The Rogue Groundskeeper

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The Rogue Groundskeeper
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: Innsmouth Academy
Start Coords: (266,378)
Given by: Carter's notebook
Type: Item
Reward: 149,600 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update Seasonal

Carter is helping out Danny with his book of stories. She has written a tale of her own. Read it and confirm its authenticity.


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Carter is helping out Danny with his book of stories. She has written a tale of her own. Read it and confirm its authenticity.
    • Read Carter's story
    • Get some whiskey from the Groundskeeper shack
    • Go to the beach by Masons' Crescent




In China, it is not uncommon for families to set a place at their tables for their ancestors to return and eat and drink. Donnie Bedsloe was like these hungry ghosts, empty inside and with a craving that he could never fulfil.

Perhaps his bones line the walls of the academy, like so many others. Would that anger your ghost, do you think?


I completely approve of both drinking at work and also using it to summon and destroy horrible creatures trapped between life and death. Just be glad it doesn't work everywhere or Jersey would be full of screaming banshees. More full. I do like the effort you are putting into that book thing. Let's hope it yields something useful.


Campfires are the natural evolution of these kinds of stories. Well, campfires and Innsmouth Academy, I suppose. It really is appalling the way those Illuminati run an educational institution.

You should have seen the school I attended in my youth. I believe it was the inspiration for Hogwarts.


There are 2 tiers for this mission

Tier 1/2

  • Read Carter's story
    • On the table next to the mission
  • Get some whiskey from the Groundskeeper shack
    • The shack is outside the ground walls, on the eastern side, marked on your map
    • There are bottles of whisky in the back of a pickup truck at (436,356)
  • Go to the beach by Masons' Crescent
    • South of the shack, between Masons' Crescent road and the water, marked on your map.

Tier 2/2

  • Light the fire
  • Drink several swigs of whisky
    • Use it from your inventory
    • You'll have to use it 3 times
  • Defeat the Ghost of Donnie Bedloe

Other Information


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