The City Beneath Us/tsw

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The City Beneath Us/tsw
Region: Valley of the Sun God
Zone: Scorched Desert
Start Location: Hotel Wahid International
Start Coords: 835, 590
End location: [[Al-Merayah Foundations]]
Given by: Saïd
Type: Action
Requires: A Time to Every Purpose
Reward: 498,680 Experience Experience
Repeatable: Yes
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update Update 1.6

You must work with Saïd to keep the cultists from delivery an ancient and unstable device akin to the one used in Tokyo. Said will use his contacts to keep them from the ports of Cairo, while you find a way to contain the device.



You hand Saïd the Ancile that you recovered for him.
Saïd: Oh, nice.
Saïd: This is nice. It's a forgery, but it's a decent one.
Saïd: Don't worry, one of you is bound to luck out.
Saïd: While you were gone I confirmed the bad news:
Saïd: They've gotten hold of a second Class-1 device, meaning a second Tokyo may be imminent.
Saïd: Tokyo, now there's something I'd like to wipe off my resume.
Saïd: I suppose the only way to do that is to keep it from happening again.
Saïd: Now, you're familiar with how these destructive wonders work, yes?
Saïd: You have these sources of Third Age power - remarkable things
Saïd: - and then you have these equally remarkable arks that were designed to secure them.
Saïd: It's that simple. Container, contained. They were meant for each other.
Saïd: Well, apparently not everyone sees it that way.
Saïd: They're preparing to move the device out of al-Merayah sans ark.
Saïd: Oh, sure, I see the reasoning.
Saïd: Why bother securing something incredibly unstable if you can twirl it around and risk all of Egypt.
Saïd: They've got a ship waiting for them in Cairo.
Saïd: I'll find out where they are and keep them there.
Saïd: You poke around with the locals, see if you can dig up an ark.
Saïd sits back down in his chair to relax and have a cup of tea
Saïd: Oh what a team we make!

Tier 1

Zhara, Local History 1:

Zhara: I love this town.
Zhara: It may not look like much; it's not New York or Paris! But it has soul.
Zhara: An old soul, stained and musty, but also robust and authentic.
Zhara: I know, I know; it is just a small town in the middle of the desert,
Zhara: far away from big cities and civilisation.
Zhara: I know because this is why I come here in the first place.
Zhara: I like being far away.

Zhara, Local History 2:

Zhara: Since I arrived, I decided to learn all there is about Al-Merayah.
Zhara: I have read books and documents, spoken with the elders, looked at records,
Zhara: explored every building, every nook, every cranny.
Zhara: Al-Merayah is older than you may think. Don't be fooled by appearances.
Zhara: Below this town is an older town; below that again is an even older one.
Zhara: And so on, back to the days of the pharaohs. We are standing on history itself.

Zhara, Local History 3:

Zhara: And this town has many, many secrets.
Zhara: Secrets that may be important to what is going on here now.
Zhara: I like mysteries, but I also like being alive, and there are places I cannot go,
Zhara: doors I cannot - should not - open.
Zhara: I tell you because maybe you can change the course of history by learning from history, by stepping into history.
Zhara: By learning to know the soul of Al-Merayah.

Tier 2, Phone Call

Phone call from Saïd

Saïd: Rumor has it you've stumbled onto something. My capacity to inspire competence never ceases to amaze. I'll be there as soon as I can. In the meantime, try not to touch anything.

Tier 2, Saïd Appears

Saïd comes running up from behind you.

Saïd: I assume you've escorted royalty before?
Saïd: I can't even remember what I was once a prince of.
Saïd: The details are hazy, but I distinctly remember pomp and pageantry.
Saïd: And the Cult of Osiris.
Saïd: And the girls of Abydos.

Tier 2, Arrival at Time Tomb

As you and Saïd approach the Time Tomb

Saïd: Oh that's just marvelous.
Saïd: Where have you been all my life?
Saïd: Anka ka habi...
Saïd: You know, there's something familiar about all this.
Saïd: Brr. Nostalgia. Has a way of sneaking up on you.
Saïd: You go on ahead, I'm going to get acquainted with our friend here.

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: Find a friendly local to tell you more about the layout and history of al-Merayah - someone who may know about possible dig sites and, ultimately, the location of an ark
    • Learn about local history and possible dig sites
  • Tier 2: al-Merayah was built out of rubble of forgotten histories. Zhara has studied this past, traced it back to the first Pharaohs and beyond. There is one door in particular that she is scared to open, a dangerous passage that holds many secrets of the past
    • Find a way to access the foundations of al-Merayah
    • Explore the excavation
    • Move deeper into the excavation site
    • Bring SaSaïd id to the Time Tomb
    • Find and acquire the Ark
    • Return to the Time Tomb



Dragon.png Illuminati.png Templars.png All Factions

Buzz, buzz, buzz. Fine, let’s be formal and text it all out. I suppose you want a record of our dealings for the benefit of your employer:

So for the record: yes, I helped smuggle that first bomb out of Egypt. But believe it or not, Tokyo has been bad for business. That is why I’m eager to stop them from doing it again. My interest in the tombs stems merely from a desire to make things right. Scout’s honour!

All evidence suggests that it’s impossible to make up for the big things, the terrible things, the inevitable things – those have a way of ripping through all potentialities. History goes to great lengths to conserve even the worst of itself.

But it is possible to tweak the past without disrupting the foundations. Learn to take the pulse of history. Tinker when it wants you to. The Third Age had it all down to a science. They had everything down to a science.



There are 2 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/2

  • Learn about local history and dig sites
    • Head to Cafe Giza and speak with Zhara.
    • Use her red dialogue box and ask her about "Local History".
      • You only have to listen to the first part, but you can select it twice more to hear it all.

Tier 2/2

  • Find a way to access the foundations of al-Merayah
  • Explore the excavation
    • The quest will advance shortly after entering the rough-walled passage
  • Move deeper into the excavation site
    • You'll come to a tiled platform and get a cutscene overlooking another time tomb. Saïd will run up from behind you.
  • Bring Saïd to the Time Tomb
    • Does not fight and will refuse to move on until you have killed all the mobs in an area.
  • Find and acquire the Ark
    • Jump over the gap and go through the doorway to the northwest
    • There will be a barrier wall holding back a filth-spider
<Spoiler text="Clue 1">Look at the symbols behind the spider</spoiler>
<Spoiler text="Solution">Use the sumbols outside the barrier in the same order as they are inside - 2 lines, funky "n", 3 lines</spoiler>

Other Information


  • Cult of Osiris - It was because of the legend of Osiris that Egyptians believed they had the right to be transformed and to live in the afterlife.
  • Girls of Abydos - Abydos was one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt, easily dating before 3,100 BC. The city was called Abdju in the ancient Egyptian language meaning "the hill of the symbol or reliquary", a reference to a reliquary in which the sacred head of Osiris was preserved.
  • Anka ka habi - Could mean something along the lines of "spirit of the Nile", but it is uncertain what the proper translation should be



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