The Angry Earth (Mission)/tsw

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The Angry Earth (Mission)/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Coords: (372,344)
End location: [[???]]
Given by: No Data
Type: No Data
Requires: Issue 14
Reward: No Data
Repeatable: yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Mission Investigation.png The Angry Earth (Mission)/tsw       Main Mission
The Stationmaster says that strange tremors from Egypt recently invaded Agartha with their vibrations. He says that this is most unusual. Perhaps you should investigate.
Tier 1
Tier 1 Description
  • Tier 1 Objectives


Tier 1/6

  • Find where the tremors were first recorded.
Seismographs are used to monitor quake activity.
Montgomery de La Roche was using a seismograph at his new camp at 724,862.

Tier 2/6

  • Find the Mysterious Device mentioned in the journal.
The journal mentioned that they had to abandon the device at the old camp.
There are two dig sites that had to be abandoned after the Ghouls invaded.
You'll find the device in a tent at the eastern dig site at 817,865.

Tier 3/6

  • Find the first magnetic anomaly.
We came to a place. The twins sit unblinking, guarding the six. A sister sits to her sister's right. There, at her feet. The growls of the earth.
The Outer Complex lies just north of the eastern dig site. There, a row of six statues watches over the processional pathway.
In order to reach the Outer Complex, you must pass between two statues of seated women
Use the device at the feet of the western statue. You'll have to do some jumping to reach the platform at 715,954. Once you've placed the device, wait a few seconds for it to absorb the next tremor.
  • Replay the tremor on the seismograph at the Oxford camp.
Same seismograph as before, 724,862. Once there, use the device.
  • Examine the seismograph again.

Tier 4/6

  • Find the second magnetic anomaly.
We came to a place. Where the oasis sleeps. The vast, the sweeping, the lush oasis, defying the desert. By the still water, the rock stands. The growls of the earth.
There is a Forsaken Oasis on the western portion of the map. There, a rocky outcropping juts into the pool from the northern side at 367.633. Just as before, place the device and then wait for the next tremor to be aborbed.
  • Replay the tremor on the seismograph at the Oxford camp.
Same seismograph as before, 724,862. Once there, use the device.
  • Examine the seismograph again.

Tier 5/6

  • Find the third magnetic anomaly.
We came to a place. Where the symbol lay. The breath of life. Upon its head. The growls of the earth.
What ancient Egyptian symbol represents everlasting life?
The local dungeon is called The Ankh, located at 331,850. Strangely, the mission will not require you to deploy the device and allow it to absorb a tremor, even though using the device will play the animation as before. At the head of the ankh you will find a journal on the ground and a tape recorder on a folding seat.
  • Examine the nearby journal.
  • Examine the tape recorder.

Tier 6/6

  • Find more of Doctor Klein's research.
Approaching the lift terminal will give you a prompt asking if you'd like to enter The Ankh. This is a solo version of the dungeon, separate from the usual group encounter. Beware the floating Mote of Aten, they have an attack which can instantly kill you.
In order to bypass the large energy barrier that sends out lethal waves of force, deploy the Mysterious Device right before it hits you. It only lasts for a few seconds, and has a noticeable cooldown before you can use it again.
  • Survive Dr. Klein's attacks.
In the next room a series of Aten pedestals form a circle around a blood-drawn symbol of Aten, an obvious trap. Enter the circle to spring the trap.
Just as with the energy barrier, Dr. Klein will send waves of energy at you. These lone waves travel slower and are not lethal, but will knock you down. Also circles of energy will appear on the ground that will deal damage and slow your movement. Dodge the waves and avoid the circles. Lastly Klein will start channeling multiple waves of energy, starting at a point on the outer circle and creating new waves in succession around the edge of the circle. Wait until after you are fully encircled before deploying the device.


  • ###,### Experience total
    • 77,792 per Tier for tiers 1 thru 5
    • 299,210 for completion of tier 6
  • 15,000 Pax Romana upon completion of tier 6
  • 18 Black Bullion upon completion of tier 6



How does one sift through the wreckage of Doctor Klein's mind to find one disturbing thing among the ruins? He caught a glimpse of something, something that disconcerts his would-be masters, something even they cannot control.



In the unnatural span of years that the Stationmaster has served, I have never heard tell of him being a wolf-crier. We ignore that proverbial canary at our own peril. Doctor Klein's continued activity is disconcerting, but seems unconnected to the mystery at hand. Keep Digging. R. Sonnac


Opening Cinematic

The Stationmaster: Hello, again. Right on time. Splendid. Something you should know.
The Stationmaster: The reverberation of recent tremors, emanating from Egypt, have somehow slipped into our honeyed halls.
The Stationmaster: Now, I realise that a few minor earthquakes might seem a touch insignificant to someone of you
The Stationmaster: esoteric standing.
The Stationmaster: But local geological disturbances effecting the Hollow Earth, well...
The Stationmaster: ...well it is most irregular.
The Stationmaster: Well then. that's enough lollygagging on my part. The black water rises.
The Stationmaster: If one thing's done another needs doing.
The Stationmaster: Oh, I wish, I wish I had a battalion of stout porters to help lift the load.
The Stationmaster: But if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, eh?
The Stationmaster: Right. Back to it. We are fusiliers against entropy
The Stationmaster: The train will come, don't you worry about that, it'll come eventually.

Other Information






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