The Raven/tsw

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The Raven/tsw
Madame Roget.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Kingsmouth
Start Location: Raven's Knock
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Madame Roget
Type: Action
Reward: 50,000 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Madame Roget has been having dark visions involving ravens. Locate the source of her visions.


Initial Cutscene

Madame Roget: I sense...I sense an alien presence. The fog obscures a terrible truth concealed behind a veil of – Sorry...old habits. Hey, just so you know, I don't do readings anymore. I've been outside. You don't need second sight to foretell our future. We're all doomed, its not like I'm going to need the money. (sighs) It's strange, but it's the dreams that really get to me- not reality. I can handle reality, but those nightmares just...It's like a really annoying song that gets stuck in your head, repeating over and over and over again. The dreams are always about ravens. Thousands of ravens. Flapping wings, black feathers, dead eyes...Beaks and talons tearing and clawing and screeching.Wings of death and pestilence. A black, timeless malice covering Kingsmouth like a funeral shroud. You get the idea. I don't know what any of it means, but it's doing a number on my beauty sleep, I can tell you that.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: "Beaks and talons tearing and clawing and screaching. Wings of death and pestilence. A black, timeless malice covering Kingsmouth like a funeral shroud." Madame Roget’s recurring dreams suggest the ravens of Kingsmouth are significant.
    • Search for raven
    • Follow the raven
    • Follow the ravens
    • Defeat the Revenant
    • Collect the revenant feather
  • Tier 2: The Ravens led to a revenant. It escaped, leaving nothing but a single feather. Follow the revenant.
    • Look for ravens
    • Follow the ravens
    • Defeat the Revenant
    • Collect the revenant feather
  • Tier 3: The revenant escaped again, leaving another feather. Follow the revenant.
    • Look for ravens
    • Follow the ravens
    • Defeat the Revenant
    • Collect the revenant feather
  • Tier 4: The revenant disappeared again, leaving a third feather. Follow the revenant, and look for a way to stop it.
    • Search for ravens
    • Follow the ravens
    • Find a way to call the Revenant
  • Tier 5: "Bind the malevolent spirit by placing the reagents at the points of the star" Summon and kill the revenant.
    • Summon the Revenant
    • Kill the Revenant




A woman who dresses up as a fortune-cookie must not be surprised to discover fortunes inside of her. And if she calls her show The Raven's Knock, it won't be eagles or crows that flock in her dreams.

Irony is the laughter of chaos.

Do not underestimate signs and portents. The revenant is an omen. It smells the approach of death in the air. learn to read the ravens, and you will learn to see death before it strikes.


It's not terror as usual out there. Revenants are a bad sign, literally. They smell death before it comes. Usually they're hanging out in hospitals or Florida, but if mass tragedy is on the horizon they're quick to make the pilgrimage. If they're still in Kingsmouth, it means there's more misery left. Hopefully the worst isn't yet to come.

Fingers crossed.



'Tis not the wind, I'm afraid.

The revenant is an old enemy of ours - a creature that smells death and foretells further misery. We have received similar reports to this in the past. One Ms Rose White had an encounter much like yours. How this creature is tied to the park in Kingsmouth is another thing entirely, and something we should look into in the future.

If there is a way to use this information to our benefit, we will certainly find it.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Note: The ravens always fly off faster than a player can run, and so are often quickly lost to sight. However, they also fly in a straight line. Whenever you're following the ravens - if you lose site of them, keep going in a straight line and watch for where a group of them have landed on the ground. If you want a visual instead of just coords, see Map:The Raven for a map of where the ravens lead you.

Tier 1/5

  • Search for raven
    • It will be in the courtyard outside the Raven's Knock, at the entrance from the street, near (270, 334)
  • Follow the raven
    • As you approach the raven, it will fly off
    • They will fly northeast, across the and slightly up the street, near (289, 377)
  • Follow the ravens
    • They will fly north-northwest, to a playground, near some teeter-totters, about (252, 424)
    • This section is timed, and if you completely lose the raven, they will reset to their location outside the Raven's Knock
  • Defeat the Revenant
    • As you approach the ravens, this time instead of flying off in one direction they will scatter in all directions.
    • Once they scatter a Bound Revenant will spawn, and you must kill him
  • Collect the revenant feather
    • It will be on the ground where you killed him, look for the white [] brackets
    • Picking it up is timed, and if you do not collect in time, the Bound Revenant will respawn

Tier 2/5

  • Look for ravens
    • They are not immediately visible, and you will have to run around a short bit to find a group of them sitting on the ground again
    • They will be a bit further north from where the Bound Revenant appeared, near (229, 457)
  • Follow the ravens
    • Again, it is timed, and if you lose track of them they will return to where they were after you defeated the Bound Revenant
    • This time they fly north-northest to the other side of Fletcher road, near (203, 501)
    • As you approach, they will fly off again, heading east along Fletcher Road to the intersection of Priest Heights, near (236, 555)
  • Defeat the Revenant
    • This time they scatter in a all directions again and the [[[Bound Revenant]] appears again
  • Collect the revenant feather
    • Just like before - pick it up where you killed him. There is a timer on it, but it is plenty long if you don't get distracted

Tier 3/5

  • Look for ravens
    • They will be to the east, sitting on the Priest Heights road, at (281, 555)
  • Follow the ravens
    • Same as before - if lose track of them, they return to where they were after you killed the Bound Revenant
    • They head south along Priest Heights road, and stoping at (317, 527)
    • They will then fly further south around the road, stopping an inside bend of the road, near (349, 501)
  • Defeat the Revenant
    • Once more he appears, and must be killed
  • Collect the revenant feather

Tier 4/5

  • Search for ravens
    • They will fly east across Priest Heights, stopping near Kingsmouth Road, at (390, 497)
  • Follow the ravens
    • East again, hop of the fence, and come to the Park Fountain, at (462, 449)
  • Find a way to call the Revenant
    • There will be a body laying next to a book on one side of the fountain, click on the book

Tier 5/5

  • Summon the Revenant
    • If you look at the white [] brackets around the found, you see they are named by direction
    • The book told you to use the directions North, East, South, Southwest, and Northwest.
    • There will already be a feather in one of those locations - place feathers at the other locations by using the brackets
    • Note: There are brackets at other directions than the ones that you're supposed to use - only use the ones you're supposed to
  • Kill the Bound Revenant
    • Just like before, except this time he is bound, and so sticks around to finish the fight

Other Notes

The runes on the pages in the book appear to be some variation of runes similar to the Younger Futhark runes used in Strangers from a Strange Land, although not exactly the same.

Related Achievements



<gallery> File:The_Raven_Book.jpg|The Book </gallery

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