They Belong in a Museum/tsw

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They Belong in a Museum
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Coords: ???
Given by: No Data
Type: Item
Requires: In the Dusty Dark
Reward: No Data
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: No Data

Mission Item.png They Belong in a Museum/tsw       Side Mission
Priceless treasures and relics of the past are scattered about.
Tier 1
So many objects of antiquity... They belong in a museum!


  • This mission can only be acquired and completed during the In the Dusty Dark mission

Tier 1/1

  • Collect interesting relics.
    • An Urn Ancient Relic (1) right next to the starting item.
    • After the puzzle door, at the first split take the right hand path to find a dead end with a large Pharaoh's Bust Ancient Relic (2).
    • At the next intersection, the right hand is a short dead end. Forwards leads to another split where both paths lead to a set of two torches next to an Eye of Horus Ancient Relic (3) on the wall. The left hand path leads to a large chamber with a black pit taking up most of the floor.
  • Cross the pit.
    • Falling into the pit leads you into a long corridor that eventually spits you back out at the pit room. If you drop your torch, a new one can always be found at the tunnel entrance in the pit.
Indian Jones would know what to do...
Anything seem off about the space between your platform and the opposite side?
If you're having trouble seeing the symbols on the walls, try turning up your View Distance up to at least 2. There are rocks and dirt appearing to be hovering in mid-air across the pit in both the center and along the right wall, because the actual pathway is invisible. The center set of rocks is a red herring, so setup on the Eastern set of rocks. For the purposes of this guide, treat the target platform as if it were North.
1. Taking the Eastern path, you can advance North until you are under the Eye of Ra on the Eastern wall, then turn West.
2. Advance West until you are even with the Sitting Duck on the Southern wall, then turn South.
3. Advance South until you are even with the Capital I on the Western wall, then turn West.
4. Advance West all the way to the Western wall, then turn North.
5. Advance North until you are even with the Northern Insect on the Western wall, then turn East.
6. Advance East until you are even with the Eastern Worshiper on the Northern wall, then turn North.
7. Advance North until you are even with the Arm on the Western wall, then turn West.
8. Advance West until you are even with the Capital I on the Northern wall, then turn North.
9. Advance North until you reach the target platform.
  • Explore the pyramid.
    • Inside the tunnel both pathways will eventually lead you to a downward slope where you will have to outrun a boulder to reach a room with another pit. In this room on the starting platform are a number of sarcophogai, one of which will be holding a Golden Ankh Ancient Relic (4).
  • Cross the bottomless pit.
    • If you lose your torch, a new one is right near the entrance to this room.
Near the bloodstain on the starting platform you should notice a deactivated Jump Pad. Next to this is a tile with an Insect symbol on it.
On the right hand side there is another tile with an Insect symbol on the wall, next to a lever. Activate the lever to turn on the Jump Pad. Once you do this several Creeping Terror mummies will become active in the room. They are slow moving, but if they touch you they will instantly kill you.
In the next tunnel the Creeping Terrors will follow you, so keep moving. You will have to run through a series of arrow traps that deal minor damage to you. Then you will come upon a ground tile that if you step on it will active several fire traps that will instantly kill you, so you must avoid it. Facing the fire trap tile, take the door on your left.
  • Make it past the traps.
    • The doorway will take you to a hallway with sarcophogai on both sides, an acid pool through the middle, and a Legend on the left. Hop across the acid using the sarcophogai, taking time to let your health heal if necessary. After reaching the end you can step on a tile that will turn off the traps so you can go back to get the Legend.
  • Explore the pyramid
    • Travelling along the tunnel, you'll reach an intersection with a forward path going up, and a left hand path going down. Going up will lead you to a Weathered Scroll Ancient Relic (5) and another Legend. Going down the left hand path will lead to a 4-way with a dead end on the left, and a Legend at the end of the right hand path way, with several scarabs worshiping a Royal Scarab Ancient Relic (6) on the wall.

SWL Rewards




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