The Strange Boat House in the Mist/tsw

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The Strange Boat House in the Mist/tsw
Annabel Usher.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: Innsmouth Academy
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Annabel Usher
Type: Action
Reward: 216,230 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

When the Innsmouth Academy defences fell, several of the staff made for the boathouse. Annabel Usher fears the worst - that shadows of the island's legacy got hold of them before they could escape.


Dialogue Scene Name

Annabel Usher: A fringe benefit of my talents is a heightened secsitivity to the natural world. Particularly when the un-natural puts the boot in.
Annabel Usher: When the trouble started, some of the staff made a break for the river. Trained magi who could take care of themselves. But, something what waiting for them. Nothing... natural. It's still out there.
Annabel Usher: Carter and I have had the same dream, and it's a doozy. The harvest at Henderson's farm, swollen and churning with larvae and disease. Like those dead traumatising time-lapse documentaries.
Hayden Montag: Ah, Archibald Henderson's murderous legacy. It is another weft in the fascinatingly grim weave of Solomon Island history.
Annabel Usher: There is a lot of seriously bad shite omitted from my coy of the school prospectus.
Hayden Montag: The academy had absolutely no truch with his creations. Initilly. During his life. He was a magus, but at heart a simple farmer. Likely barely able to comprehend, let alone control, his messy undoing.
Annabel Usher: I come from an agricultural family.
Carter: Yeah, my parents grow sunflowers.
Hayden Montag: I sense this situation is... socially awkward?
Annabel Usher: Ach, no, not more than usual, to be fair.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Check the boathouse for clues as to the fate of the faculty members.
    • Investigate the Boat House
    • Seach the corpse for clues
  • Tier 2: An Innsmouth Academy staff ID identified the mutilated corpse. However, three boats were missing from the boathouse - perhaps other members of the faculty got away?
    • Search for a missing boat
    • Recovery 4 different Innsmouth Academy IDs
    • Search for a second missing boat
  • Tier 3: One boat had barely unmoored before something killed everyone in it. Only rotted corpses remained, reanimated by the same evil that gripped the staff member in the boathouse.
    • Search the first mangled corpse
    • Search the second mangled corpse
    • Search the third mangled corpse
    • Search the fourth mangled corpse
  • Tier 4: A second boat was stranded on the bank. By the look of things, revenants attack the dingy and no one survived. Did anyone at all escape the horrors? Look around for the third boat.
    • Search for the final missing boat
    • Search the fourth mangled corpse
    • Search the fifth mangled corpse
    • Search the impaled corpse
  • Tier 5: None of the staff from the Innsmouth Academy managed to escape. They were slaughtered like so many others on Solomon Island. Return to Annabel User with news of the Faculty's fate.
    • Leave the IDs in the administration office in the Academy




Evolution has teeth, and currently those teeth are the ridges of Solomon Island. The scholars who tried to escape – each a certified magus – fell prey to panic. And so they deserved to die.

This is good news. Better a pile of dead cowardly magi than a band of powerful traitors. Initially, that was our suspicion.

Learn from their mistakes. Do not panic and try to flee the island. That is what the island wants. Stick to the roof of its mouth. Wait, and it will spit you out.


Say what you want about H.J. but his willingness to go down with the ship is second to none. Which is more than you can say for the rest of the staff, jumping ship at the first sign of taking on water. Good help always has been hard to find.

Now we can, at the very least, cross a few names off the "missing persons of note" list and save the Magicians a few hours of overtime.

As for Archie's murderous legacy - it's responsible for a lot of butchering out there. But let's not pin everything on Archie. Not yet.



Archibald Henderson's sackcloth creations likely butchered a great number of the fleeing staff, but let's not go so far as to blame his nightmares for everything. Those who rowed urgently from the shore clearly had more than scarecrows to contend with.

Each of the academy staff was a certified magus. That they weren't able to put up more of a fight is terribly disconcerting. At least now we know they weren't turncoats. Merely incompetent cowards.

The teaching profession simply isn't what it used to be.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

Tier 2/5

  • Search for a missing boat (in river by boathouse)
  • Recovery 4 different Innsmouth Academy IDs (kill 4 Risen Academy Staff on dock at (122, 198))
  • Search for a second missing boat (farther down river at overturned boat)

Tier 3/5

  • Search the first mangled corpse (Revenant Sadist will appear)
  • Search the second mangled corpse
  • Search the third mangled corpse (Revenant Sadist will appear)
  • Search the fourth mangled corpse

Tier 4/5

  • Search for the final missing boat (across river)
  • Search the fourth mangled corpse
  • Search the fifth mangled corpse
  • Search the impaled corpse (is father down river - impaled on side of buoy)
    • Note: The Svell Berserker will appear upon completion, however he is not a mission objective

Tier 5/5

  • Leave the IDs in the administration office in the Academy
  • Note: Leave on desk with computer near Annabel

Other Information

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