Blood Garments/tsw

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TSWicon.png This article concerns content for The Secret World. For the Secret World Legends version, click here.

Blood Garments/tsw
Sacrificed Villager.jpg
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Location: The Summits
Start Coords: 542,1071
Given by: Sacrificed Villager
Type: Lair
Reward: 250,000 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.3]]

Mission Introduction Text.


Dialogue Scene Name

Character Name: Dialogue

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Tier Objective Text
    • List objectives





Got anything in a small?



I'm finding it very difficult to determine which aspect of these sacrifices is the most despicable and offensive.

Frankly, too difficult.

R. Sonnac


Go through the doorway and to the right to find the first set of garments for this quest. The mobs are group pull. Each group of mobs protects a set of garments. Kill the groups to collect the quest item from the ground.

Note: For those that find killing the mobs too difficult for your current gear/skill level, there are a couple locations in which to collect garments without pulling the groups of mobs. As you enter the area, before crossing the big bridge, turn right and hug the mountain. The first group on the right will have the garments laying just behind the group and it can be collected by carefully inching up to it from behind. Continuing along that path, the next group to the left, next to the broken pillar, is trickier but the same can be managed. Continue counter-clockwise around the area to the lowest area and there is one more group in the middle of the pillars with a garment behind them instead of in the middle of the group. After collecting these three, head to the right up to the bridge again, turning right and continue into the valley beyond. skirt the lava flow to the right, cross and head to the rocks directly across from them. Between two trees there is another unattended garment.

The respawn rate on the garments is about 5 min. Beware the bonfires that look tempting with 3 garments around them. The aggro radius on the surrounding mobs is high and you will be attacked.

Tier 1/2

  • Objective
    • Additional Information

Other Information






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