Just a Flesh Wound

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Just a Flesh Wound
Dr Aldini.jpg
Region: Hub
Zone: New York
Start Location: The Modern Prometheus
Start Coords: No Data
End location: [[The Modern Prometheus]]
Given by: Dr Aldini
Type: Action
Reward: 299,200 Experience Experience
Repeatable: No
Game Version: TSWicon.png TSW
Added in: [[Update Update 1.4]]

Dr Aldini is looking for a competent assistant, someone willing to go the extra mile in the service of science. Specifically, he needs new flesh for his latest grand experiment - the creation of a perfect being..



Dr Aldini: Hey there! Du... Du du! Yes, you.. You're just in time!
Dr Aldini: In the right place, at the right time, you lucky bastard. (Chuckles)
Dr Aldini: Do you want to contribute to science?
Dr Aldini: To be in the service of the great scientist Giovanni and Anton Aldini?
Dr Aldini: To become a proud collaborator to the scientific revolution...
Dr Aldini: and to be mentioned quite prominently in the footnotes, eh?
Dr Aldini: Vänta lite. Vänta lite. Wait, wait, wait.
Dr Aldini: Don't answer. I know exactly what you're going to say.
Dr Aldini: "Yes Dr Aldini. Dear God, yes!
Dr Aldini: I want to serve humanity, science and the arts.
Dr Aldini: I want to contribute to this great cause,
Dr Aldini: and I will do so without the promise of being compensated or rewarded!"
Dr Aldini: (Chuckles) Yes!
Dr Aldini: No, no, no, no. Nej, nej, nej, nej. I'm not an ungrateful man.
Dr Aldini: I will give you one free visit to my clinic!
Dr Aldini: Helvete, helvetes... All right. Listen,
Dr Aldini: I will share some of my findings with you, I promise.
Dr Aldini: Perhaps...
Dr Aldini: give you your own perfect being... Like a companion
Dr Aldini: or...a slave (chuckles).
Dr Aldini: Now I see you're interested, eh?
Dr Aldini: Jättebra! Jättebra! Jättebra! Good! Good! Good!
Dr Aldini: We're partners then! Right?

Tier 2

Dr Aldini talks to you over some speakers

Dr Aldini: Listen! Listen! Listen! I need samples. Organic materials. Understand? To build the perfect being, we need the perfect building blocks. No? Yes! Good!

Tier 3

Dr Aldini talks to you over some speakers

Dr Aldini: Nämen vafaan, what is this nudå? Nämen jag- I can't use this one for anything... Look at this! It's foul and rotten! Is this the best you can do?

Tier 4

After you collect the first piece of fresh meat and also after collecting 2/3 more meat:

Dr Aldini: Just det, perfekt! Ooh, it's so per-perfect. Meaning perfect. Yeah, more like this. More like this.

After you collect 1/3 more pieces of meat and also after collecting 3/3 more meat:

Dr Aldini: Det här är bra. Det här är bra. Good, good, good, good, good! Keep it comping.

Tier 5

After you complete the mission:

Dr Aldini: I can get started. You come back and see me sometime. Bye bye! Bye bye! What what? Vafan sa du? Your reward? No-no! No, no, no. It's not ready but you come back some other time and we'll see about it, okay? Sayonara, amigo!

Journal Entries

  • Tier 1: You'll need special instruments to acquire the raw materials Dr Aldidni has in mind. Pick up his bag of tools and search for suitable subjects inside his meat locker.
    • Pick up Dr Aldini's bag of tools
    • Enter Dr Aldini's meat locker
  • Tier 2: Dr Aldini has trusted you with some of his most precious instruments. Use the different tools inside the bag to determine which one is best for removing limbs from corpses. As with everything related to Dr Aldini's work, it may require some trial and error.
    • Retrieve a tool from Dr Aldini's bag
    • Kill a rotten nurse
    • Hack limbs from the corpse with the hammer
    • Try another tool from Dr Aldini's bag
    • Cut limbs fro the corpse with the sword
    • Try another tool from Dr Aldini's bag
  • Saw limbs from the corpse with the rusty saw
  • Try another tool from Dr Aldini's bag
  • Saw limbs from the corpse with the chainsaw
  • Tier 3: The chainsaw is the most effective of the instruments. Use the chainsaw to saw limbs from corpses. Once you've collected enough of these raw materials, send them up to Dr Aldini using the drop box in the pneumatic tube.
    • Collect body parts from rotten nurses (0/20)
    • Deposit the body parts into drop box
  • Tier 4: These body parts are foul and rotten. Dr Aldini needs fresh meat to make the perfect being.
    • Find fresh meat in the meat locker
    • Take a piece of the Flesh Blob
    • Weaken the Flesh Blob
    • Collect meat from the Flesh Blob
    • Collect more pieces (0/3)
  • Tier 5: The pneumatic tube is still backed up from your last delivery. Deliver the fresh flesh samples in person.
    • Subdue the reanimated piece of blob
    • Deliver the flesh to Dr Aldini


You will also receive the Scarred Leatherface as a reward for the Aldini's Assistant achievement.



