Emergency Procedures/tsw

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Emergency Procedures/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: City of the Sun God
Start Location: Orochi Camp (City of the Sun God)
Start Coords: 63, 878
End location: Orochi camp
Given by: Samael Chandra
Type: Sabotage
Reward: 438,750 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update 1.0

With half of the Orochi camp infected and the other half dead, this could be a rare opportunity to intercept Orochi information that HQ could find useful.



The Samael Chandra can be heard speaking from the loudspeakers around the camp

Director: ...this, listen to me carefully. I repeat:
Director: if you are watching this, you are ordered to immediately follow emergency procedures.
Director: I am suspending all orders. I am suspending what remains of the Prometheus Initiative's directives in this location.
Director: I'm shutting it all down.
Director: Clearly we have had a major communication failure.
Director: The Prometheus Initiative directives were explicit for a reason.
Director: If I've told you people once, I've told you a thousand times.
Director: Leave these matters to your elders and betters.
Director: For my part, I am not angry, just...disappointed.
Director: I understand we are working on re-establishing live transmissions.
Director: Your first priority is to upload all the information you have gathered to Orochi Core for review.
Director: Leave out no detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
Director: Failure to follow these instructions will result in immediate termination of your contract.
Director: Also, possibly, your lives.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: The recording on the laptop demanded that all data should be secured in the mainframe when the research was complete. Though the people in the camp are gone, the security sentries are still active. Find a way to access the computers in the main tent.
    • Find a way to access the Orochi mainframe
    • Hack the mainframe
  • Tier 2: Orochi was researching three different, but linked, subjects. Find their research data and upload it to your HQ.
    • Copy the Sentinel data
    • Copy the Black Pharoah data
    • Copy the 3rd Age data
  • Tier 3: The last laptop crashed while you were copying the data. To get hold of the content, you'll have to repair it.
    • Find an Orochi TFA-34 Battery
    • Find an Orochi SR Heatsink
    • Find an Orochi RNRG Impulse Panel
    • Repair the laptop and recover the data
  • Tier 4: Tap into the Orochi network server and create an uplink to transmit the data to your HQ. Be prepared for defensive measures, and make sure the transmission goes through before you leave the tower.
    • Get to high ground and transmit the data
    • Start the upload
    • Ensure the transmission completes (2:00 minutes)




Excellent work! This information is priceless, and it also allows us a window into the Orochi operations in the area.

With your clever use of their own equipment to transmit the data, they will never be able to trace back the leak to us. If they don't automatically blame the Illuminati or the Templars, we'll make sure they do eventually.

From the message played on the computer we can assume not everything's going according to plan over at Orochi HQ. That can only be to our advantage.


Are you fucking kidding me? You hacked into the Orochi mainframe? Back the fuck up, champ, and let me pretend I never heard that.

At least you had the good sense to use their own equipment to transmit the data out of there. It'll be hard for them to prove it was us, even if they know.

I trust the information you lifted was super important. I don't even want to know what it is. They're going to come crying about this, and I'll need to be able to keep a straight face when I tell them I have no fucking idea what they're talking about.



I can only hope you've kept our involvement in this affair as difficult to trace as possible. If the Orochi knew we'd been lifting classified documents off the mainframe of one of their most secret operations. I can only begin to imagine their reaction.

Using their own equipment to transmit showed your ability for quick thinking. They'll have a hard time proving anything even if they suspect it was us.

Ultimately, I'm going to have to reserve my reaction on this one. It's all going to depend on how clean our noses will be officially when the dust settles. Any information about the 3rd Age, however, is usually priceless and I'm sure Gladstone will be doing some mental cartwheels down in the library when he hears.

R. Sonnac


There are 4 tiers to this mission.

As you're moving around in the Orochi Camp, watch out for the various Orochi drones (Sentry Bot, Combat Simulacrum, and Engineering Simulacrum). There does not seem to be any difference between the types of drones - if any spot you, you will be knocked unconscious and dumped outside the Orochi Camp.

There are also security lights/cameras on some of the tents. If you step into their light, they will begin to send out a warning signal that will sommon drones.

Tier 1/4

  • Find a way to access the Orochi mainframe
    • Inside the tent, at (24,902), use the laptop, "Orochi research mainframe"
  • Hack the mainframe
    • Against the northernmost wall inside the tent is a body with "1981" scrawled in blood on the floor
    • Password = 1981

Tier 2/4

  • Copy the Sentinel data
    • Use the "Research station: Sentinels" laptop, in the tent next to where you first got the mission, at (56,882)
  • Copy the Black Pharoah data
    • Use the "Research station: Black Pharaoh" laptop, just outside the western end of one of the tents, at (48,944)
  • Copy the 3rd Age data
    • Use the "Research station: Third Age research" laptop, inside a small tent, at (57,962)
    • Laptop will malfunction, and will need repairs to obtain the data

Tier 3/4

  • Find an Orochi TFA-34 Battery
    • At (86,984), on top of some crates marked with bio-hazard symbols
  • Find an Orochi SR Heatsink
    • At (75,973), on a footlocker between some cots
  • Find an Orochi RNRG Impulse Panel
  • Repair the laptop and recover the data
    • Go back to the laptop and use it again

Tier 4/4

  • Get to high ground and transmit the data
    • Go up the trail, starting at (109,943) to the area marked on the map
  • Start the upload
  • Ensure the transmission completes (Timed 2:00 minutes)
    • EMP Drones will try to stop the transmission.
    • A single hit on a drone will provoke a harmless auto-destruct. Stay away from the server or the detonation will stop the transmission.
    • If a drone is able to get close to the server and stop the process, you will get the mission update of "Restart the upload" and will have to use the Server again and start the 2:00 minute timer over again

Other Information

  • The screenshot for the Black Pharaoh research station seems to have a lot of hex codes on it, but they do not seem to translate to anything readable.

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