Love and Origami/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Love and Origami/tsw
Region: Tokyo
Zone: Kaidan
Start Location: Susanoo's Diner
Start Coords: (279,558)
End location: [[(181,793)]]
Given by: Gozen
Type: Investigation
Requires: Sidestories: Love & Loathing
Reward: No Data
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update TSWicon.png 1.9 / SWLicon.png 2.1]]

Gozen told you the story of a girl who came to the diner. She awaited her love, who never showed up. Who was she?


Dialogue Scene Name

(in Japanese)

Akashi: ...probably dead. Why waste your time with this?
Gozen: Love is never a waste of time. Never

(Gozen speaks in English, Akashi in Japanese)

Gozen: (notices you) Have you ever been in love? I have, more than once. There is a power in love-
Akashi: And much foolishness.
Gozen: -even when it doesn't last. Some memories are just worth having.
Gozen: There was a girl here before the explosion. She ordered a table for two. Her date never came. Angry and upset, she left this book and this note with us. There was something about that girl, something intense. She needed that boy. Like breathe or water.
Akashi: She seemed crazy to me.
Gozen: I don't know what the note means. I don't know if the girl is out there; alive or dead or... something else. But I do know that these were her last gift to her love. The least we can do is try to deliver it.
Akashi: I might note understand romance, but delegation is something I can get behind.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: All the girl left was a book and a note, last gifts to her love. They are the only clues that remain.
    • Take the book of origami
    • Examine the note
    • Go to the location mentioned in the note
  • Tier 2: One note leads to another in this love story.
    • Examine the note
    • Go to the location mentioned in the note
  • Tier 3: One note leads to another in this love story.
    • Examine the note
    • Go to the location mentioned in the note
  • Tier 4: One note leads to another in this love story.
    • Examine the note
    • Go to the location mentioned in the note
  • Tier 5: The notes have led a flock of folded origami cranes. What does it all mean?
    • Examine the origami and find the message


"The Secret World" "Secret World Legends"
1,122,000 Experience total 15,733 SWL Token XP.png Experience
35,000 PaxRomana.png Pax Romana 2,400 SWL Token Anima Shard.png Anima Shard
3 Sequin of Sunrise 1 Weapon Reward Bag.jpg Weapon Reward Bag(s)
Book of origami, Putrid Biohazard Container 2 Talisman Reward Bag.jpg Talisman Reward Bag(s)
1 Glyph Reward Bag.jpg Glyph Reward Bag(s)
Investigation Reward Bag
SWL Patron Icon.png +1,574 XP, +360 Anima Shards
  • TSWicon.png 224,400 XP each upon completion of Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4


Faction Dragon 256.png Dragon

We know the value of butterfly wings. We know the danger. Who is Butterfly8? What wing flap was she sending out into the universe by fluttering the heart of such a tiny, scared soul such as Yuichi?

Faction Illuminati 256.png Illuminati

Passing love notes during study hall? BACK TO WORK!


Faction Templar 256.png Templar

I would have named this a frivolous exercise... except Yuichi's name comes up. Young love. I should very much like to know who this Butterfly8 is.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

If you don't speak Japanese, Google translate is your friend. You can change the input method to allow you to use the mouse to write the kanji and the katkana.

Tier 1/5

  • Take the book of origami
    • At the end of the bar, use the yellow-outlined "Book of Origami"
    • You will receive a Book of origami in your inventory
  • Examine the note
    • Also at the end of the bar
    • The note reads:
  • Go to the location mentioned in the note
Clue 1:
The Haiku reads "I waited for you, while my noodles grew colder, my heart knows the way"
Clue 2:
The Origami book may be of use.
Clue 3:
Page 243 shows you how to fold a heart.
Clue 4:
To do this as intended, you'll need to fold an Origami heart yourself, outside of the game, on a piece of paper.
Clue 5:
When you do fold it, you'll want to start with the white side of the paper facing you, and the corner with nothing on it at the top
Clue 6:
When you fold the paper yourself, make sure you either print out a screenshot, or copy everything exactly as shown
Clue 7:
If you've done it correctly, you should get something like this:

Love and Origami Completed Heart.png

Clue 8:
Reading the text around the edges reads:
Clue 9:
The translation on Google does not work very well, but it should read
"I will wait for you on a bench by the northern shore."
Go to (472,898), there is a note on the bench.

Tier 2/5

  • Examine the note
  • Go to the location mentioned in the note
Clue 1:
The official translation of the note is "Here by the water, fish lament my loneliness, forever waiting."
Clue 2:
Page 211 of the Book of origami shows you how to fold a fish.
Clue 3:
After printing and folding the fish, you should get the following:

Love and Origami Completed Fish, Front.png Love and Origami Completed Fish, Back.png

Clue 4:
The text around the edge of reads:
Clue 5:
The translation should be:
"I will wait for you beneath the Cherry Bossom Tree in Ginpachi Park."
Underneath the giant cherry tree that is the entrance to Agartha, at (947,731) is another note.

Tier 3/5

  • Examine the note
  • Go to the location mentioned in the note
Clue 1:
The haiku should read
Beneath these flowers, 
butterflies float in silence, 
beautiful victims.
Clue 2:
Page 135 of the Book of origami shows how to fold a butterfly.
Clue 3:
After you print it and fold it you should get something like this:

Love and Origami Completed Butterfly, top.png Love and Origami Completed Butterfly, bottom.png

Clue 4:
You'll need to read the text on both sides of the butterfly
Clue 5:
The note reads:

Top - 私はパチンコ屋に行きます。

Bottom - そこで会いましよう。

Clue 6:
It should translate as:

Top - I will go to the Pachinko Parlour.

Bottom - Meet me there.

In the north-west corner of Zeros Wild Pachinko you will find an origami on the counter against the wall.

Tier 4/5

  • Examine the note
    • See the pictures below for the Origami Tulip
  • Go to the location mentioned in the note
Clue 1:
For this one, you can't print it and fold it - you start with it already folded
Clue 2:
Use your Book of origami again
Clue 3:
You'll have to fold the tulip per instructions, then write on it as you see the writing in the game, and then unfold it.
Clue 4:
Unfolded, you should get something like this:

Love and Origami Tulip unfolded.png

Clue 5:
The text reads:
Clue 6:
Translated, it should be:
Innocence broken, 
fading like the morning light, 
bathe away my pain
In the Jigoku no Yu Bathhouse you will find a number of Origami cranes in the back left room.

Tier 5/5

  • Examine the origami and find the message
    • Only one of the cranes will have a message on it
    • When you find the right one, you can click on the Next ">" icon on the picture to unfold it until you see the message inside.
    • The message reads:
  • Translated, it should read:
Your fear is weakness, 
it will keep you from greatness, 
I'm leaving my love

Other Information

  • Translations from the official forum[1]




Note locations:

Origami Tulip
Origami Crane
Book of origami

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