Throwing a chainsaw into any existing model makes it inherently more interesting. The precise science of it is peculiar to us - no doubt rooted in Aldini's talent not only for fashioning curious monstrosities, but curious instruments as well. The end result is that you can now channel your powers through that chainsaw. We recommend you get out there and see what it can do. After all, experimentation is the engine of life.

We may not all share the doctor's desires, nor his definitions of science and art. However, how can his project not fascinate us? Let the man work. Whether the result is exquisite or gruesome, we will all have something to learn about the boundaries of flesh.


Oh god this is gross. Can't turn away. Now get out there and rock that chainsaw for all its worth. Zurn isn't quite capable of explaining it - at least not to me - but it seems your extended use of Aldini's homemade machine has kicked in some kind of extra-curricular capacities. I.e. you can now channel your powers through a fucking chainsaw.

Meanwhile, I'll keep tabs on Aldini and let you know when he's done with his little flesh creation. I've got a whole army on backorder, so I'm as eager as you are.



The "doctor" is now hard at work on his little creation. I hope you're proud of this contribution to science. Personally, I do not consider it your grandest moment. And you're not really planning to use a chainsaw out there, are you? Frightfully, your prolonged and strained interaction with it - in conjunction with whatever dark engineering Aldini has access to - means that it is now capable of channelling your powers.

Frankly, I find this all very disgusting. I want no more to do with it.

R. Sonnac


There are 5 tiers to this mission.

Tier 1/5

  • Pick up Dr Aldini's bag of tools
    • Yellow-outlined bag, in the corner of the room next to the refrigerator
    • You will receive Dr Aldini's Bag of Tools in your inventory
  • Enter Dr Aldini's meat locker

Tier 2/5

  • Retrieve a tool from Dr Aldini's bag
  • Kill a Rotten Nurse
    • There are many of them in the room ahead
  • Hack limbs from the corpse with the hammer
    • "Use" the corpse to try the hammer
  • Try another tool from Dr Aldini's bag
  • Cut limbs from the corpse with the sword
    • You'll have to kill another Rotten Nurse
    • The sword lacks surgical precision
  • Try another tool from Dr Aldini's bag
  • Saw limbs from the corpse with the rusty saw
    • Use the corpse
    • The saw is as likely to infect flesh as saw it off
  • Try another tool from Dr Aldini's bag
  • Saw limbs from the corpse with the chainsaw
    • Use the corpse
    • Power and precision!

Tier 3

  • 0/20 - Collect body parts from Rotten Nurses
    • Just run around killing Rotten Nurses and then using the corpses to collect limbs
    • You'll get 2 or 3 limbs per corpse
  • Deposit the body parts into drop box
    • Yellow-outlined pneumatic tube box on the right wall as you're heading towards the exit

Tier 4

  • Find fresh meat in the meat locker
    • Run down to the end of the locker. There will be a "meat wall" over top of some bars
    • Use the yellow-outlined "Flesh Cordon" to get through
    • Click on the Flesh Blob to advance
  • Take a piece of the Flesh Blob
  • Weaken the Flesh Blob
    • You only have to get it down to 3/4 health remaining before it will collapse and stop fighting
  • Collect meat from the Flesh Blob
    • "Use" it while it is inert. It will only remain so for a short time, if you don't use it in time you'll have to fight it back down to 3/4 health again
  • 0/3 Collect more pieces
    • Keep fighting and collecting. About each 1/4 health it will stop and drop and you can collect a piece.
    • NOTE: do NOT leave the little cell it is in. If you do, the Flesh Blob will stand at the door and you will not be able to get back into the cell. If you lose line of sight with him through the opening, he will reset and you'll have to start over collecting all 3 pieces

Tier 5

Other Information


  • From the dialogue, his non-English words are Swedish. Sometimes he repeats himself in English, sometimes not
    • Vänta lite - Wait
    • Nej - No
    • Helvete - Hell
    • Jättebra - Great
    • Nämen vafaan - What the fuck
    • nudå - now then (Seems to indicate a rhetorical question?)
    • Nämen jag - Oh I am
    • Just det - Just right/exactly
    • Det här är bra - This is great
    • Vafan sa du? - What the hell did you say?



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