The Last Legion/tsw

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The Last Legion/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Location: Sol Glorificus
Start Coords: 432, 634
End location: [[Sol Glorificus]]
Given by: Khalid El Sayad
Type: Action
Reward: 303,340 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

Dark powers are at large in the nearby Roman ruins, where the mummified remains of Roman legionaries are being reanimated. These ancient sun worshippers fled here to escape the persecution of the Roman emperors and found a new, dark god. The Atenists are exploiting the fact and necromancers are raising the dead at an alarming rate..



Khalid: The Romans are restless in their graves.
Khalid: I hear them every night in my dreams.
Khalid: Their whispers are...insistent.
Khalid: The ancient Romans, child!
Khalid: Legionaries of the Roman Empire.
Khalid: We get all sorts.
Khalid: They were part of a crumbling empire, worshipping a dying god.
Khalid: Deus Sol Invictus.
Khalid: The "unconquered sun."
Khalid: Heh, the irony!
Khalid: As Constantine christened Rome, the cult was dissolved and they scattered.
Khalid: The most zealous fled here, to this valley, to unite with those who shared their beliefs.
Khalid: The servants of the Aten,
Khalid: the sun god.
Khalid: It's no coincidence that they both worshipped the scorching sun.
Khalid: Remember this! It might serve you in the future.
Khalid: We were blessed with fortune.
Khalid: It could have been the end of everything we know, of this world and others, but instead...
Khalid: our enemies failed.
Khalid: Thanks to the Marya, and the Sentinels who watch over the hidden city of Aten,
Khalid: the sun worshippers were destroyed, and a cataclysm was avoided.
Khalid: The few who survived fled south, but their dead were left behind.
Khalid: With the new dawn of Aten upon us,
Khalid: their bodies rise from the earth to join the dark disciples and their Black Pharaoh.
Khalid: The Romans are restless, and they must once more be stilled.
Khalid: Get to it. Now!
Khalid: What, are you not used to being told what to do, child? Go!
Khalid: Go go go go!

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Khalid insists that the Atenists must be stopped and the dead returned to the sand. Go to the Roman ruins and find out what the cultists have done.
    • Investigate what's going on in the Roman Ruins
  • Tier 2: Like a scene from a horror movie, awakened mummies stalk the ruins while their masters, Atenist necromancers, continue raising the dead. They use some sort of orb as a focus item. These orbs, as well as the necromancers and the unfortunate dead, should all be destroyed
    • Kill the Sun Cult Priests and destroy their orbs (0/3)
    • Clear the area of Lost Legionaries (0/18)
  • Tier 3: The necromancers have been busy. Undoubtedly, they are about to launch an attack on al-Merayah and the Marya strongholds in the area. Continue into the ruins and destroy more mummies to thwart the cultists' plans
    • Investigate the temples at the cliff
    • Defeat the Legion




Sol Invictus fled newly christened Rome to create its own empire. Egypt was one of many places they stopped and sacrificed along the way. Hence they came into contact with Atenists, inspiring a legion to remain in the desert.

Together with Atenists they cut deep into the rock and fashioned black temples, the insides of which never once saw the rays of the sun.

Architecture signals the death of faith. When beliefs no longer warm the heart, the weak can think of nothing better than to erect lasting tributes to spiritual shame and mental cowardice. They beg you to destory them.


Sol Invictus had its heydey in Rome until Constantine and the rise of Christendom. After that, they struck off into Africa to form their own empire. Along the way, they came in contact with Atenists, inspiring one hell of a fun in the sun party.

We don't think Egypt was ever Invictus' final destination - I've got some disturbing reports coming out of Congo. So let's assume we haven't seen the last of doric columns.

Khalid - the guy's 3500 going on 90. Get what you can from him before he keels.



Sun worship spans history and the globe. Sol Invictus was its Roman Empire variant, a particularly fervent manifestation. You have done very well to lay the legion to rest.

Misguided worshippers have always been a particular vexation of ours. They give faith a dreadful name.

What disturbs me about these sun cult movements is how often we find them practised most vehemently in caverns, temples and hearts that block out the rays of the sun. The irony is delicious.

R. Sonnac


There are 3 tiers to this mission.

NOTE: This is one of the hardest missions in this zone, and many players may not be able to complete it if solo and level appropriate for the area. The final round of fights in tier 3 is especially difficult.

Tier 1/3

  • Investigate what's going on in the Roman ruins

Tier 2/3

  • 0/3 Kill the Sun Cult Priests and destroy their orbs
    • Long respawn time
    • One at (199,673)
    • Destroy the Orb of Aten next to the priests - you may want to use an AoE attack while fighting the priest to take out the Orb at the same time. The orb will leech heal the priest, so destroying it will make the fight easier.
  • 0/18 Clear the area of 18 Lost Legionaries
    • Quite a large aggro range
    • Typically patrolling the area in groups of 6, care should be taken that a second group doesn't aggro while fighting a first group

Tier 3/3

  • Investigate the temples by the cliff
  • Defeat the Legion
    • Primus Ordo Flavius will attack first - leader of the group on the left
    • Primus Ordo Cassius will be second - leader of the group on the right
    • Primus Ordo Meridius will be third - leader of the group on the front left
    • Primus Pilus will be fourth - leader of the group on the front left
    • There will be a brief pause while the fifth boss approaches
    • Legatus Aulus will be the final boss. Periodicall throughout the fight, he will become invulnerable and one of the four groups of Unknown legionaries will attack. Each group has 6 legionaries.

Other Information

This mission is best done with the side quest Scattered to the Wind as that mission will have you picking up objects located in the same area as this one sends you.

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