for the informant and try to find out what he knows and who his contacts are.
    • Go to the drop-off point
    • Find a way inside
    • Look for clues
  • Tier 3: In the apartment there was a computer. Checking "sent items" revealed an email indicating a meeting point in the south of the village. The recipient was only referred to as "Master." The signature, "Praise to the Aten," points to cultist involvment
    • Go to the drop-off point
    • Find a way to the roof
    • Defeat the informant
    • Flee the scene




Betrayal is inevitable. Only fools are surprised by it.

This informant - this traitor - exposed the Marya. But he also exposed much else that was hidden. His treachery created a link between the Marya and its enemies, a trail of deceit that revealed evidence of yet more links - meetings, messages, relationships - every one of them a bridge that takes us further into the unknown.

This man may once have been a Dragon. He may even have been conditioned to seek out the enemy. It matters not. All that matters is what we learn and where it leads us.



The traitor was "special" like you. Goes to show you can't trust people, unless they're grafted with a tracking chip. We have supreme confidence in you, by the way.

It's also worth noting that he was a Dragon, or used to be. We intercepted a message they sent out to their agents about "re-misconstructing" things. Ugh. It's no wonder these guys go off the deep end.

As you proceed, you'll need to make snap judgements out there. My advise: evaluate based on clothing.

Atenists: wacky (unhinged). Marya: drab (functional). The prune-prince in the polaroid: snazzy (connected).



The Marya's betrayer was a prodigious member of the secret world, like you. The difference is he arrived under the Dragon's banner. The Dragon deny their affiliation, of course. It is impossible to know what is what in that organisation.

This informant's falsity nearly secured Egypt eons of devilish worship. Indeed, it is a skill to know when to extend one's hand and when to withdraw it.

As you track the Atenist master, you may have to extend your hand to people who lack our moral standards. I recommend you wear gloves.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/3

  • Go to the restaurant where Shani had her secret meeting
    • It is an unmarked building in al-Merayah, but the mission will lead you to it. It's at 517,404
  • Find a way inside
    • There is a ladder on the north-east side of the building
  • Look for clues
    • Use the Camera control just outside the door to turn off the top floor camera off for 30 seconds
    • Use the Camera control at the bottom of the steps to turn off the bottom floor camera for 30 seconds
    • There is a picture on top of one of the tables on the ground floor, at 512,411
  • Escape the restaurant
    • Run back up the stairs and jump down to the street

Tier 2/3

  • Go to the drop-off point
    • It's an ally marked on your map, at 517,441
  • Find a way inside
    • Go into the building next door, entrance at 519,434
    • Go to the top floor, exit, and go up to the roof
    • Run across the cloth awnings to another building and then another set of awnings to the target building
    • Go down to the door with the laser beams. Go around the corner and reach through the window to deactivate them
  • Look for clues
    • The laser across the floor in the top room cannot be disabled, jump over it
    • The laser on the stairs cannot be disabled, jump over it
      • Be careful of jumping into the camera's light at the bottom of the stairs. If you land it it and hear the camera beeping, back up until out of the light and wait for the camera to go silent.
    • Run between the camera lights, and jump over the laser in the western corner
    • Use the camera controls to disable the bottom floor cameras for 90 seconds
    • Use the computer in the southern corner
      • Read all 4 emails (Remember the 90 second camera timer)
    • Exit through the bottom floor front door near the computer

Tier 3/3

  • Go to the meeting point
    • The location is marked on your map. It's a street in the city at 540,368
  • Find a way to the roof
    • Go up a set of stairs located at 574,376
    • Climb the ladder at the top of the stairs
    • Use the sniper rifle next to the dead body
  • Defeat the informant
    • Click on the informant when the sniper rifle zooms in on him
  • Flee the scene
    • Jump down to the streets and run away

Other Information

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