The Echoing Doom of Solomon Island

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The Echoing Doom of Solomon Island
Vestige of the Nameless Days (Solomon Island).png
Region: Solomon Island
Zone: Savage Coast
Start Coords: No Data
Given by: Vestige of the Nameless Days (Solomon Island)
Type: Item
Reward: 398,940 Experience Experience
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: Update Seasonal

The past returns, an echo locked in time and anchored to the places where the Dreaming Ones lie close to the surface. These creatures out of time must be defeated.


  • None

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: A huge mayan beast, an echo of the apocalypse, has returned to roam the familiar occult hotspots. Defeat the creature and banish the echo from this timeline.
    • Defeat the Vestige of the Nameless Days




When you've done something enough, it becomes routine. Do it a few million more times, and it becomes instinct. Have you wondered, perhaps, that the Mayan calendar has started anew? That we now have 13 more B'ak'tun where these monsters will return every year to stalk the earth. Perhaps it will all feel a little routine in years and decades to come. For now, hone your instincts.


So apparently the Mayans were shitty timekeepers. It's not really that surprising considering they lived a few thousand years before the swatch watch. Yeah the swatch? They're just recruiting you little fuckers right out of preschool now, aren't they?

Anyway, well done in defeating [GENERIC APOCALYPTIC THREAT] and here is your [GENERIC REWARD]. Oh and Leah warned me that my form letter system was playing up so you might see some [GENERIC FLIRTATION] and a [DICK JOKE]. Anyway, you'll figure it out.


I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time to send you this report. Dame Julia and Mrs Plimsworth have been enjoying a christmas brandy or two and I am afraid things have gotten rather out of control here. My sincerest congratulations in defeating the Mayan spawn - it seems clear that the End of Days are really only just beginning. Not entirely unexpected of course, but the- THIS IS DAME JULIA STOP SEXTING WITH DICK HE IS A GOOD BOY AND DOESN'T NEED YOUR FILTHY ATTENTIONS ALSO MERRY XMAS.


There is only 1 tier to this mission

Tier 1/2

Other Information

  • This mission is not picked up like a normal mission, but is granted, and completed, automatically upon killing the Vestige of the Nameless Days (Solomon Island)
  • There is no cooldown for this mission, and can be completed as fast as you can find and kill the Vestige


  • Tlatlacatecoloh - From the reward bag is plural for tlacatecolotl, which is Nahuatl for "Demon", "Bounty of the Demons"
  • "Nameless Days" is the 5 days on the Haab' at the end of the year. Since the year started on Winter Solstice, the "Nameless Days" would be approximately December 16th through 20th (depending on exactly where the solstice falls).



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