Science and the Arts/tsw

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Science and the Arts/tsw
Innsmouth Academy blueprints.jpg
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Location: Innsmouth Academy
Start Coords: 306,370
Given by: Hayden Montag
Type: Action
Reward: 172,980 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Creatures of the occult, demons and even some people were laid into the very foundations that keep Innsmouth Academy standing. All to provide anima for the wards that protect the school, and Kingsmouth, from everything that lurks outside - and inside - the walls. Now the walls themselves are leaking anima and creatures are breaking free, leaving the school vulnerable.


Initial cutscene

Montag: To teach the gifted is the highest form of our sciences and arts.
Montag: Believe me, I have made exhaustive studies of them all.
Montag: Necromancy is a dog and pony show.
Montag: Demonology? Please. Leave bargaining with the Hell Dimensions to the chancers and masochists.
Montag: Golemetry is brutish puppetwork, and recollects my days of medical practice.
Montag: They were curtailed.
Montag: But my humanistic focus was not shared by the founders of this grand institution; this great experiment.
Montag: It has been said that there is a skeleton in every closet, here in Innsmouth.
Montag: That is simply not true.
Montag: They were laid into the very foundation walls. The basement might bleed if you chipped beneath the plaster.
Carter: That's a figure of speech, right?
Usher: I'm sorry, Carter.
Carter: Oh my God! Have you never heard of a white lie?!
Montag: The architecture was exacting. A pattern, a focus, a tomb, a battery.
Montag: Stockpiling anima from many sources.
Montag: Not entirely willing sources.
Montag: It would be politic to close the breaches before they emerge.
Usher: The first time you get bricked in is probably the worst time, eh?
Montag: From my research... It seems that each time begins a claustrophobic eternity anew.
Usher: You're like the world's revenge on sarcasm, do you know that?

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Examine the campus blueprints to find out where the anima caches are. They should be in the Headmaster's Office.
    • Study blueprints in the Headmaster's Office
  • Tier 2: There are minor leaks around the dormitory as well as by the pond in the park. Both must be closed.
    • Go to the dorm
    • Close 3 anima leaks around the dorm
    • Go to the pond
    • Close the anima leak by the pond
  • Tier 3: The blueprints also showed anima caches around the old block and the main academy building. Close the leaks at these locations as well.
    • Check the old block
    • Close 3 anima leaks around the old block
    • Go to the main academy building
    • Close the anima leak at the main building
  • Tier 4: Finally, the blueprints showed a major cache in the rock face foundation of the academy, by the water. This leak is more dangerous than the other because it's outside the academy grounds. It is of utmost importance that it be closed.
    • Go to the outer wall
    • Close the major anima leak on the outer wall
    • Defeat the Academy Wraith




Do not be put off by the occult practice of stuffing the living into walls. it is the most efficient way of powering anima and should be considered a form of veneration. We honour them and they protect us.

Until they begin to leak out. Then it is time to stop honouring them.

You have done well to hold up the foundations of Innsmouth Academy. The institution itself is meaningless, all institutions are. But the secrets it holds - the countless texts - are to be respected. If you must be cornered anywhere, make it a room full of knowledge.


High five. Innsmouth Academy holds some of our most significant occult documents. We're talking special characters that not even Cassini can Cntrl+ on her keyboard. We're still trying to prioritize what requires ASAP recovery.

For now, do what you can to keep the walls from bleeding out. Seriously, you do not want to get blood on ancient summoning texts.

Fun fact: I had this kind of anima tech build into my Hummer. You should see the looks when my baby springs a leak.


The Council forbids using living beings as entombed anima batteries. It is a distasteful practice that warrants a citation. Unfortunately, it is also common and quite unavoidable. Anima is the wellspring of defence – and iconography on the walls can only do so much.

Innsmouth Academy is a marvelous construction. It will almost inevitably fall in the current crises, and the Illuminati will do everything they can to recover its most precious secrets. We should feel free to do the same.

After all, we did just keep the building from drowning in itself.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/4

  • Study blueprints in the Headmaster's Office (2nd floor, directly above Hayden)

Tier 2/4

  • Go to the dorm
  • Close 3 anima leaks around the dorm
  • Go to the pond
  • Close the anima leak by the pond (Note: Will have to kill the Suffocating Spirit mob)

Tier 3/4

  • Check the old block
  • Close 3 anima leaks around the old block
  • Go to the main academy building
  • Close the anima leak at the main building

Tier 4/4

  • Go to the outer wall (go out the western academy gate)
  • Close the major anima leak on the outer wall (initial attack)
  • Defeat the Academy Wraith (after leak closed)

Other Information

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